
One of the best features of WebPack is that you can import any type of file from the Loader in addition to JavaScript.

Webpack Core Concepts:

  • Entry(Entry) : Webpack performs the first step in the build starting with Entry, which can be abstracted into input.
  • Output(Exit) : Instructs WebPack how and where to export
  • ModuleModules: In Webpack everything is a module, a module corresponds to a file. Webpack recursively finds all dependent modules starting from the configured Entry.
  • Chunk(code block) : a ChunkIt is composed of multiple modulesFor code merge and split.
  • Loader(Module converter) : used to convert the original content of the module into new content as required.
  • Plugin(Extension) : Events are broadcast at specific times in the Webpack build process, and plug-ins can listen for these events and change the output

Configuration items

  1. Entrance to the Entry
entry: {
  a: "./app/entry-a".b: ["./app/entry-b1"."./app/entry-b2"]},Copy the code

Multiple entries can be injected separately via HtmlWebpackPlugin

plugins: [
  new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    chunks: ['a'].filename: 'test.html'.template: 'src/assets/test.html'})]Copy the code
  1. Export Output

Modifying path Correlation

  • publicPath: does not affect the generated file directory, mainly for your page to introduce the path of resources to do the corresponding completion
  • filename: Can change the file name and file directory

Export library correlation

  • library: Specifies the name of the export library
  • libraryTarget: Common template definition mode
  1. Module, the Module

Webpack everything is a Module, configuration item Module, define the various operations of the Module,

Module main configuration:

  • loader: Various module converters
  • extensions: Specifies the extension to use
  • alias: alias, for example, vue- Common on the CLI@From here,
  1. other
  • plugins: List of plug-ins
  • devServer: Development environment-related configurations, such asproxy
  • externals: Package the exclusion module
  • target: The environment in which packages should run, defaultweb

Webpack executes the process

Webpack executes the following process from start to finish:

  1. Initialization: Resolve webPack configuration parameters, productionCompilerThe instance
  2. Registered plug-in: invoking a plug-inapplyMethod passed to the plug-incompilerInstance, and the plug-in calls the API provided by Webpack through compiler, allowing the plug-in to listen for all subsequent event nodes.
  3. Entry: Reads entry files
  4. Parsing files: UseloaderParse files into abstract syntax treesAST
  5. Generate dependency graph: Find dependencies for each file (traversal)
  6. Output: Generated from converted codechunk
  7. Generate the last packaged file

Ps: Because WebPack dynamically loads all dependencies based on dependency diagrams, each module can explicitly state its dependencies and avoid packing unused modules.


Babel is a toolchain for converting ECMAScript 2015+ version code into backward compatible JavaScript syntax so that it can run in current and older browsers or other environments:

The syntax parser used inside Babel is Babylon

The main function

  • The syntax conversion
  • throughPolyfillWay to add missing features to the target environment (through@babel/polyfillModule)
  • Source code conversion (codemods)

The main module

  • @babel/parser: is responsible for parsing code into an abstract syntax tree
  • @babel/traverse: a tool to walk through an abstract syntax tree, where we can parse specific nodes and then do some operations
  • @babel/core: Code conversion, such as ES6 code to ES5 mode

Webpack packages the results

In a typical application or site built using WebPack, there are three main types of code:

  1. Source code: source code written by you or your team.
  2. Dependencies: Your source code will depend on any third partylibraryOr”vendor“Code.
  3. Management Documents:webpackruntimeusemanifestManage the interaction of all modules.

Runtime: Connects the loading and parsing logic required by modules when they interact. This includes links to loaded modules in the browser and execution logic for lazily loaded modules.

Manifest: When the compiler starts executing, parsing, and mapping the application, it retains the detailed essentials of all modules. This data set is called the “Manifest”, and when packaged and sent to the browser, modules are parsed and loaded at runtime through the Manifest. No matter which module syntax you choose, those import or require statements are now converted to the webpack_require method, which points to the module identifier. Using the manifest data, Runtime will be able to query module identifiers and retrieve the corresponding modules behind them.

Among them:

  • importrequireThe statement is converted to__webpack_require__
  • Asynchronous imports are converted torequire.ensure(Use the Promise wrapper in Webpack 4)

To compare

  • gulpTask runner: Used to automate common development tasks such as checking items (Lint), building (build), testing (test)
  • webpackBundler: Helps you take JavaScript and style sheets ready for deployment and convert them into a usable format for your browser. For example, JavaScript can compress, split chunks, and lazily load,

Implementing a Loader

Loader is a js file that exports a function that returns a buffer or string.

Such as:

// log-loader.js
module.exports = function (source) {
  console.log('test... ', source)
  return source
Copy the code

In use, if log-loader is not in node_modules, then path import can be used.

Implement a Plugin

Plugin: is a class that contains apply methods.

Such as:

class DemoWebpackPlugin {
    constructor () {
        console.log('Initialize plug-in')
    apply (compiler) {

module.exports = DemoWebpackPlugin
Copy the code

The Apply method receives a compiler parameter, which is the WebPack instance. Because of this parameter, plugin can make good use of the WebPack lifecycle hook to do some operations at different time nodes.

Webpack optimization overview

Webpack is a way to speed up packaging

  1. useincludeexcludeSpeed up file search
  2. useHappyPackEnabling Multiple ProcessesLoaderconversion
  3. useParallelUglifyPluginEnable multi-process JS compression
  4. useDllPlugin + DllReferencePluginSeparate packaging
    1. willlibraryProject codeSeparate packaging
    2. DLL mapping files are required
  5. Configure the cache (plug-in built-in loader, not supported can be usedcache-loader)

Webpack method to speed up code

  1. Code compression
  2. Remove the public module
  3. Lazy loading module
  4. Convert small images to Base64 to reduce requests
  5. Prefetch (prefetch) | | preload (preload)
  6. The elves figure
  7. webpack-bundle-analyzerThe code analysis

Webpack optimizes the details

Webpack 4.6.0+ adds support for prefetching and preloading.

Dynamic import

  import(/* webpackChunkName: "lodash"* /'lodash'// Use webpackChunkName in comments. // This will cause our individual package to be named, lodash.bundle.js // instead of just [id].bundle.js.Copy the code

Prefetch: Some navigation resources may be required in the future

  • As long as the parentchunkWhen the load is complete,webpackWill addprefetch
  import(/* webpackPrefetch: true* /'LoginModal'); / / will < link rel ="prefetch" href="login-modal-chunk.js"> it is appended at the beginning of the pageCopy the code

Preload: Resources may be required during the current navigation

  • preloadChunk starts loading in parallel when the parent chunk loads
  • Incorrect usewebpackPreloadIt’s gonna hurt performance,
  import(/* webpackPreload: true* /'ChartingLibrary'); // While loading the parent chunk, // also passes <link rel="preload"> request charting library -- the chunkCopy the code
DllPlugin + DllReferencePlugin

To greatly reduce build time, separate packaging.

Both the DllReferencePlugin and the DLL plugin DllPlugin are used in the _ plus _ webpack setup.

DllPlugin this plugin creates a DLL only bundle(DLL-only -bundle) in an additional separate Webpack setup. The plugin generates a file named manifest.json, which is used to map the DLLReferencePlugin to related dependencies.


  new webpack.DllPlugin({
    context: __dirname,
    name: "[name]_[hash]",
    path: path.join(__dirname, "manifest.json"})),Copy the code


  new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
    context: __dirname,
    manifest: require("./manifest.json"),
    name: "./my-dll.js",
    scope: "xyz".sourceType: "commonjs2"
Copy the code

By stripping out the common modules, the resultant files can be loaded once at the beginning and stored in the cache for later use. This gives a speed boost because the browser quickly removes the common code from the cache, rather than loading a larger file every time a new page is visited.

If the public file is extracted from a file, then when the user visits a web page, loads the public file, and then visits other pages that rely on the public file, the file is directly used in the browser’s cache, and the public file is transferred only once.

  entry: {
    vendor: ["jquery"."other-lib"], // Specify the third-party library app:"./entry"
  plugins: [
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
      name: "vendor",
      // filename: "vendor.js"// (give chunk a different name) minChunks: Infinity, // (with more and more entry chunks, // this configuration ensures that no other modules will be packed into Vendor Chunk)})] // Packaged file <script SRC ="vendor.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  <script src="app.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Copy the code

Basically, scaffolding includes this plug-in, which analyzes the JS code syntax tree and understands the meaning of the code to optimize for removing invalid code, removing log input code, shortening variable names, and so on.

  const UglifyJSPlugin = require('webpack/lib/optimize/UglifyJsPlugin'); / /... plugins: [ new UglifyJSPlugin({ compress: { warnings:false// Drop useless code without warning drop_console:true// Delete all console statements in IE Collapse_vars:true, // Inline variable reduce_vars that are defined but used only once:true}, output: {beautify: {beautify: {beautify: {beautify: {beautify: {beautify:false// The most compact output with no Spaces and no tabs comments:false, // delete all comments}})]Copy the code
ExtractTextPlugin + PurifyCSSPlugin

The ExtractTextPlugin extracts text (CSS) from bundles into separate files. The PurifyCSSPlugin purifies CSS.

  module.exports = {
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.css$/,
          loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
            fallback: 'style-loader',
            use: [
                loader: 'css-loader',
                options: {
                  localIdentName: 'purify_[hash:base64:5]',
                  modules: true
    plugins: [
      new PurifyCSSPlugin({
        purifyOptions: {
          whitelist: ['*purify*']}})]};Copy the code

DefinePlugin automatically detects environmental changes and is efficient.

In front-end development, different configurations are required in different application environments. For example, the API Mocker of the development environment, data forgery in the testing process, and debugging information printing. If you manually process this configuration information, it is cumbersome and error prone.

Global constants configured using DefinePlugin

Note that because this plug-in performs text substitution directly, the given value must contain the actual quotes inside the string itself. In general, there are two ways to achieve this effect, using ‘ ‘production’ ‘, or using json.stringify (‘production’).

New webpack.defineplugin ({// Of course, the configuration file should be context-specific when running the Node server // Run the configuration in the test environment simulated below'process.env':JSON.stringify('dev'),
        WP_CONF: JSON.stringify('dev'),}),Copy the code

Test DefinePlugin: write

    if (WP_CONF === 'dev') {
        console.log('This is dev');
    } else {
        console.log('This is prod');
Copy the code

When packaged, WP_CONF === ‘dev’ will compile to false

    if (false) {
        console.log('This is dev');
    } else {
        console.log('This is prod');
Copy the code
Clear unreachable code

When the DefinePlugin plugin is used, packaged code has a lot of redundancy. You can clear unreachable code with UglifyJsPlugin.

        new UglifyJsPlugin({
            uglifyOptions: {
            compress: {
                warnings: false// Remove warning dead_code:true// Remove unreachable code}, warnings:false}})]Copy the code

The final packing code will become console.log(‘This is prod’)

Attached Uglify documentation: github.com/mishoo/Ugli…

Use DefinePlugin to distinguish the environment + UglifyJsPlugin to remove unreachable code to reduce the size of the packaged code


HappyPack can enable multi-process Loader conversion to split tasks into sub-processes and send the results to the main process.


  exports.plugins = [
    new HappyPack({
      id: 'jsx',
      threads: 4,
      loaders: [ 'babel-loader' ]

    new HappyPack({
      id: 'styles',
      threads: 2,
      loaders: [ 'style-loader'.'css-loader'.'less-loader']})]; exports.module.rules = [ {test: /\.js$/,
      use: 'happypack/loader? id=jsx'

      test: /\.less$/,
      use: 'happypack/loader? id=styles'},]Copy the code

ParallelUglifyPlugin enables multi-process compression of JS files

  import ParallelUglifyPlugin from 'webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin';

  module.exports = {
    plugins: [
      new ParallelUglifyPlugin({
        uglifyJS: {
        uglifyES: {
Copy the code

Webpack packages the result analysis plug-in

  const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin;
  module.exports = {
    plugins: [
      new BundleAnalyzerPlugin()
Copy the code
test & include & exclude

Speed up file search by reducing the scope

The sample

    test: /\.css$/,
    include: [
      path.resolve(__dirname, "app/styles"),
      path.resolve(__dirname, "vendor/styles")]}Copy the code

This is not a plugin, it is a configuration option for WENpack

The externals configuration option provides the method to “exclude dependencies from the output bundle”. Instead, the bundles created depend on those dependencies that exist in the consumer’s environment. This feature is usually most useful to library developers, but there are a variety of applications that use it.

  entry: {
    entry: './src/main.js',
    vendor: ['vue'.'vue-router'.'vuex'}, externals: {externals: {externals: {externals: {externals: {externals: {externals: {externals: {externals:}'echarts',}Copy the code

Webpack HMR principle analysis

Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

Contains the following contents:

  1. Hot update figure
  2. Description of hot update procedure

Step 1: Webpack watches the file system into memory

Webpack-dev-middleware calls webpack’s API to the file system Watch. When a file changes, Webpack recompiles the file and saves it to memory.

Webpack packs bundle.js files into memory. The reason for not generating files is that accessing code in memory is faster than accessing files in the file system, and it also reduces the overhead of writing code to files.

All thanks to memory-FS, a dependent library for Webpack-dev-Middleware, Webpack-dev-middleware replaces webpack’s original outputFileSystem with a MemoryFileSystem instance, so the code is exported to memory.

The source code for webpack-dev-Middleware is as follows:

// compiler // webpack-dev-middleware/lib/Shared.js var isMemoryFs = ! compiler.compilers && compiler.outputFileSystem instanceof MemoryFileSystem;if(isMemoryFs) {
      fs = compiler.outputFileSystem;
  } else {
      fs = compiler.outputFileSystem = new MemoryFileSystem();
Copy the code
Step 2: devServer notifies the browser that the file has changed

When devServer is started, SockJS establishes a webSocket long connection between the server side and the browser side to inform the browser of the various stages of webPack compilation and packaging. The most important step is that webpack-dev-server calls webpack API to listen for the done event of compile. When compile is complete, Webpack-dev-server sends the hash value of the compiled and packaged new module to the browser using the _sendStatus method.

  // webpack-dev-server/lib/Server.js
  compiler.plugin('done', (stats) => {// stats.hash is the latest packaged filehashValue of enclosing _sendStats (enclosing sockets, stats. ToJson (clientStats)); this._stats = stats; }); . Server.prototype._sendStats =function (sockets, stats, force) {
    if(! force && stats && (! stats.errors || stats.errors.length === 0) && stats.assets && stats.assets.every(asset => ! asset.emitted) ) {return this.sockWrite(sockets, 'still-ok'); } // Calling the sockWrite method willhashThe value is sent to the browser via websocket this.sockWrite(Sockets,'hash', stats.hash);
    if (stats.errors.length > 0) { this.sockWrite(sockets, 'errors', stats.errors); } 
    else if (stats.warnings.length > 0) { this.sockWrite(sockets, 'warnings', stats.warnings); }      else { this.sockWrite(sockets, 'ok'); }};Copy the code
Step 3: webpack-dev-server/client responds to the server message

Webpack-dev-server modifies the Entry property in the WebPack configuration to add webpack-dev-client code so that the final bundle.js file will receive the code for webSocket messages.

Webpack-dev-server /client stores the hash value temporarily after receiving the hash message of type OK. After receiving the message of type OK, the reload operation is performed on the application.

In the reload operation, webpack-dev-server/client decides whether to refresh the browser or do a hot update (HMR) to the code based on the hot configuration. The code is as follows:

  // webpack-dev-server/client/index.js
  hash: function msgHash(hash) {
      currentHash = hash;
  ok: function msgOk() {/ /... reloadApp(); } / /...function reloadApp() {/ /...if (hot) {
      log.info('[WDS] App hot update... ');
      const hotEmitter = require('webpack/hot/emitter');
      hotEmitter.emit('webpackHotUpdate', currentHash);
      // ...
    } else {
      log.info('[WDS] App updated. Reloading... '); self.location.reload(); }}Copy the code
Step 4: Webpack receives the latest hash value validation and requests the module code

First, webpack/hot/dev-server (dev-server) listens for the webpackHotUpdate message sent by webpack-dev-server/client. Call webpack/lib/HotModuleReplacement runtime (hereinafter referred to as HMR runtime) method of the check, detect whether there are new updates.

In the process of the check will use webpack/lib/JsonpMainTemplate runtime (hereinafter referred to as the json runtime) hotDownloadManifest and two of the method HotDownloadUpdateChunk.

HotDownloadManifest is a call to AJAX to request the server whether there is an updated file, if there is an updated file list back to the browser. This method returns the latest hash value.

HotDownloadUpdateChunk requests the latest module code via JSONP and sends it back to HMR Runtime, which does further processing based on the new module code, either refreshing the page or hot updating the module. This method returns the code block corresponding to the latest hash value.

Finally, the new code block is returned to HMR Runtime for module hot update.

Ps: why is the code for updating the module not sent directly to the browser via websocket in step 3, but obtained via JSONP?

Dev-server /client is only responsible for message passing and not for new module fetching. This should be done by HMR Runtime. HMR Runtime should be the place to fetch new code. Another interesting thing about using Webpack-hot-middleware is that it’s possible to use webpack-hot-middleware in conjunction with Webpack without using webpack-dev-server. Instead of using a Websocket, it uses an EventSource. In summary, new module code should not be placed in webSocket messages in the HMR workflow.

Step 5: HotModuleReplacement. The runtime for hot update module

This step is a key step in the overall module hot update (HMR), and module hot updates occur in the hotApply method in THE HMR Runtime

  // webpack/lib/HotModuleReplacement.runtime
  function hotApply() {/ /... var idx; var queue = outdatedModules.slice();while(queue.length > 0) {
          moduleId = queue.pop();
          module = installedModules[moduleId];
          // ...
          // remove module from cache
          delete installedModules[moduleId];
          // when disposing there is no need to call dispose handler
          delete outdatedDependencies[moduleId];
          // remove "parents" references from all children
          for(j = 0; j < module.children.length; j++) {
              var child = installedModules[module.children[j]];
              if(! child)continue;
              idx = child.parents.indexOf(moduleId);
              if(idx >= 0) { child.parents.splice(idx, 1); }}} //... // insert new codefor(moduleId in appliedUpdate) {
          if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(appliedUpdate, moduleId)) { modules[moduleId] = appliedUpdate[moduleId]; }} / /... }Copy the code

If an error occurs during the hot update process, the hot update will revert to the refresh browser. This part of the code is in the dev-server code, the brief code is as follows:

  module.hot.check(true).then(function(updatedModules) {
    if(! updatedModules) {return window.location.reload();
    // ...
  }).catch(function(err) {
      var status = module.hot.status();
      if(["abort"."fail"].indexOf(status) >= 0) { window.location.reload(); }});Copy the code
Step 6: What does the business code need to do?

After replacing the old module with the new module code, our business code cannot know that the code has changed. That is to say, when the hello.js file is modified, we need to call the HMR Accept method in the index.js file to add the processing function after the module update. Insert the return value of the Hello method into the page in time. The following code

  // index.js
  if(module.hot) {
      module.hot.accept('./hello.js'.function() {
          div.innerHTML = hello()
Copy the code

The last

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