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Share a parody of the open source project you saw today. Although it’s not really useful, I hope you can learn something from it too!

There are benefits at the end of the article!

Project Name: (Thanos script)

The address of the project:

If you are Thanos(root), this command could delete half your files.

If you are Thanos (root user), this will randomly delete half of your files.

Brief comment: This project perfectly recreates the setting of Thanos killing half of the people in the movie by snapping his fingers. It’s like a computer programmer threatening your boss. Dude Dei, isn’t that exciting?

Enlightenment: In order to prevent the programmer from great damage to the system after acquiring wireless gloves, it is necessary to control its ability to a certain extent. Therefore, root permission can not be arbitrarily granted!!

Do not know whether you have experienced all kinds of problems caused by improper authority management? Welcome to share

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Extra: RECENTLY sorted out a series of content prepared before into a PDF, follow me and reply to the corresponding password to get:

-001: Get Spring Boot Basic Tutorial

-002: Pick up Spring Cloud Basics Tutorial

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