1.2021Year already half, "gold nine silver ten" written test is about to start, sort out some algorithm questions to study together.2.I use JavaScript(V8/Node) to solve the problem, which has been debugged.3.Come on! Progress together!Copy the code

1. Sort

The following two functions are general functions that you will use in sorting, so I won’t write them all

function checkArray(array) {
  if(! array || array.length <=2) return }
 function swap(array, left, right) {
  let rightValue = array[right]
  array[right] = array[left]
  array[left] = rightValue 
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2. Time complexity

The worst time complexity is often used to measure an algorithm.

Constant time O(1) means that this operation doesn’t depend on the amount of data, it’s a fixed time operation, like four operations.

For aN algorithm, the number of operations may be calculated as aN + 1, where N represents the amount of data. So the time of this algorithm is order N. Because the amount of data is usually very large when we calculate the time complexity, the low-order term and the constant term can be ignored.

Of course, it is possible that both algorithms are O(N) time complexity, so the way to compare the two algorithms is to compare the low-order terms with the constant terms.

3. Bit operations

Bit operations are useful in algorithms and can be much faster than four operations.

You should know how to convert decimal to binary and binary to decimal before learning bitwise operations. Here’s a simple way to do it

  • Decimal 33 can be thought of as 32 + 1, and it should be six-bit binary (since 33 is approximately 32, and 32 is 2)

So decimal 33 is 100001, and as long as it is raised to the power of 2, it is 1 otherwise 0

  • So binary 100001, same thing, the first digit is 2 to the fifth, the last digit is 2 to the zero, which adds up to 33

4. The left < <

10 << 1 / / - > 20
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To move to the left is to move the whole binary to the left, so 10 is represented as 1010 in binary, and when you move one bit to the left it becomes 10100, which is 10 to the decimal, which is 20, so you can basically view the left shift as the following formula: A times 2 to the b.

5. Count right >>

10 >> 1 / / - > 5
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Arithmetically, to move to the right is to move the whole binary to the right and remove the extra right-hand side, so 10 is represented as 1010 in binary, and when you move to the right by one bit it becomes 101, and when you convert to decimal it becomes 5, so you can basically think of it as the following formula int v = a/(2 ^ b) right shift is very useful, For example, it can be used to take the middle value in binary algorithms

13 >> 1 / / - > 6
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6. Maximum suborder sum

Given an integer array nums, find a contiguous subarray with the maximum sum (the subarray contains at least one element) and return the maximum sum.

class Solution:
    def maxSubArray(self.nums: List[int]) -> intDynamic programmingres = cur = nums[0]
        for i in range(1, len(nums)):
            cur = max(nums[i], cur + nums[i])
            res = max(res, cur)
        return res
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Dynamic programming. Time complexity O(n), space complexity O(1).

7. List

Interview question: Reverse one-way linked lists

They need to reverse a one-way linked list. The idea is very simple. Three variables are used to represent the current node and the nodes before and after the current node. Although this question is very simple, it is a common interview question

Here is the code to implement the algorithm

var reverseList = function(head)
 	// Determine the variable boundary problem
  	if(! head || ! head.next)return head 
	// The initial setting is null because the first node is inverted and the tail node points to null
  	let pre = null
  	let current = head 
  	let next 
  	// Check whether the current node is empty
  // Get the next node of the current node if it is not empty
  // Then set next of the current node to the previous node
  // Set current to the next node and pre to the current node
  while(current) { 
  	next = current.next 
  	current.next = pre 
  	pre = current 
  	current = next
  return pre 
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8. Pre-order, middle-order, post-order traversal of binary tree

Sequential traversal means that the root node is visited first, then the left node, and finally the right node.

Middle-order traversal means that the left node is visited first, then the root node, and finally the right node.

Sequential traversal means that the left node is accessed first, then the right node, and finally the root node.

9. Recursive implementation

The recursive implementation is fairly simple, with the following code

function TreeNode(val) 
 this.val = val;
 this.left = this.right = null;
var traversal = function(root) {
 if (root)
 / / first order
 / / in the sequence
 // console.log(root); 
 / / after order
 // console.log(root);}};Copy the code

10. Tree depth

The maximum depth of a binary tree

The following is the algorithm implementation

var maxDepth = function(root)
	if(! root)return 0
	return Math.max(maxDepth(root.left), maxDepth(root.right)) + 1
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11. Dynamic programming

The basic idea behind dynamic programming is very simple. By breaking up a problem into subproblems, which are generally very similar, we can reduce the amount of computation by solving each subproblem only once.

Once you have a solution to each subproblem, store the result for future use.

12. Merge two ordered lists

Merges two ascending lists into a new ascending list and returns. A new list is formed by concatenating all the nodes of a given two lists.

Input: l1 = [1.2.4], l2 = [1.3.4] output: []
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Here is the code to implement the algorithm

function mergeTwoLists(l1, l2) {
    if (l1 = null && l2 == null) {
        return null;
    if (l1 == null) {
        return l2;
    if (l2 == null) {
        return l1;
    if (l1.val < l2.val) {
        l1.next = mergeTwoLists(l1.next, l2);
        return l1;
    } else {
        l2.next = mergeTwoLists(l1, l2.next);
        returnl2; }}Copy the code

Use recursion to complete the iteration

Reverse linked lists

Given the head node of a single linked list, reverse the list and return the reversed list.

Enter: head = [] output: []
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// Reverse the linked list
function reverseList(head){
    //1, walk through the list, remove the value of each node in the list, store it in the array
    // Save the value of the node instead of the entire node, which can save memory.
    let arr=[];// arR is used to store the values of the nodes in the linked list
    let p=head;//p is used to traverse the list
	//2, run through the list again and assign the values in reverse order to the val field of each node to reverse the list
	// (instead of creating a new list, we used the original list to save time and memory.)
    return head;
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1. Iterate through the list, removing the value of each node in the list and storing it in the array

2. Iterate through the list again and assign the values in the array to the val field of each node in reverse order to achieve the inversion of the list

14. Binary search algorithm (based on the sorted case)

function binarySearch(arr, data) {
    var end = arr.length - 1,
        start = 0;

    while (start <= end) {
        var middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
        if (arr[middle] > data) {
            end = middle - 1;
        } else if (arr[middle] < data) {
            start = middle + 1;
        } else {
            returnmiddle; }}return -1;
var arr = [];
console.log(binarySearch(arr, 2));
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15. Fibonacci numbers

The Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively as follows:

F(1)=1, F(2)=1, F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2) (n >=3, n∈ n *)

The implementation process

Fibonacci numbers, usually denoted by F(n), form a sequence called the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence starts with 0 and 1, and each successive digit is the sum of the preceding two. That is:

F (0) = 0, F (1) = 1, F (N) = F (N – 1) + F (N – 2), where N > 1. Given N, compute F(N).

Here is the code to implement the algorithm

/ * * *@param {number} N
 * @return {number}* /
var fib = function(N) {
    if (N<2) return N;
    var frist = 0;
    var second = 1;
    for (var i=2; i<=N; i++) { second = frist + second; frist = second - frist; }return second;
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For loop, use two variables to store the first two Fibonacci numbers. And there is no need for temporary variables in the exchange of variables, space complexity O(N)

16. Find the maximum difference of the following positive arrays

Input [] output6
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This is a question to test the search for the maximum value of a basic array, and obviously we know that the maximum difference must be the difference between the maximum and minimum value of an array.

 function getMaxProfit(arr) {
    var minPrice = arr[0];
    var maxProfit = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        var currentPrice = arr[i];
        minPrice = Math.min(minPrice, currentPrice);
        var potentialProfit = currentPrice - minPrice;
        maxProfit = Math.max(maxProfit, potentialProfit);
    return maxProfit;
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17. Randomly generate a string of the specified length

Implement an algorithm that randomly generates characters of specified length.

Here is the code to implement the algorithm

For example, given a length8Output 4 ldkfg9jfunction randomString(n) {  
  let str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz9876543210';
  let tmp = ' ',
      i = 0,
      l = str.length;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    tmp += str.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * l));
  return tmp;
module.exports = randomString;  
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Find the greatest sum of any two numbers

Find the two largest numbers and return their sum.

function topSum(arr){
        if(arr.length<2) return null;
        var first,second;
            first = arr[0];
            first = arr[1];
        for(var i=2; i<arr.length; i++){if(arr[i]>first){
                second = first;
                first = arr[i];
            }else if(arr[i]>second){ second = arr[i]; }}return first+second;
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19. Remove duplicate values from an array of integers

For example, enter: [] output: [[need to be removed111These two elements.Copy the code

This question appears in many front end questions. It mainly inspects the use of Object by individuals and uses key to screen.

/** * unique an array **/ 
let unique = function(arr) {   
  let hashTable = {}; 
  let data = []; 
  for(let i=0,l=arr.length; i<l; i++) {if(! hashTable[arr[i]]) { hashTable[arr[i]] =true; data.push(arr[i]); }}return data 
module.exports = unique;  
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20. Replace Spaces

Implement a function that replaces each space in a string with “%20”.

For example, if the string is "We Are Happy.", the replacement string is "We%20Are%20Happy"Copy the code

Use a simple re to get a space and replace it with %20.

Partial re rules :/g matches all elements that match the conditions. \d: indicates numbers ^ : indicates the beginning $: indicates the end + : matches multiple strings for example: ^\d+$matches only numberslet readline = require('readline');

let rl = readline.createInterface({

    // let result = deal(input);
    let result = input.trim().replace(/ /g.'% 20');  //replace(get value, replace value)
    return result;
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21. Implement a function to determine whether the input is a palindrome string

function isPlalindrome(input) {
  if (typeofinput ! = ='string') return false;
  return input.split(' ').reverse().join(' ') === input;
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22. Tencent: Array flattening, de-weighting, sorting

The interview questions

Known as an array: var arr = [[1, 2, 2], [3, 4, 5, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, [11, 12, [12, 13, [14]]]], 10]. Write a program to flatten and divide an array of duplicate data, resulting in an ascending and non-repeating array

let arr =[[1.2.2], [], [[11.12[12.13[14]]]], 10]
function newArray ( ) {
  while(arr.some(Array.isArray)){ arr = [].concat(... arr) } arr = [...newSet(arr)].sort((a,b) = >{
    return a-b
  return arr
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23. Write a function to calculate the intersection of multiple arrays

Requirement: Each element in the output must be unique

const getIntersection = (. arrs) = > {
    return Array.from(new Set(arrs.reduce((total, arr) = > {
        return arr.filter(item= > total.includes(item));
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24. Select sort

Select sort starts at the beginning of the array, compares the first element to the other elements, checks all the elements, puts the smallest element in the first place, starts with the second element, and repeats all the way to the end.

It’s very simple: the outer loop starts at 0 to Length-1, and then the inner loop compares the smallest open head

function selectSort(arr) {
    var len = arr.length;
    for(let i = 0; i < len -1; i++) {
        for(let j = i ; j<len; j++) {
            if(arr[j] < arr[i]) { [arr[i],arr[j]] = [arr[j],arr[i]]; }}}return arr
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  • The I of the outer cycle represents the number of rounds, and arr[I] represents the earliest (smaller) position of the current round.
  • The inner layer starts with I, goes back, finds something smaller than the beginning, and just switches places

25. Climbing stairs

There is a staircase with M steps. You start at the first step. If you can only go up one or two steps at a time, how many ways can you go up the M step?

There are only two ways to get to the n steps, from (n-1) or (n-2). So you can think of it recursively, if you have an array s[n], then s[1] = 1 (there is only one way to do it since you started at level 1), and s[2] = 1 (there is no other way to go up from s[1]).

Then we can derive s[3] ~ s[n].

To continue the simulation, s[3] = s[1] + S [2], because you can only take two steps from level 1, or one step from level 2.

function cStairs(n) {
    if(n === 1 || n === 2) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return cStairs(n-1) + cStairs(n-2)}}Copy the code

Yeah, it’s actually Fibonacci numbers

26. Stack implementation queue

Use stacks to implement the following operations on queues:

Push (x) – Puts an element at the end of the queue. Pop () — Removes the element from the head of the queue. Peek () — returns the element at the head of the queue. Empty () — Returns whether the queue is empty.


let queue = new MyQueue();

queue.peek();  / / returns 1
queue.pop();   / / returns 1
queue.empty(); / / returns false
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Their thinking

Since the stack is fifo, to get fifO effect, we might as well use two stacks. When doing push, we push to Stack1, and when doing POP and PEEK, we go through Stack2.

There is a special case where stack2 is empty. How to do pop and peek? Simply pop and push elements from Stack1 into Stack2, and then operate stack2 as normal, as shown below:This ensures a first-in, first-out effect.

Here is the code to implement the algorithm

var MyQueue = function() {
    this.stack1 = [];
    this.stack2 = [];

MyQueue.prototype.push = function(x) {
// Move stack1 elements to stack2
MyQueue.prototype.transform = function() {
  while(this.stack1.length) {

MyQueue.prototype.pop = function() {
  if(!this.stack2.length) this.transform();
  return this.stack2.pop();

MyQueue.prototype.peek = function() {
    if(!this.stack2.length) this.transform();
    return this.stack2[this.stack2.length - 1];

MyQueue.prototype.empty = function() {
    return !this.stack1.length && !this.stack2.length;
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27. Queue implementation stack

And the effect of the previous problem is just the opposite, with the queue first in first out way to achieve the effect of the first out.

Their thinking

Take the queue above as an example. It is easy to push directly from the end of the queue. But what about Pop and Peek?

Back to our goal, our goal is to get to the end of the line, which is 3. This is easy to do, we let the first element out of the queue, except for the last element, the rest of the elements in another queue.

Code implementation

var MyStack = function() {
    this.queue1 = [];
    this.queue2 = [];
MyStack.prototype.push = function(x) {
    if(!this.queue2.length) this.queue1.push(x);
    else {
        Queue2 already has a value
        // The old stack top is moved to Queue1
        this.queue1.push(this.queue2.shift()); }}; MyStack.prototype.transform =function() {
    while(this.queue1.length ! = =1) {
    // Queue2 holds the previous element
    // Switch queue1 and Queue2
    // Now queue1 contains the first element, queue2 contains only the last element of the queue
    let tmp = this.queue1;
    this.queue1 = this.queue2;
    this.queue2 = tmp;
MyStack.prototype.pop = function() {
    if(!this.queue2.length) this.transform();
    return this.queue2.shift();
MyStack.prototype.top = function() {
    if(!this.queue2.length) this.transform();
    return this.queue2[0];
MyStack.prototype.empty = function() {
    return !this.queue1.length && !this.queue2.length;
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One of the things to note about the implementation is that Queue1 always holds the preceding elements, and Queue2 always holds the last element of the queue (that is, the element at the top of the stack).

The catch with pushing is that you can’t push new values to Queue1 when queue2 already has elements, because the top of the stack should be updated. For the new value, push to Queue2 and then push the old top of the stack out of Queue2 and into Queue1, thus updating the top of the stack.

28. Two-pointer problem

The sum of the nearest three numbers

Given an array of n integers nums and a target value target. Identify the three integers in NUMs so that their sum is closest to target. Returns the sum of these three numbers. Assume that there is only one answer for each set of inputs.


Enter nums = [-1.2.1, -4], target = 1Output:2Explanation: The sum closest to target is2 (-1 + 2 + 1 = 2).Copy the code

First, sort in ascending order, then choose a base point I (0 <= I <= nums.length-3) from left to right, and use a double pointer to find the smallest difference on the right side of the base point.

Suppose the base point is I, and when initialized, the two Pointers are:

  • Left: I + 1, one digit to the right of the base point.
  • Right: last digit of nums. length-1 array.

If the sum is greater than target, move the right pointer to the left to try a smaller value, or move the left pointer to the right to try a smaller value.

In this process, the global minimum difference min is constantly updated, as well as the and RES recorded at this time. Finally, return res.

/ * * *@param {number[]} nums
 * @param {number} target
 * @return {number}* /
let threeSumClosest = function (nums, target) {
  let n = nums.length
  if (n === 3) {
    return getSum(nums)
  // This is the first order of business
  nums.sort((a, b) = > a - b)

  let min = Infinity // The minimum difference from target
  let res

  // Try to make a base pointer from left to right
  for (let i = 0; i <= nums.length - 3; i++) {
    let basic = nums[i]
    let left = i + 1 // The left pointer starts with the first digit to the right of I
    let right = n - 1 // The right pointer starts with the last item in the array

    while (left < right) {
      let sum = basic + nums[left] + nums[right] // The sum of three numbers
      // Update the minimum difference
      let diff = Math.abs(sum - target)
      if (diff < min) {
        min = diff
        res = sum
      if (sum < target) {
        // If the sum is less than the target value, try moving the left pointer to the right to enlarge the value
      } else if (sum > target) {
        // Otherwise, the right pointer moves to the left
      } else {
        // If the difference is 0, it must be the answer
        return sum

  return res

function getSum(nums) {
  return nums.reduce((total, cur) = > total + cur, 0)}Copy the code

Have you done all the above problems? I think you will be totally confused! Refuses to accept? Show your code in the comments section! (he says…) If there is a problem, I hope you will criticize it and verify it.