This is an encyclopedia you should not miss, open source material continues to be updated ~

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First, write first

Here are some of the benefits of projects that have had a big impact on GitHub, or that have been useful to you:

1, free – programming – books…

This project currently ranks the third in star number on GitHub, with a total star number of more than 6W. This project arranges all free books related to programming, and there are multi-language versions all over the world. With this project, you can theoretically obtain any programming related learning materials, which is highly recommended to you!

2, oh – my – ZSH…

As the saying goes, will not use the shell programmer is not a real programmer, so it is recommended that every programmer understand shell, useful do not say, install force weapon! And oh-my-ZSH is undoubtedly the most popular and coolest shell at present. I don’t want to say more, I will understand naturally, and you will understand later if you don’t understand!

3, awesome…

GitHub has the awesome series, which basically aggregates GitHub resources for various fields, Awesome – Android, awesome-ios, awesome- Java, awesome-python, etc.

4, making – the cheat sheet…

GitHub has a variety of tricks, but the basics are enough, but if you’re super interested in learning more about GitHub, then this project is just what you need. Every GitHub fan should know about this project.

5, the android – open – project…

This is a project that Trinea put together. It basically covers all the good Android open source projects on GitHub, but the disadvantage is that there is too much content for quick search, but as an Android developer you should know this project anyway.

6, awesome – android – the UI…

The difference between this project and the above is that this project only collates all the good open source projects related to Android UI, basically you can find similar effects in the actual development, it is a UI development must.

7, Android_Data…

This project is organized by an administrator of Brother Zhang’s cult group, almost including all kinds of domestic learning Android materials, it is too complete, he also made a little contribution to this project, strongly recommend you to collect.

8, AndroidInterview – Q – A…

This is not much to say, dry goods, no doubt, before we recommended, domestic first-line Internet companies internal interview question bank.

9 LearningNotes.…

This is a very detailed interview information, covering Android, Java, design patterns, algorithms, etc., you can think of, you can not think of basic included, can be said to be suitable for any Android developers preparing for an interview, after reading this don’t say you don’t know how to interview!

10, AndroidUtilCode…

If you’re an Android developer, this is a great collection of tools and classes that you can’t miss.

11, Kotlin…

Kotlin is so popular. With Kotlin being officially recommended on Android, is there a proper Chinese learning site? Yeah, you definitely need this site.

12, RxJava2…

RxJava 2.x series of code (with technical articles), interested can have a look ~

13. Translation of RxJava2 Chinese documents…

Oh, this is really exaggerated, accidentally found such a good thing, for some people who have trouble reading English documents, it is really full of benefits, not only contains the Chinese translation of Rx series, other famous frame materials also have external links, please go to have a look

14, awesome – the adb…

This is a great ADB command line summary, hosted on GitHub. It contains all kinds of commands used and not used in development and testing, and is constantly updated.

15, Git use tutorial details…

This is a Git tutorial summarized by Liao Xuefeng, which is very comprehensive and covers a wide range of areas. Whether you’re using GitHub or Git as a version control tool, I think this tutorial is a must-see.

16, Android interview question sorting… (amitshekhariitbhu)… (stormzhang)

Interview is still a constant topic, Amitshekhariitbhu did for us the Android interview questions, but only in English. But Shuai bi Chang and his friends wanted to provide a Chinese version of Android and beyond, so they got the second address.

About the author

South dust

Chengdu, sichuan province

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If you have code, you can go anywhere without it.

1024 – Dream, never stop! I love programming, I don’t love bugs, I work overtime, I don’t love dark circles, I’m stubborn but not paranoid, I’m crazy but not crazy. I’m a newbie in life. I’m a god at work. Geeks who are changing the world you are interpreting the power of technology with the most beautiful words and you are leading the change of The Times with the speed of innovation

—— to all the struggling programmers! Come on!!


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