More excellent articles.

“Microservices are not all, just a subset of a specific domain”

Selection and process should be careful, otherwise it will be out of control.

Out of all the monitoring components, there’s always one for you

What are we Developing with Netty?

This is probably the most pertinent Redis specification

Portrait of a Programmer: A Decade of Ups and Downs

Most useful series:

The Most Common Set of “Vim” Techniques for Linux Production

The most Common set of “Sed” Techniques for Linux Production

The Most Common Set of “AWK” Tips for Linux Production

Figure, below is nonsense, gather together the word number to use, otherwise show too drab. Pictures have been compressed, hundreds of K, do not be careful to come in distressed flow.

Press a key on the keyboard and top reacts differently. Let’s say eight of them.

1 Displays the running status of each CPU. You can see how many cpus there are on the machine, and the whole screen is occupied if the machine is nX.

Z puts top into highlight mode, such as the red terminal font above. Press again to toggle.

B Highlights the running commands, and s is the process R. The command running in the figure is Top itself.

C Displays all information about the COMMAND column, including its parameters.

T Display task/ CPU information in a more intuitive way, like HTOP.

M presents MEM information in a permutation manner, like HTOP.

M Sorts the memory usage. % MEM.

P Sorted by CPU usage. % CPU. Yeah, this is not being recorded.

In addition, please pay attention to little sister taste wechat public account, more exciting.

Most useful series:

The Most Common Set of “Vim” Techniques for Linux Production

The most Common set of “Sed” Techniques for Linux Production

The Most Common Set of “AWK” Tips for Linux Production

“Sed” Advanced Function: My Little Brain is spinning.”

Linux five-piece or something.

“Linux” Cast Away (1) Preparation”

Linux: Cast Away (2) CPU

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