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Bringing 2,980 children home for a family reunion

“For 15 years, it was only on the road that I felt like a father.” In early 2015, the movie “Lost and Lost” was released. With a motorcycle, a flag and a backpack, the story of a father who traveled across China for 15 years to find his abducted son struck a chord with many people.

Adhering to the original intention of technology to solve social problems, Alibaba’s Anti-kidnapping Office was established in November 2015. A number of Alibaba security technology experts signed up to join the office, and undertook an important public welfare task — to develop a mobile workbench for the police anti-kidnapping Interpol.

“Once a child is found missing, the police can release the information through Dingpin and push it to surrounding users through multiple apps to encourage more people to find someone.” Alibaba security department senior technical expert Tie Hua and volunteers continue to collide, determine the technical plan, quickly promote the implementation.

On May 15, 2016, the “Reunion” system, an emergency platform for releasing information about missing children, was officially launched in cooperation between Alibaba and the Ministry of Public Security. It has been running for more than two years and has launched four systems. The application of new technologies such as big data and cloud computing has greatly improved efficiency.

By May 15, 2018, the “Tuanyuan” system had released information about 3,053 missing children, and 2,980 children had been recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.6 percent, including 48 abducted children.

“I remember one time, the police received a call about a missing child, and an hour later they received feedback that the child was playing games in an Internet cafe.” Long Ming, a senior technical expert at Ali Security, said the “Tuanyuan” system is really solving social problems. “Our hard work is worth it, and we will continue to do it.”

We are serious about doing public welfare

In may this year, ali cloud on the number of guizhou expo announced the launch of a nationwide large-scale education poverty can plan, the first cooperation with, large data in guizhou guizhou province department of education administration and plan in three years to more than 8000 poor college students, poor counties in guizhou technology professionals provide free training and certification opportunities of cloud computing, big data.

In 2016, the People’s Government of Guizhou Province listed talent training as the main cooperation goal in the “Deepening comprehensive Cooperation Agreement” signed with Alibaba Group. Aliyun set up the country’s first big data institute at Guizhou University of Technology, and the first group of 295 undergraduates enrolled in September last year. In 2017, aliyun and Guizhou Big Data Development Administration jointly trained and certified more than 1,500 basic engineers.

In order to solve the employment problem of certified students, Ali Cloud has also established the “Cloud Employment Alliance”, which combines thousands of partners to provide employment opportunities for poor students and technical practitioners in poor areas and counties.

Ali Cloud has also built a technology public welfare platform “Code on charity” to build a bridge between IT, Internet and other professional technical volunteers and non-profit organizations such as public welfare organizations, and complete the demand matching, member organizations and collaborative management of public welfare projects. More than 1,700 professional tech volunteers have signed up to become caring geeks. At present, “Code on philanthropy” has access to 89 public welfare organizations, including the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, Aiyou Charity Foundation and Nature Conservancy.

In order to prevent the outbreak after hunan was hit by heavy rain, Aliyun and its ecological partner Qianxun used more than 50 uAVs to operate in 6 townships, using cloud computing and Beidou to locate and spread disinfectants efficiently.

Yu Xingyou, an octogenarian in Chengdu, came up with the idea of “revising family tree with cloud computing” to search for the global “Yu family”. Aliyun engineers and ecological partners spent 3 days to build a “family tree website” for the elderly, collecting the information of nine generations of the family;

Yanliang in Xi ‘an has nearly 600 poor households, mainly living on agriculture. Ali Cloud ET Agricultural Brain helps local melon to achieve “one melon, one yard”, monitors the whole life cycle of melon, and at the same time links with the ecological forces of Tmall Fresh, Cainiao logistics, Ant Financial and other groups to help high-quality, delicious and traceable local specialty melon to sell at a better price.

In Africa, Alicloud is planning to use IoT, big data and AI technologies to protect wild elephants, wear sensor collars for more wild elephants, and use infrared camera equipment in the field to monitor elephant status and key activity areas 24 hours a day in real time, and predict the possible movement paths and areas of elephants.


In this imperfect world, there is always a force for hope. We have always been committed to using technology for the public good, to find the light that tears through the darkness. “When regret is erased and warmth is condensed, this is the softest power that technology can release.” Ali Yunqi, look forward to you into our middle, together to create the power to change the world.

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