Give the majority of love code people high energy warning:

Today, is Tanabata…

(Single non-combatant please leave quickly!)

There are often technical GG to a push jun complain

After years of education by netizens

And the persistent self-blackening of technical people

Stormtrock fanatic · Plaid shirt hardcore fan · Black-rimmed glasses cover up the blank eyes · I don’t want to talk about king

Seems to be the outside world

Stereotypes about this mysterious group

Little imagine

Left-brained programmers

How are you

Today, I selected some of them carefully

Technology GG people hold up younger sister confessions of god operation

Mud sprout

Hurry up, hurry up, learn, come on

Case 1: Use the most boring code to express the deepest feelings

(Photo from Internet)

As the king of the code world,

The programming language is code farmers

Xuan’s sharp weapon

While expressing love

They can also demonstrate their professional skills and level

Well, I don’t know

Of course, for the majority of “code blind” people

I can’t understand it without a written explanation

These codes SKR what

So said

This move should still be used with caution

Otherwise, who knows who’s embarrassed

Case two: twinkle, twinkle, little star, the screen is full of careful heart

The heart of love

It can be said that code farmers express their “favorite” elements

The famous Cartesian heart line

Though from a sad love story

But the magic coders used the formula

R = a (1 – sine theta)

And created a lot of dynamic visuals like that

(The picture comes from the Internet, please find your math teacher if you can’t understand it.)

There are many similar cases

For example, ecg heart drawing and so on

I’m not going to put the code here

Readers with a heart

Go to the open source community

Learn zi learn Nue

Case 3: Play the exclusive game, and fight monsters together to upgrade

One programmer, who goes by the name LA Pike, proposed to his girlfriend by writing a game based on their memories and pretending to casually invite her to play — from meeting at oktoberfest, to eating pizza on their first date, to going on their first trip. Girlfriend in each level will find two people have experienced the scene before the trace. Finally, she in customs when the page shows the male master proposal copy, can be said to be fat bowel romantic!

(Photo from Internet)

Compared to the first two cases

The bar is indeed high

But the surprises are off the charts

For more details, please refer to:

But what I’m trying to say is

Although the idea of a confession is valuable

But heart is the key

Case 4: No matter how dazzling the lights are, you can’t show off.

Rich people often spend a lot of money on confessions

For example, spend money to buy LED screens in high-end office buildings

(a few minutes)

Type up a confession copy or something

(These three inhumane pictures are from the Internet)

Compared to this blatant display of wealth,

Programmers are more interested in showing off their skills

For example, on Programmer’s Day 2015 (October 24),

A Baidu employee controls the lights of the building

Let the light of the whole building compose copy

“I Love u Beibei”

The surprise came out of the blue

Plus the effect is so cool

Made the event instantly trending

The only pity is

At the end of the story

The goddess was “deeply moved but still refused”

In fact, I think

What’s the big deal about being rejected by a goddess

After all,

As the king of the code dimension

Part of the technology GG people’s spiritual world is profound and fantastical

You think they can’t get love

Actually, I’m just a

“Single by merit”

Hard evidence: In August 2017,

Talk Show Con hacker Wei Ruochen’s joke went viral

Finally, I wish you a happy ending

With an object, with no object

Friends who have no object but can new an object

Happy Tanabata!