Java_com_tq_my_myUpdateDialog_nativeOnConfirm in the libenvrelayupdate. so file of an APP is used as an example.

First, use an IDA to dynamically start the App application attached to the emulator

2. Open an IDA tool to statically analyze function properties of so files.

Find the address 8F5C0 for the java_com_tq_my_myUpdateDialog_nativeOnConfirm function

3. Find the base address of Libenvrelayupdate. so in dynamically debugged IDA

First, open the apK loaded module with CTRL + S and then search for the name of with CTRL +F in the window that jumps out. The base address of dynamically loaded libenvrelayupdate. so is

15400000. Relative address = additional base address + static address 15400000+8F5C0 = 1548F5C0


4. Finally, use the shortcut key G to locate the function data to find, according to the above analysis, as long as the location of G is 1548F5C0 then you can locate the location of java_com_tq_my_myUpdateDialog_nativeOnConfirm (note: The G shortcut can locate not only the address but also the function name directly.


Use G to locate the function: for example, enter fopen in the edit box to locate the details of the function’s address.