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Java microservice architecture is a popular software architecture design scheme, which can be written and developed quickly and maintained very conveniently. Using microarchitecture technology, it is easy to achieve highly available, distributed, high-performance project structure development, and at the same time more secure. SpringBoot, SpringCloud, Docker and RabbitMQ message components are the core content of the 15 chapters of “Forum: Java Microservices Architecture (SpringBoot+SpringCloud+Docker+RabbitMQ). Among them, SpringBoot is an extension of SpringMVC technology, which makes it easier to use for program development and service integration. SpringCloud is the core technology solution of current microarchitecture, which is an extension of SpringBoot technology. It can integrate cloud services and manage microservices based on RabbitMQ and GITHUB. In addition, the book also focuses on the application of OAuth unified authentication service.

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