Chardet character encoding detector, can automatically detect text, web page, XML encoding. Colorama is mainly used to add various colors to text and is very easy to use. Prettytable is primarily used to build formatted output on the terminal or browser side. Difflib, the [Python] standard library, computes text differences, Levenshtein, computes string similarity quickly. Fuzzywuzzy string fuzzy match. Esmre regular expression accelerator. Shortuuid A set of concise URL/UUID function libraries. Ftfy, Unicode text tool 7 Unidecode, ASCII and Unicode text conversion function. Xpinyin, a library that converts Chinese characters into pinyin called Pangu. py, adjusts the spacing between letters and numbers in Japanese, Chinese and Korean characters. Pyfiglet, the figlet program written by Python, uses the characters to form the ASCII art picture uniout and extracts the characters awesome slugify, a Python slugify library for handling Unicode. Python-slugify, a library of slugify functions that convert Unicode to ASCII internals. Unicode – Slugify, which generates Unicode internals, a Django dependency package. Ply, the Python version of lex and yacc’s parsing tool phonenumbers, parses phonenumbers, formats, stores and validates international phonenumbers. Python-user-agents, the parser for user-agents in the browser. Sqlparse, SQL parser. Pyacknowledgments, a generic syntax highlighting tool. Python-nameparser parses the name into individual components. Pyparsing, a general-purpose parser generation framework. Tablib, table data format, including XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML. Python-docx, DocX documents to read, query and modify, Microsoft Word 2007/2008 docx files. XLWT/XLRD, read and write data files in Excel format. Xlsxwriter: Creates an XLSX file in Excel format. Xlwings, using Python call Excelcsvkit, CSV file toolkit. Marmir took Python and turned it into a spreadsheet. Pdfminer, extracting information from PDF files. Pypdf2, function library for merging and converting PDF pages. Python-markdown, a Python implementation of the lightweight markup language Markdown. Mistune, a fast, full-featured Markdown interpreter written in pure Python. Dateutil is a string date utility that extends the standard Python datetime module. Parser parses datetime from strings and rrule generates datetime from defined rules. Arrow, better Date and time handling Python library Chronyk, a Python 3 function library for parsing human-written times and dates. Delorean, a library of functions for cleaning up period time. When. Py provides user-friendly functionality for dates and times. Python pytz is a Python library that uses TZ Database to BeautifulSoup, a Python HTML/XML parser that is simple to use, powerful, and even buggy. Problematic HTML code can also be parsed. LXML is a fast, easy to use, flexible HTML and XML processing library. It is extremely powerful and can not be parsed by Python’s native XML processor when encountering defective or non-standard XML. When an error is reported, the program tries to use LXML’s repair schema parsing again. Htmlparser, the official HTML DOM tree, is occasionally useful for automatic form submission on the command line. Pyyaml, the Python version of the YAML interpreter. Html5lib – Standard library for parsing and serializing HTML documents and fragments. Pyquery, an HTML interpreter function library similar to [jQuery]. Cssutils, Python CSS library. MarkupSafe, an XML or HTML/XHTML secure string markup tool. Cssutils-acss Library for Python., Markupsafe-implements an XML/HTML/XHTMLbleach, whitelist, HTML-based function library. Xmltodict, a JSON-like XML toolkit. Xhtml2pdf, HTML/CSS format converter, look to generate PDF documents. Untangle converts XML documents into Python objects for easy access.

Mimetypes, the Python standard library, maps file names to MIME types. Imghdr, the Python standard library, determines image types. Python-magic, libmagic file type recognition library, Python interface format. Path. py, secondary encapsulation of the os.path module. Watchdog, a set of apis and shell utilities that monitor file system events. Unipath, object – oriented file/directory operation toolkit. Pathlib, – (Python 3.4 is already available as the Python standard library), a cross-platform, Path-oriented function library. Pickle /cPickle, Python’s pickle module implements basic data sequences and deserialization. Through the serialization operation of the pickle module, we can save the object information running in the program to a file for permanent storage. By deserializing the pickle module, we can create objects from the file that were saved by the previous program. CPickle is a faster version of the [C] implementation. ConfigParser, Python standard library, INI file parser. INI file parser configobj. Config, hierarchical configuration, logging. Profig, multi-format configuration conversion tool. Logging, the Python standard library, log file generation management function library. Logbook, an alternative to logging. Sentry, real-time log server. Raven, Python client for Sentry. Sphinx, Sphinx, Python document generator. ReStructuredText, markup syntax and parsing tools, Docutils components. Mkdocs, Markdown format document generator. Pycco is a simple, fast, programmatic document generator. Pdoc, the automatic generation of Python library API documentation epydoc, a tool for generating various formats of documentation from source code comments

PIL (Python Image Library), based on Python Image processing Library, powerful, graphics file format support a wide range of built-in many Image processing functions, such as Image enhancement, filtering [algorithm], etc. Pillow, image Processing Library, PIL Image Library branch and upgrade alternative products. Matplotlib, the famous drawing library, provides a complete set of command API similar to MATLAB, used to draw some high quality mathematical two-dimensional graphics, very suitable for interactive mapping. Brewer2mpl has a professional Python color matching kit that provides beautiful color matching from an art point of view. PyGame is a Python based multimedia development and game software development module that contains a large number of game and image processing functions. Box2d, open 2 d physics engine, angry birds is to use a physics engine for development, Box2d physics engine internal simulates a world, you can set the gravity of the world, and then add the various objects in the world, and some of their physical properties, such as quality, friction, damping and so on.

Pymunk, an open source physical graphics simulation library similar to Box2D. OpenCV, currently the best open source image/vision library, includes many general algorithms for image processing and computer vision, [machine learning]. SimpleCV, an open source framework for computer vision, similar to OpencV. VTK, Visualization Toolkit (VTK, Visualization Toolkit) is an open source, cross-platform, parallel processing support (VTK has been used to process data that is close to one Petabyte in size, Its platform is the graphics application function library of Los Alamos National Laboratory, a large system with 1024 processors. In 2005, it was used by the US Army Research Laboratory to simulate in real time the plane wave attack of the Russian anti-missile combat vehicle ZSU23-4, with as many as 2.5 trillion computing nodes.

Cgkit,Python Computer Graphics Kit, its module is mainly divided into two parts

  1. Some python modules related to 3D such as the Vector, Matrix and Quaternion Types, The RenderMan Bindings, These modules can be used directly in Python extensions such as Maya Houdini Nuke Blender;
  2. Module that provides complete scene operation. Similar to other 3D software, it retains complete scene description information in memory. Cannot be used directly for Maya, etc. CGAL the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library provides data structures and Algorithms related to Computational Geometry, such as triangulation (2D constrained triangulation and 2D and 3D Delaunay triangulation), Voronoi diagrams (2D and 3D points, 2D weighted Voronoi diagrams, segmented Voronoi diagrams, etc.), polygons (Boolean operations, bias), polyhedra (Boolean operations), curve arrangement and its applications, mesh generation (2D Delaunay mesh generation and 3D surface and volume mesh generation, etc.), Geometric processing (surface mesh simplification, subdivision and parameterization, etc.), convex shell algorithm (2D, 3D and dD), search structure (near neighbor search, KD tree, etc.), interpolation, shape analysis, fitting, distance, etc. Aggdraw, the open source image library, covers almost all the functions of 2D image manipulation and is very flexible to use. Cairo is a Python interface for doing 2-D drawing on multiple backgrounds, with advanced hardware acceleration capabilities. MagickWand (WAND) is a Python binding API. Thumbor – Smart imaging tool for resizing and flipping images. ImgSeek, search for similar images. Python-qrcode, a pure Python QR code (QR code) generator. PyBarcode creates bar code without PIL module. Pygram, Instagram like image filter. Quads, computer art based on quadtree. Nude. Py, the nude detection function. Scikit-image, an image processing library for the SciKit toolkit. Hmap, image histogram tool. Bokeh, interactive Web drawing. Plotly, Web collaboration with Python and Matplotlib drawing. Vincent, Vincent, Python Vega function library. Ggplot2.kartograph. py is a library for drawing beautiful SVG maps in Python based on d3. JS and ggplot-API. Pygal, creator of SVG diagrams. Pygraphviz, The Python interface for Graphviz. Fonttlools, TTF font tools function package, used in fontForge, TTX font software.

Audiolazy, the Python toolkit for Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Audioread, cross-platform (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) Audio decoding library Beets, music library management. Dejavu, audio fingerprint recognition algorithm. Dejavu records the fingerprint information of the audio after listening to it once, and then identifies whether the input audio is the same song through the microphone. Django-elastic -transcoder,Django + Amazon elastic transcoding. EyeD3, audio file tool, especially MP3 files containing ID3 metadata. Id3reader, used to read MP3 metadata. Mutagen, which handles audio metadata. Pydub – High level interface for manipulating audio and simple. Pyechonest, Echo Nest API client Talkbox, a Python library for speech and signal processing. TimeSide, an open web audio processing framework. Tinytag, reads metadata from music files, including MP3, OGG, FLAC and wave files. M3u8, used to parse M3U8 files. Moviepy, multiformat video editing script module, including GIF animation. Shorten. TV, video summary. Scikit video, SciPy video processing routines. GeoDjango, a world-class geographic Web framework. Geopy, a toolkit for geocoding. Pygeoip, a GeoIP API written in pure Python. GeoIP, a Python API interface, uses the high-precision GeoIP Legacy Database Database. Geojson, geoJSON function library Django-countries, a Django application that provides a selection of countries, a static file of flag ICONS, and a geographical model of a country. Pygame, a Python game design module. Cocos2d, 2D game framework, presentation, and other graphics/interactive applications, based on Pyglet. Cocos2d- cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos, And other graphical/interactive applications. It is based on Pyglet.,PySDL2, SDL2 packaging library. Panda3D- 3D game engine, developed by Disney. Written in C++, fully compatible with Python. PyOgre, OGRE 3D rendering engine, can be used for games, simulations, any 3D. PyOpenGL binds OpenGL to its associated API. PySFML, Python binding SFMLRenPy, visual novel engine.

Big Data and Scientific Computing Library (PYTHON) Is a python platform for data statistics and analysis. Based on NumPy and Matplotlib development, mainly used for data analysis and data visualization, its data structure DataFrame and R language data.frame is very similar, especially for time series data has its own set of analysis mechanism, very good. Open Mining, Business Intelligence (BI), Pandas’ Web interface. Blaze, NumPy and Pandas big data interfaces. SciPy is the open source Python library and mathematics toolkit. SciPy contains modules for optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation, special functions, fast Fourier transform, signal processing and image processing, solving ordinary differential equations, and other calculations commonly used in science and engineering. Its functionality is similar to software MATLAB, Scilab, and GNU Octave. Numpy and Scipy are often used together, and most of Python’s machine learning libraries rely on these two modules.

ScientificPython, a selected set of Python program modules for scientific computation, including geometry (vectors, tensors, transformations, vectors, and tensor fields), quaternions, automatic derivative derivation, (linear) interpolation, polynomials, basic statistics, nonlinear least square fitting, unit computation, Fortran compatible text format, 3D display via VRML, and two Tk widgets for line drawing and 3D mesh modeling respectively. There are also interfaces to netCDF, MPI and BSPlib libraries. NumPy scientific computation library, provides matrix, linear algebra, Fourier transform and so on solution, most commonly is its n-dimensional array object. NumPy provides two basic types of objects: NDARray (N-dimensional Array Object) and UFUNc (Universal Function Object). Ndarray is a multidimensional array that stores a single data type, while Ufunc is a function that can manipulate arrays. Cvxopt, optimization calculation package, can be linear programming, quadratic programming, semi positive definite programming and other calculations. Numba, scientific computation speed optimization compiler. Pymvpa2, a Python toolkit for statistical learning analysis of large data sets, provides a flexible and extensible framework. It provides the functions of classification, regression, feature selection, data import and export, visualization and so on. NetworkX, an optimization software package for complex networks. Zipline, a library of trading algorithms. PyDy, Python dynamic modeling function library. SymPy, the Python library for symbolic mathematics. Statsmodels, Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python. Astropy, the Python library for astronomy. Orange, Orange, Data mining, data visualization, learning machine analysis through visual programming or Python scripting. RDKit, chemical informatics and machine learning software. Open Babel, Open chemistry toolbox. Cclib, a library of computational functions for chemical software packages. Biopython, a free toolkit for biocomputing. BCCB, a code set related to biological analysis. Bcbio-nextgen, a fully automated, high-throughput, sequencing analysis toolkit. Visvis, visual computing module library, can be used to visualize one-dimensional to four-dimensional data. MapReduce is a software [architecture] proposed by Google for parallel computation of large data sets (larger than 1TB). The concepts “Map” and “Reduce,” as well as their main ideas, are borrowed from the Functional programming language’s MapReduce library. Framworks and Libraries for MapReduce.,PySpark, [Spark] Python API. Dpark, the Python clone of Spark, MapReduce framework in Python. Luigi builds complex pipes for batch work. Mrjobs, MapReduce jobs that run on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Library NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) is a Python natural language processing toolkit. Launched in 2001, it includes a large corpus, as well as the implementation of algorithms in natural language processing: word segmentation, root calculation, classification, semantic analysis, etc. Pattern, data mining module, including natural language processing, machine learning tools, and so on. Textblob, which provides apis for natural language processing, decomposes NLP tasks. Based on NLTK and Pattern modules. Jieba, a Chinese word segmentation tool. Snownlp, for processing Chinese text library. Loso, Chinese word segmentation function library. Genius, a Chinese CRF basic library, is an discriminative probability model and a kind of conditional random field. It is often used to annotate or analyze sequential data, such as natural language or biological sequences. Gensim, a professional Python toolkit, can be used to calculate the similarity of two documents, whether code or document LIBSVM. Gensim is a simple, easy to use, fast and effective SVM pattern recognition and regression software package. Not only does it provide compiled executables for the Windows family, but it also provides source code for easy improvement, modification, and application on other [operating systems]. The software involves relatively little parameter adjustment of SVM and provides a lot of default parameters, which can be used to solve many problems. Cross Validation is also provided. The software can solve the problems of C-SVM, ν-SVM, ε-SVR and ν-SVR, including multi-class pattern recognition based on one-to-one algorithm.

Scikits. Learn, a Python module for machine learning built on SciPy. It includes simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis. It covers classification, regression and clustering algorithms such as SVM, logistic regression, Naive Bayes, random forest, k-means, etc. The code and documentation are very good and have been used in many Python projects. For example, in the familiar NLTK, there is an interface specifically for Scikit-Learn on the classifier side. You can call the Scikit-Learn classification algorithm and training data to train the classifier model.

PyMC, the machine learning sampling toolkit, sciKit-Learn seems to be everyone’s favorite, and some people think PyMC is more attractive. PyMC is mainly used to do Bayesian analysis. Orange, data mining and machine learning based on component software suite, its function is friendly, and very strong, quick and versatile visual programming front end, so that through data analysis and visualization, contains the full range of components for data preprocessing, and provides the data accounts, transition, modeling, model assessment and exploration of the function. It focuses on data mining, can operate in visual languages or Python, has machine learning components, and has plug-ins for bioinformatics and text mining. Milk, a machine learning toolkit, focuses on providing supervised taxonomies with several efficient classification analyses: SVMs(based on libSVM), K-NN, random forest economy and decision trees. It can also perform feature selection. These classifications can be combined in many ways to form different classification systems. For unsupervised learning, it provides k-means and Affinity Propagation clustering algorithms.

PyMVPA(Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python) is a Python toolkit for statistical learning Analysis of large data sets. It provides a flexible and extensible framework. It provides the functions of classification, regression, feature selection, data import and export, visualization and so on. NuPIC, an open source ai platform. The project was developed by Grok (formerly Numenta) and included the company’s algorithms and software architecture. NuPIC works like the human brain, “forgetting old patterns and remembering new ones when patterns change.” Like the human brain, CLA algorithms can adapt to new changes. Pylearn2, a machine learning library based on Theano. Hebel, GPU acceleration, [deep learning]Python library. Gensim, machine learning library. Pybrain, machine learning module, its goal is to provide flexible, user-friendly, powerful machine learning algorithms for machine learning tasks. Pybrain includes neural networks, reinforcement learning (and a combination of both), unsupervised learning, and evolutionary algorithms. Mahout is an open source project under the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Mahout provides some scalable implementations of classical algorithms in machine learning. Designed to help developers create smart applications more easily and quickly. Mahout includes many implementations, including clustering, sorting, recommendation filtering, and frequent subitem mining. In addition, Mahout can be effectively extended to the cloud by using Apache Hadoop libraries. Crab, a flexible, fast recommendation engine. Python-recsys, entertainment systems analysis, recommendation systems. Vowpal_porpoise, Vowpal Wabbit lightweight Python package. Theano is a Python package that defines, optimizes, and simulates mathematical expression computations for efficient multidimensional array computations. It makes it easier to write deep learning models and also gives you some options for training them on gpus.

System with the command line Library name threading, Python standard threading library, a higher level of the thread interface. Envoy, a library of Functions for Python child threads. Sh, a mature child thread replacement function library. Sarge, encapsulating threads. Subprocess, argparse to call shell commands, write command line scripts, timeit to parse the powerful command line difference, calculate the time to run the code, etc. Unp, command line tools, decompress files. Eventlet is a low-overhead multi-threaded module that uses the Green Threads concept; for example, a single statement pool = eventlet.greenPool (10000) creates a thread pool that can handle 10000 client connections. Similar to Gevent thread library Gevent, multi-threaded module PyTools, famous Python general function, toolkit SendKeys, keyboard and mouse operation module, simulation keyboard and mouse simulation operation.

PyHook is a Python – based “hook” library that listens for mouse and keyboard events on your current computer. This library relies on another Python library, PyWin32. As the name suggests, PyWin32 only runs on Windows, so PyHook only runs on Windows. Cement, a lightweight, fully functional command line tool click, is a simple and elegant command line interface. Clint, Python command-line tool. Cliff, a command-line framework for creating multi-level instructions. Clime can convert any module to multiple CLI commands without any configuration. Docopt, Python command line argument parser. Pycli, command line application, supports standard command line parsing, logging, unit [testing] and functional testing. Gooey, opens command line program as a complete GUI application, Cookiecutter, command line tool to create projects from Cookiecutters (project templates). For example, the Python package project, the jQuery plug-in project. Percol, for the UNIX traditional pipe command, adds an interactive selection style. Rainbowstream, smart and beautiful Twitter client terminal. Django Models, part of Django SQLAlchemy, Python SQL Toolkit and object relational Mapping. Peewee, a small ORM parser. PonyORM provides an INTERFACE to SQL for ORM. MongoEngine, Python object file mapping, using [MongoDB]. , Django MongoDB engine MongoDB, Django backend. Redisco, a simple model and container library, uses [Redis] Flywheel, Amazon DynamoDB object mapping. Butterdb, ORM for Google spreadsheets, Python version. Celery, celery, asynchronous task queues/jobs, based on distributed message queues. Huey, Huey, lightweight, multi-threaded task queue. MRQ, Mr. Queue, distributed task queue, using Redis & Gevent. Rq, simple work queue. Queue,Queue module can be used to achieve communication between multiple threads, let each thread share data, producers put goods in the Queue, for the consumer (thread) to use. Simpleq, simple, extensible queue, Amazon SQS base queue. Psyco is a powerful python performance optimization tool. Psyco can improve performance by 40% or more by invoking just two lines of code at the entry point of the code. If your client feels that your application is a bit slow, don’t rush to improve the code; Psyco may change his mind immediately. Psyco is the Jit of Python. Fn. py, Python function programming: Missing features enjoy FP implementation. Funcy, a function programming tool. Toolz, function programming tools: iterators, functions, dictionaries. CyToolz, Cython implementation of Toolz, a high performance function programming tool. Ansible is a very simple automation platform. SaltStack, an automated infrastructure management system. Fabric, a simple, remotely executed and deployed language tool. Fabtools, a utility function for Fabric. Cuisine, popular Fabric utility function. Psutil, cross-platform process and system tools module. Pexpect, control interactive programming. Provy, easy to use Python for configuring systems. Honcho, The Foreman Python interface used to manage the Procfile application tool. Gunnery, multi-task execution tool, distributed system with network interface. FIG, fast. Dock Windows are used in a separate development environment. APScheduler, a lightweight but powerful online task scheduler. Django-schedule, a Django schedule application. Doit, task channel/generation tool. Joblib, a lightweight pipelined utility function provided by Python. Plan to generate a crontab file. Spiff, a powerful workflow engine implemented purely in Python. Schedule, Python job scheduling. TaskFlow, which helps to make task execution easy. Ctypes, the Python standard library, is faster. Python calls C code to external function interfaces. Cffi, Python calls external functions to C code. This is similar to Ctypes calling C programs directly from Python programs, but more convenient than Ctypes without requiring compilation to so. Cytoolz, Python accelerated library SWIG, simplified encapsulation and interface generator. Cython, Python optimized static compiler. PyPy, Python implementation of the Python interpreter. Stackless Python, an enhanced version of Python. It allows programmers to benefit from thread-based programming while avoiding the performance and complexity problems associated with traditional threading. Stackless brings microthreading extensions to Python. Pyston is a low-overhead, lightweight convenience tool that optimizes Python performance using LLVM and modern JIT techniques. Pythonlibs, the unofficial Windows (32-bit / 64-bit) Python extension package scapy, an excellent packet handling library. Ino, Arduino command line tool. Pyro, Python’s robot toolkit. Pluginbase, a simple and flexible plugin system for Python. Itsdangerous, a secure data transmission tool. Blinker, a signal/event scheduling system in Fast Python. Pychievements, for creating and tracking the results framework. Python-patterns, design patterns in Python PefileWindows PE file parser SIP, a tool that automatically generates Python extension modules for C and C++ libraries.

MySQLdb, mature [MySQL] database module,Baresql,SQL database package ZODB, Python native object database. A K-V object graph database. Pickledb, simple and lightweight k-V key and value storage. TinyDB, lightweight, document-oriented database. Mysql-python, the Python tool library for mysql. Mysqlclient, mysql-Python branch, support Python 3. PyMySQL, pure Python written mysql driver, compatible with mysql-Python. Mysql-connector-python, mysql connector from [Oracle], written in pure Python. Oursql, MySQL connector, provides local call instruction statements and BLOBs support. Psycopg2, the most popular Python PostgreSQL adapter. Txpostgres, Twisted asynchronous driver for PostgreSQL. Queries,psycopg2 function library for PostgreSQL. Dataset, which stores Python dictionary data for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL. Pycassa is the python driver for the Apache Cassandra database system. HappyBase, a friendly Apache [Hbase] function library. PyMongo, official MongoDB client. Plyvel, LevelDB fast and rich Python interface. Redis-py,redis client. Py2neo,Python client (RESTful interface based on Neo4j). Telephus, Cassandra client based on Twisted. TxRedis, a Twisted based Redis client. Curl, the Pycurl package is a Python interface to libcurl, which is written in C. It is much faster than URllib. Libcurl is an FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, Libcurl also supports HTTPS authentication,HTTP POST,HTTP PUT,FTP uploads, proxies,Cookies, basic authentication,FTP FILE breakpoint uploads,HTTP proxy channels, and more.

Requests, an open source HTTP library written in Python based on URllib. It’s more convenient than urllib and more Pythoner. Support Python3. Httpie, a command-line HTTP client, is a user-friendly replacement for cURL. S3cmd, command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront. YouTube – DL, command line program, downloads videos from YouTube. Download videos from Coursera, download videos from, rename files from Wikiteam, wiki download tools. Subliminal, a command-line tool that provides a library of functions for searching and downloading subtitles. Requests, the HTTP function library, is more user-friendly. Grequests, asynchronous HTTP requests + Gevents (high performance high concurrency function library). Urllib3, a thread-safe HTTP connection pool, supports file POST. Httplib2, a comprehensive HTTP client function library. Treq, Python API, Twisted’s HTTP client. Mininet, a popular network emulator,API written in Python. POX, The Open source software defined network (SDN) based on Python controls the application of development platform, such as THE SDN controller of OpenFlow. Pyretic, SDN’s programming language, provides powerful abstractions in network switches or emulators. SDX Platform, SDN based IXP implementation, utilizes minimal network, pox and heat., Python’s SMTP server. Imbox, Python version of the IMAP library. Inbox, open source mail toolkit. Lamson,SMTP server. Flanker, flanker, email address and MIME parsing library. Marrow. Mailer, a high-performance extensible mail delivery framework. Django-celery -ses, Django email background, use AWS SES and celery. Modoboa, a mail hosting and management platform that includes modern and simplified Web UI. envelopes, email tool. Mailjet, Bulk mailjet API interface, with statistics. Talon, Talon, Mailgun library, extract messages and signatures. mailjet- Mailjet API implementation for batch mailing, statistics and more., Talon – Mailgun Library to extract Message Quotations and signatures. Furl, fuel, small URL parsing library. Purl, a simple, clean API for manipulating urls. Pyshorteners, pure Python library, URL short URL editing. Short_url, short URL generated. Scrapy, a framework for quick screen capture and web scraping. Visual extension of Portia, Portia, and Scrapy. Feedparser is a simple Python library for Web browsing without using a Web browser. MechanicalSoup, web site automation interactive test kit. Mechanize, web browsing programming tool. Demiurge, Creator, – Lightweight tool for PyQuery. C. newspaper D. newspaper Html2text, convert HTML to Markdown text. Python-goose,HTML content extractor. Lassie, Lacey, Personalized Web content retrieval. Micawber, library of functions to grab web pages through UR. Sumy, automatic digest module for summaries, text and HTML web pages. Haul, distance, expandable image crawler. Python – Readability, readability tool Arc90, fast Python interface. Opengraph, OpenGraphProtocol protocol parsing module, textract, from any file, Word, PowerPoint, extracting text, PDF files, etc. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. Sanitize. AutobahnPython, WebSocket, and WAMP libraries, using Twisted and PythonWebsocket-for-Python, WebSocket client and server libraries. SimpleXMLRPCServer, Python standard library, simple XML-RPC server, single thread. SimpleJSONRPCServer, JSON-RPC specification implementation library. ZeroRPC, RPC implementation based on ZeroMQ and MessagePack. Apache-libcloud, the Python interface library for all cloud services. Wifi, wifi – A set of Python libraries and command-line tools with wifi for [Linux]. Streamparse, a real-time stream of Running Python code and data. Apache Storm is integrated. Boto, Amazon Web Services Interface. Twython, Twitter Twitter API. Google-api-python-client, Google client API. Gspread, Python API for Google spreadsheets. Facebook – SDK, Facebook Platform Python SDK. Facepy, simple Facebook graphics for APIgmail, Python interface for Gmail. Django -wordpress, django’s wordpress model and view.

Web framework Django, the most popular Python-Web framework, encourages rapid development, and follows the MVC design, the development cycle is short ActiveGrid enterprise-class Web2.0 solution Karrigell simple Web framework, its own contains Web services, Py script engine and pure Python database

PyDBLitewebpy is a small and flexible Web framework, simple but powerful CherryPy Python based Web application development framework. An extremely efficient and reliable Web development framework based on Python Zope open source Web application server TurboGears Based on Python MVC style Web application framework Twisted popular network programming library, large Web framework. Flask, the QuixoteWeb development framework, a lightweight Web framework. Bottle, a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI schema Web framework. Pyramid, a lightweight, fast, and stable open source Web framework. Web2py, an easy-to-use, full-stack Web framework and platform. Web. Py, a powerful and simple Web framework. TurboGears, a Web framework for easy expansion. CherryPy, minimalist Python Web framework, support, HTTP 1.1 and WSGI thread pools. Grok, a Zope3 based Web framework. Bluebream, open source Web application server, formerly known as Zope 3. Guava, a lightweight, high-performance Python-Web framework written in C. Django-cms, an enterprise open source CMS based on Django. Djedi – CMS is a lightweight but powerful plugin for Django CMS, with inline editing and performance optimization. FeinCMS, django-based advanced content management system. Kotte, a high-level Web application framework for Python, based on Pyramid. Mezzanine, powerful, consistent, flexible content management platform. Opps, a Django-based CMS for high-traffic newspapers, magazines, and portals. Plone, an open source application server based on Zope. Quokka, flexible, scalable, lightweight CMS using Flask and MongoDB. Wagtail, Django content management system. Widgy, CMS framework, based on Django. Django-oscar, django Oscar, is an open source framework for e-business. Django-shop, a django-based online store system. Merchant supports a variety of payment processing tools. Money, a scalable currency exchange solution. Python – Currencies, currency display format. Cornice, Pyramid’s REST framework. Django-rest-framework, the Django framework, is a powerful and flexible tool that makes it easy to build Web apis. Django-tastypie creates a nice Django application API. Django-formapi, which creates JSON APIS, HMAC authentication, and Django form validation. Flask – API, provides a unified browser experience, based on the Django framework. Flask -restful, quickly build REST API support extensions. Flask-api-utils, an extension of Flask. Falcon, Falcon, a high-performance Python framework for building cloud apis and Web application backends. Eve, Eve, REST API framework, using Flask, MongoDB and good intentions. Sandman, Sandman, automatically generates REST apis for existing database-driven systems. Restless, a framework similar to TastyPie. Savory -pie, REST API building libraries (Django, among others) Jinja2, modern designer-friendly language templates. Genshi, Network aware output template toolkit. Mako, Marco, ultra-fast, lightweight templates for the Python platform. Chameleon, an HTML/XML template engine. Imitate ZPT, optimize speed. Spitfire, a fast Python compilation template. Django-haystack, finding a needle in a haystack, Django module search. Elasticsearch -py, an official low-level Python client for ElasticSearch. Solrpy,solr client. Whoosh, call, fast, pure Python search engine library. Feedly, a library for building news and notification systems, using Cassandra and Redis. Django-activity-stream, a Django activity stream, generates a generic activity stream from actions on your site. Beaker, Beaker, a Web application for caching and session use, standalone Python scripts and application libraries. The dogpile. Cache is Beaker’s next generation replacement. HermesCache, Python’s cache library, based on tag invalidation and prevention of Dogpile effects. Django-cache-machine, django cache machine, automatic cache invalidation, using ORM. Django-cacheops, automatic granular event driven, ORM cache invalidation. Johnny – Cache,Django application, Johnny cache framework. Django-viewlet, the render template widget extends cache control. Pylibmc, on the libmemcached interface. WTForms-JSON,JSON form data processing extension. Deform, a function library for HTML form generation. Django-bootstrap3, bootstrap3, integrates django. Djangocrispy – Forms, a Django program that creates elegant forms. Django-remote-forms, a django remote form, is a serializer for Django tables. Django-simple-spam-blocker, Django’s simple spam blocker. Django-simply-captcha, Django Simple Captcha, simple and highly customizable Django application for adding captcha images Ajenti, server administration panel. Grappelli, django skin with fancy interface. Django-suit, Django replaces the O interface (for non-commercial use only). Django-xadmin, the django admin panel replacement tool. Flask-admin, simple flask management interface framework flower, real-time monitoring and Web management panel. Pelican, Pelican, Markdown or ReST, word King content theme. Support DVCS, disqus. AGPL. Cactus, Cactus, designer’s website static generator. Hyde, Hyde, static website generator based on Jinja2. Nikola, Nikola – a static website and blog generator. Tags, Tags, the simplest static site generator. Tinkerer, craftsman, sphinx-based static website generator. Asyncio, (in Python 3.4 + is the Python standard library), asynchronous I/O, event loops, collaborative tasks. Gevent, a Python-based network library. A Twisted, event-driven network engine. Tornado, Tornado, Function library for Web Frameworks and asynchronous networks. Pulsar, pulsar, event-driven parallel framework for Python. Diesel, diesel, green, event-based I/O framework. Eventlet, WSGI supports asynchronous frameworks. Python encapsulation of the PyZMQ, 0MQ message library. TxZMQ, an open source unified application router (WebSocket and WAMP) based on Twisted’s 0MQ message library encapsulation Crossbar. Wsgiref, Python standard library, WSGI wrapper implementation, single thread. Werkzeug, machine tools, WSGI tool libraries, easy to embed into your own project framework. Paste, paste, multi-threaded, stable, proven WSGI tool. Rocket, rocket, multi-threaded service, based on Pyramid. Netius, fast, asynchronous WSGI server, Gunicorn, forked predecessor, partially written in C. Fapws3, asynchronous network, written in C. Meinheld, the asynchronous WSGI server, is written in C. Bjoern – Fast, asynchronous WSGI server, written in C.

A security Permissions function library that allows or denies users access to data or functions. Django-guardian, django guardian, manages permissions for each object, used with Django 1.2 +Carteblanche, manages navigation and permissions. Authomatic, simple and powerful authentication/authorization client. OAuthLib, general, specification, OAuth request signing tool. Rauth, the Python library for OAuth 1.0, 2.0. Python-oauth2, using a fully tested, abstract interface to create OAuth clients and servers. Python-social-auth, an easy to install social authentication mechanism. Django-oauth2-provider django-oauth2 Toolkit django-oauth2-Provider django-oauth2 Toolkit Django-allauth, django-certified application. Flask-oauthlib, Flask’s OAuth Kit Sanction, simple OAuth2 client. Jose, [JavaScript] Object Signature and Encryption (JOSE) draft implementation, marking state. Python-jwt, JSON Web token generation and validation module. Pyjwt, JSON Web token draft 01. Python-jws, draft Web token for JSON 02. PyCrypto, Python’s encryption toolkit. Paramiko, the implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, provides functions on the client and server. Cryptography, cryptography development Kit. PyNac, Network and Cryptography (NaCl) function library. Hashids, the Python library for hashids. Passlib, secure password store/hash library, very high level. Hash algorithms such as hashlib, MD5, AND SHA, used to replace MD5 and SHA modules and make their apis consistent. It is supported by OpenSSL and supports the following algorithms: MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, sha512.

GTK+ library PyQt for Python QT development library WxPythonPython under the GUI programming framework, its message mechanism and MFC architecture similar, very easy to get started, PySide, a cross-platform Qt application and user interface framework that supports the Qt V4 framework, is not considered a third party library. WxPython, a C++ library that blends wxWidgets. Kivy, create application GUI functions library, see running on Windows, Linux, MAC OS X, [Android] and [iOS]. Curse, for creating terminal GUI applications. Urwid, a function library for creating terminal GUI application forms, event-enabled, colorful. Pyglet, a cross-platform window and multimedia library for Python. Tkinter, Python’s de facto standard GUI package. Enaml, create beautiful user interface with QML like syntax. Toga, Toga, OS native GUI toolkit. Pyenv, simple Python version management. Virtualenv, which creates a separate Python environment for installing different versions of Python at the same time. Virtualenvwrapper, a set of extensions to VirtualEnv. Pew, a set of tools for managing multiple virtual environments. Vex to run the specified virtualenv command. PyRun, a single-file, installation-free Python version management tool. PIP, Python packages and dependent management tools. Easy_install, a package management system, provides a standard format for distributing Python software and function libraries. Is a module with setup tools, and a library of third-party functions. Designed to speed up allocators for the Python function library. RubyGems, similar to the Ruby language. Conda, cross-platform, binary package manager. Curdling, a command line tool for managing Python packages. Wheel, a new Python standard designed to replace EGG. cx-freeze, a cross-platform library for packaging executable files

Py2exe converts Python scripts to py2App, an executable program that can run independently on Windows. Py2exe converts Python scripts to Py2App, an executable program that can run independently on Windows. Pyinstaller – A Python program that converts to a standalone executable (cross-platform). Pynsist, a tool for building Windows installers, written in Python. Dh-virtualenv, create and distribute VirtualEnv (Debian package format) PyPI, a new generation of Python package library management tool. Warehouse, a new generation of Python package library (PyPI) management tool. Devpi, PyPI server and packaging/testing/publishing tools. Localshop, PyPI official package image server, supports local (private) package upload. Buildout, which creates, assembles, and deploys multiple parts of an application, some of which may be non-Python based. SCons, software construction tool. Platformio, a console tool, builds code that can be used on different development platforms. Bitbake, a specially designed tool for creating and deploying the [embedded]Linux package Fabricate, automatically generates dependency packages for any programming language. Django-compressor, the Django compressor, compresses and inlines JavaScript or CSS, linked to a single cache file. Compressor, a Jinja extension, compresses your resources by compiling them. Webassets, optimized management, static resources, unique cache cleanup. Fanstatic, fan, package optimization, provides static files. Fileconveyor, which monitors resource changes, can be saved to CDN and file system. Django-storages, a set of custom storage djangos behind the scenes. Glue, a simple command line tool, generates CSS Sprites. Libsass – Python, the Python interface to Sass (Cascading style sheets). Flask-assets, integrating application resources. Unittest, the Python standard library, is a unittest framework. Nose, Nose, Unittest extension products. Pytest is a full-fledged Python testing tool. Mamba is an authoritative test tool for Python, which is owned by BDD. Contexts, BDD testing framework, based on C#. Pyshould, the Should-style testing framework, based on PyHamcrest. Pycore, BDD style testing framework Selenium, Web testing framework, Python binding Selenium. Splinter, an open source tool for testing Web applications. Locust, locust, an extensible user load testing tool, written in Python. Sixpack, language independent A/B testing framework. Mock, mock object, mock test library. Responses, utility functions, used for mock simulation tests. Doublex – Powerful testing framework. Freezegun, through time adjustment, test module. Httpretty, HTTP request emulation tool. Httmock, mock mock test. Coverage, code coverage measurement test. Faker, a Python package that generates simulated test data. Mixer, generate simulation data for Django ORM, SQLAlchemy, Peewee, MongoEngine, Pony ORM, etc. Model_momes, create test randomization tools in Django. ForgeryPy, an easy-to-use analog data generator. Radar, radar, generates a random date/time. Fuckit. py, which tests Python code to run. Code Analysispysonar2, Python type index. Pycallgraph, a visual traffic (callgraph) application. Code2flow, convert Python and JavaScript code to flowcharts. LinterFlake8, source code module inspector pylama, Python and JavaScript code auditing tools. Pylint, a source code analyzer that looks for programming errors, helps enforce a code standard and sniffs some code smells. Note: In contrast to PyChecker, Pylint is a higher-level Python code analysis tool that analyzes errors in Python code. Pyflakes, a simple program for checking Python source files for errors. Pyflakes analyzes programs and checks for errors. It is implemented by parsing source files without importing. PDB, The Python standard library,Python debugger. Ipdb, the PDB used by IPython. Winpdb, platform-independent GUI debugger. Pudb, full screen, based on the Python debugging console. Pyringe, – a debugger that can attach and inject code into Python programs. Python-statsd, statsd server client. Memory_profiler, memory monitoring. Profiling, an interactive Python parser. Django-debug-toolbar, the Django debug toolbar, displays various debugging information: current request/response. Django-devserver, django debugging tool. Flask – Debugtoolbar,flask debugging tool.

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