In 2016, these Android technologies will be hot

New technologies are constantly emerging in Android development. With so many projects on GitHub, people constantly Mark, people share their experiences, whatever it is, if you actually learn something, we’ve done our job.

1, the DataBinding

At this year’s Google IO conference, the Android team announced a Data Binding Library. The Data Binding Library is a support Library that supports Android 2.1+ (API Level 7+).

It was still in beta in 2015, but judging by the Preview release of Android Studio 2, Google has put a lot of effort into the library, and we have reason to believe that DataBinding will have its first official release in 2016.

2. MVP mode

MVVM and MVP modes are becoming increasingly popular in Android development. I highly recommend my TheMVP project, which can be imported directly as a Module dependency. (Search TheMVP on Github for details)

3, hot repair

In 2015, a large number of HotFix dynamic loading technologies emerged: HotFix, Nuwa, DroidFix, AndFix, etc., as well as the same principle of plug-in technology: DroidPlugin, DynamicAPK. Even Instant Run, as shown in the Preview version of Android Studio 2, is essentially a hotfix technology.

My guess is that 2016 will be the year of hot fixes based on the idea of Instant Run.

4, RxJava

Elegant (perhaps only in lambda expressions) chained expression, easy thread switching, RxJava has had its day in 2015. If you don’t know what RxJava really is at this point, I suggest you think twice about whether you’ve lost track of the world.

5, RxVolley

RxVolley, by making Volley support for RxJava, makes your code easy to get out of callback hell. Removing complex HttpClient and optional support for OkHttp and ImageLoader allows you to use your own coding style while greatly reducing project size.

6, RxBus, RxBinding

Thanks to RxJava’s wide variety of operators and features, combining rXJava-based libraries like this will make your code much simpler and your development much more efficient.

RxBus, it is worth mentioning that RxBus is not a library, but a design thinking, it can skillfully use the features of RxJava, perfect replacement of the original EventBus class library (EventBus/Otto, etc.)

RxBinding, rxJava-wrapped View event handling, event changes are passed as a stream.

7. Kotlin

Swift, which is in the Android camp, also got its official release in 2015. Kotlin has many features that Java does not have, such as null pointer safety, function default parameters, default inclusion of template classes, native support for lambda (in Android development, RxKotlin is often used), and more.