Mind mapping, in addition to helping to summarize, summarize and clarify the logic of thinking, is also a very effective way of learning, which can stimulate association and generate more ideas.

This article is a selection of 8 great open source mind mapping tools to help you learn. Remember that a mind map is just a tool, thinking is the ultimate purpose of using it.

1, Kity Minder

Baidu Brain Map is free of installation and online use. It has the interactive experience of many Native editing tools. Meanwhile, it gives full play to the advantages of Web cloud storage and can directly synchronize the brain map being edited to the cloud. In addition, with the unique “cloud disk sharing” function, users can directly generate online links to share the currently edited brain map with other users with one click, realizing seamless communication.

Baidu Brain Map supports many popular modern browsers at home and abroad, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE, Cheetah Browser, Sogo Browser, Baidu Browser and so on. Currently, you can see that features are updated on the official website, but the source code has not been updated for a long time.

In addition, DesktopNaotu, a localized open source version based on Baidu Brain Map, is recommended to use Baidu brain Map even without the Internet environment.

2, jsMind

JsMind, Fast Inspiration, is a domestic internet-based, collaborative, efficient, free mind mapping and sharing tool. Pure javascript, based on HTML5 canvas implementation. It provides mind map display, editing and other functions, supports freemind data format, and has a rich development interface to use.

JsMind is open source under the BSD protocol and is still iterating.

3, to My Mind

Similar to Baidu Mind Map, My Mind is an open source web Mind Map editor. It is easy to use and supports Mind Maps in JSON, FreeMind, MindMup and Mind Map Architect formats.

My Mind is based on JavaScript and can save data locally, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more.

4, FreeMind

FreeMind is probably one of the better known open source mind mapping tools. Written in Java, FreeMind aims to be an efficient tool with one-click “expand/collapse” and “link” to follow.

However, FreeMind’s current UI is a bit “outdated” and needs a complete redesign and modern user interface.

5, Freeplane

Freeplane is a mind mapping tool redesigned by one of FreeMind’s main developers. It is also written in Java, and is officially Chinese. The software interface is simple and clear, the operation is convenient and quick, and the design is more humanized.

6, VYM

VYM’s editing page is very simple and intuitive, just grab something with your mouse and move it to another place. Also, it’s easy to install and doesn’t worry too much about so-called dependency issues. In addition, VYM has good compatibility.


TiddlyMap is not strictly a mind mapping tool, but it has brain mapping functions. Built on TiddlyWiki, it allows intuitive linking and creation of wiki topics, converting personal notes into software in the form of a hybrid version of a Wiki concept map.

TiddlyMap is a JavaScript based Web application that uses vis.js library for visualization, graphics and content synchronization, and is open source under BSD protocol.

And finally, XMind.

Many of you have used XMind without knowing that it is open source software under the LGPL/EPL protocol. You can integrate XMind into your own products, store data in XMind files, and even build your own mind mapping software based on XMind.

However, as the open source code of XMind does not contain some professional functions, and has not been updated for a long time (the last update date was on December 1, 2014), professional use still needs to purchase, so no special recommendation is made.

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