
Python is a scripting language that many people are learning or want to learn. It is a scripting language that many people are learning or want to learn. Python is a scripting language that many people want to learn.

Python Picture to character drawing

Complete the picture to character drawing gadget with 50 lines of Python code. Through the experiment, you will learn the Linux command line operation, Python basics, the use of pillow library, and the use of argparse library.


Using Python raw composition

In the Python Turtle module, draw three kinds of curves: Fractal Tree, Koch Snowflake and Dragon Curve to enhance the understanding of recursion.

A rendering

【Python3 】

Python3 is used to identify whether the image is pornographic or not. PIL, the image processing library, is used to write an algorithm to divide the skin area of the image. It covers Python 3 basics, skin color pixel detection and skin region partitioning algorithms, Pillow and Argparse.

A rendering

【Python to solve renting problems 】

The Python script was used to crawl the housing information of a rental website, and the JS API of Autonavi was used to mark the housing location on the map, and the range within one hour from the workplace was delineated. During the project implementation process, I became familiar with the simple use of the Requests, BeautifulSoup, CSV, and other libraries.


Train ticket query tool implemented by Python3

Use Python3 to crawl 12306 website information to provide a command line train ticket query tool. Through the implementation of this project, you can be familiar with Python3 basic and network programming, as well as the use of docopt, requests, prettytable and other libraries.


Python3 & OpenCV Video to Character animation

Use OpenCV to process pictures and videos, turn the video into character drawing sequence, and then play character animation in the terminal. In addition to OpenCV operations, this course will also learn about the use of cursor location escape codes.


【Python solves the philosopher’s dining problem 】

The philosopher’s Meal problem is a classic computer problem used to demonstrate the problem of multithreading synchronization in concurrent computations. The course tackles the philosopher’s meal problem in three different ways. Learn more about threads, deadlocks, and live locks.

The philosopher’s Dining problem


Take you step by step through the Python Challenge and improve your Python skills with one imaginative Python problem after another.

Python Challenge

[Trump hits Hillary Clinton in the face [OpenCV based facial feature exchange]

The project realized the exchange of facial features through OpenCV library. In fact, the eyes, nose and mouth of the second face were automatically adapted and covered on the first face through the program. In order to make the modified photo look more natural, we also needed to adjust the skin color.

Hillary replaces Trump’s face

Converting images to color characters in Python 3

By using the Docopt library and Pillow library, the command line parser is built to obtain the specified image and convert it into the color character image of the corresponding style, and print the transformed image on the terminal. You can try to choose their favorite picture to make their own color character avatar oh!



The 10 Python projects described above are interesting!! Developing interesting projects makes it easier to learn.

If you want to see more Python projects, click:

  • More Python field projects
  • Learning path for Python developers