
“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

It’s time to write the year-end review again. Think about the last time I wrote the year-end review, which was last time 🙂

Looking back at the year-end review I wrote last year, I remarked that time had passed quickly, as usual.

It was Captain who reminded me to write the year-end review this year, and I still put it off for two weeks haha

Event coordinates:

Record the coordinates of the year’s events

  • Trump out, Biden in
  • The Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary
  • Double reduction policy in July, education discipline training can no longer be done.
  • Henan province heavy rain, Zhengzhou subway was flooded
  • Tokyo Olympics
  • Repeated outbreaks have led to regular epidemic prevention and control, with the emergence of delta and other variants


ShuangJian policy

This year, the K12 after-school education and training industry has been hit hard by the “double reduction policy”.

The company I work for, Good Future Education Group, is the industry leader of K12 discipline training.

On the day the policy was released, the stock price dropped from more than $90 to $6 or $7.

In fact, I quite agree with the government’s policy of double reduction in education. The cost of education is too high and too internal.

Children from childhood began to roll, children hard, adults also hard, finally happy only those capitalists.


After a month of gestation, the company began laying off workers at the end of August.

I was in a team that had two positions for redundancy, and a lot of my colleagues applied for redundancy.

Because I have been preparing for the interview, I also want to go back to my hometown fujian to work.

The layoff wasn’t too sudden for me.

Later, I was very happy to get the redundancy quota, and the company lost N+ 1,3.5 months.

A month later, at the end of September, everyone on the team was laid off 😂

Xiao the blackboard

I stayed at Xiao Blackboard for more than two years, which was a very important period of my life.

During this period, I have experienced closed development with a size of 996 weeks.

Working remotely during the epidemic, working overtime during the Spring Festival to launch epidem-related businesses.

PS: There are some extreme cases, but most of the time the business is not very busy and overtime is very rare.

And every week with my friends to play basketball, fitness, dinner and other daily life is so happy and natural.

Under the leadership of the old boss’s full text, everyone’s character is very nice, and each partner gets along very comfortably.

Until behind everyone ran to the crowd, we also often in the group chat inside the water 😊

Looking for a job

Before looking for a job, I took a trip to Sanya (eight days) and Guizhou (six days) with my friends.

After the rest, I threw myself into the regular study life.

I will not repeat the details of the experience of looking for a job, there are a variety of routines and heart course I have the opportunity to open a single to introduce.


Finally, I chose Draft Technology in Xiamen, Fujian province.

I’m very optimistic about the company’s business prospects.

I’ve only been here for two weeks now, and my colleagues are very warm and friendly.

I joined the front end infrastructure team of the Middle and Taiwan department.

Front-end infrastructure work, unlike the previous business, with very clear requirements and tasks.

It’s an open job, and the key is:

Empower and create value for your business through your work on infrastructure.

PS: The company has branches in Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Beijing. The front-end demand is large and the prospect is very good. If you want to promote it internally, you can send your resume to me via email :[email protected]

Talk about leaving Shanghai

Although I was reluctant to leave my friends in Shanghai, I chose to leave Shanghai after four years.

It is a matter that I have considered for a long time, and here I say some ideas in my heart, hoping to give you the meaning of reference.

The desire to make money is not that great

Although MY income is definitely higher in Shanghai than in Xiamen.

But I think it’s ok to make enough money, and the material requirements are not necessarily so high.

As long as life is not too bad, the most important thing is to be happy, happy.

The distance problem

It takes about an hour to go home by high-speed train from Xiamen, and then it takes about three hours to get to the high-speed train station and so on.

Drive home, navigation says two and a half hours.

(PS: I have been waiting for BYD’s Han-DMI to come out since July. I will buy it when it comes out next year.)

In Shanghai, I can only choose the high-speed train, which takes more than five hours.

With everything else, it’ll take more than eight hours or so.

Therefore, every time I go back home in Shanghai, I have to choose holidays, and it takes two days to go back and forth.

This is really a very uncomfortable thing, why need to go home for a specific plan to holidays.

My friend told me that I don’t go home very often in Fujian.

Yeah, I admit she’s right. Probably not doing anything and not going home much.

But I think it’s a psychological advantage, the feeling of being able to go back every weekend if you want, instead of having to wait for holidays every time.

Other reasons

  • Fujian work-life balance: No overtime

    Relatively speaking, fujian side of the enterprise overtime culture is relatively little, most of the enterprises do not work overtime.

  • Xiamen’s growth will not lag behind That of Shanghai: self-driven and habitual

    As for me, I have determined my future direction of learning and growth. As long as I remain self-driven, I will continue to grow in Xiamen. As long as there are enough outstanding talents in the selected company and team, they will influence and learn from each other.

  • Circle of friends: Most people still choose to stay in Fujian.

  • Connections to accumulate

    If you stay in Shanghai all the time, you can definitely use your contacts in the end, but if you have to go back, you can choose to go back to your hometown as early as possible, accumulate contacts in advance, and then look for a job when you are older. You can say hello directly through contacts. Otherwise, it may be more difficult or discriminated against to directly enter the job market when you are older.

When should you go to a big city?

It is suggested that when you are still young and still have time, you should go to a big city for a few years, mainly for the following considerations.

  • Salary base

    If you stay in your hometown all the time, your salary will increase very slowly, and your salary will be lower if you change jobs, which will reduce your income a lot. In big cities, salaries are higher, and talent flows faster, making it easier to raise salaries. When you come back after a few years in the big city, your salary will be higher.

  • Vision, vision

    In big cities, we can see and contact more excellent and professional technology and people, so that we can know what is good. If you don’t understand the characteristics and definitions of excellence and professionalism, then you don’t know how to be a good and professional person.

  • In one’s youth

    Before you have a family, go out more when you are young, don’t go out when you are young, and then go out when you have a family?

Talk about learning

I think learning, the most important is self-drive, self-drive is a very important habit.

The power of habit is huge, it has a strong inertia, develop a regular study habit

When learning is not forced, do not feel hard, but a natural thing.

Here are two tips for learning:

  • Do not scatter energy: study, concentrate all energy break all content of a direction, thoroughly learn, learn fine.
  • Practice quickly: Write a demo or find a project on Github, practice quickly, try and error quickly, this will greatly improve your learning efficiency.

Open source

In addition to continuing to maintain previous open source projects, this year opened a Google plugin and a knowledge base.

I feel good about it. It’s all practical for me:

  • The Google plugin helps me to reduce the time spent noodling and improve the efficiency of work and study.

  • The accumulated knowledge base helps me review and brush questions efficiently when looking for a job.


Chrome plugin forbidding people to waste time fishing by compulsory means, during work/study subconsciously open fishing website, automatic detection of fishing website, prompting incentive information, closed fishing website.

This plug-in has greatly helped me to improve the efficiency of my work and study.

I used to go to zhihu to see the boiling point of gold nuggets.

After installing this plug-in, I will slowly help me quit the habit of opening the subconscious touch fish website touch fish.

Web-basics (Capabilities needed at the big factory front End)

Collect and sort out a big factory front-end need to master the ability of the warehouse, which is divided into JS basic ability, big factory scene questions, big factory interview real questions.

In my own interview experience, there is a high probability that the pen questions in the interview are the contents of this warehouse.

If you can master the code in this repository, it will definitely help you improve your ability.

In the interview when able to play with ease, belly goods, the heart will not feel empty.


VSCode plug-in for automatic generation of file head notes and function notes, automatic update of the last edit time, the last editor, support all mainstream languages, complete documentation, flexible configuration, but also support a key to add Buddha bless and other fun image notes.

This year is the fourth year to maintain the plug-in. The plug-in has increased from 2000Star to 3000Star this year, and now it has 25.2W installation volume, and more than 100~400 users are added every day. I feel that many users are still using it, so I am very happy!



In affection

I’ve been in love with my girlfriend for a year

There were a lot of bumps and fights and it wasn’t easy getting through

But after a fight, you will understand each other’s feelings, thoughts and minefields better.

The relationship will be better and more stable after the fight.

So said.

A day of peace is not necessarily a good thing, in my opinion it is a whitewash.

When two people are together, there will always be conflict, and through conflict you can learn more about your partner,

It’s better to know your problems before you get married than after you get married. Don’t keep them bottled up in your heart.

Problems need to be exposed, and then they can be fixed.

This is also I learned this year, I hope to give you a bit of reference ha 😂

Long distance relationships

In the choice of work, in fact, particularly reluctant to give up in Shanghai girlfriend.

At that time was also considered and discussed for a long time, and then we reached a consensus.

I go back to work first, and then she comes back to Xiamen at the beginning of next year to find a job to long-distance love half a year 😭

This period of time can let her well prepared to look for a job, and then also incidentally get a year-end bonus 😂

I think the most important thing in a long-distance relationship is to trust each other.

With trust will be at ease, will not fantasize, this needs both sides to work together, to operate!


This year, I have only run more than 2,000 kilometers, which is a lot less, mainly because I spent a lot of time in training.

I did build some muscle, but it was tiring and painful

It’s not as enjoyable as running, it affects motivation

Then this year I learned to swim at the gym and got a new skill

Although the technology is very poor although swim very slowly although can not swim far 😂

Just come still not long, look for a few gym to consult on the weekend, retrain.

Fitness or to choose their favorite projects, such ability will be happy, will be active ha

Working out is a lifelong thing you can’t leave behind!

Transfer of gym membership

Because change the reason of the city three years wales national fitness card also want to turn hair salty fish and wechat have no one to ask 😭

Behind my girlfriend sent in their ding Dong to buy food flea group, soon sold

Two years left 3300 sold the gym for $700 in transfer fees

So the cost of the gym membership I used for one year is: 6300-2600 = 3700

In order to step on pit experience to advise you to do fitness card time is not too long, perhaps about to transfer fitness card 😭

To travel!

Since last year when I started to travel for relaxation, I have enjoyed going out and seeing the mountains and rivers.

This year a little wave, play a little more, now all play tired 😝

  • Chongqing: Wulong Xiannu Mountain, Wulong Tiansheng Three Bridges, Ciqikou, Jiefang Monument, Yangtze River ropeway
  • Lishui: Ancient weir painting village, immortal capital, adventure island water world
  • Yangzhou: Slender West Lake, Daming Temple, Garden,
  • Taimu Mountain, Ningde, Fujian Province on May Day
  • Wenzhou Yandang Mountain Flada rock climbing for two or three hours is too exciting and exhausting down hands and feet are soft
  • Sanya: Nanshan Temple (South China Sea Guanyin), Wuzhizhou Island (diving), Yalong Bay (flying umbrella), seafood processing, boat, duty free shop, tianya Haijiao
  • Guizhou: Sheepskin cave waterfall, small seven holes, Thousands of Miao Villages, Fanjing Mountain
  • Hangzhou: West Lake rafting, Shita Mountain night view, Xianghu Lake, West Lake Wetland Park,

The picture below was taken in Sanya.

Fund management

This year’s fund yield: 42.83%, Alipay shows outperforming 99.78% of Shanghai jimin

So it seems to be quite satisfied, usually will disrelish less 😂

Books, movies, TV shows


Talking to the P8 guy at Alipay, he said that in addition to technology,

One of the most important things in your career is to raise your level of thinking and cognition,

Also should read more books outside of technology, so that read more books, more thinking, imperceptible will also improve cognition.

I think this advice is quite good, to their thinking cognition and abstract thinking will also help

Now I will take out a fixed time to read books every day, although it is very slow, slow

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People highly recommends finding your true purpose in life
  • 30 Years of Agitation: 30 years of Agitation history of Chinese private enterprises
  • There are some great practical tips in Managing Up, which are about turning passivity into initiative
  • Behind-the-scenes Products: Building Breakthrough Product Thinking netease Cloud music products to write a good book

TV series

All high score dramas, highly recommended.

  • There are many speculations about life in the struggle and tragedy of the little people in the war period
  • The Awakening Age The History of the Founding of the Communist Party All the people who are not patriotic are patriotic.
  • “The Distance between Us and Evil” The lawyer’s acting is excellent, and one drunken scene is particularly touching
  • “The Squid Game” the pinball that section is particularly touching people still have to have a connection, just have a reason to live.
  • “People’s Justice” Secretary Da Kang who can not love
  • Cao Cao, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang are well portrayed in New Three Kingdoms
  • Genesis 1, Genesis 2 brotherly love is very touching the growth and responsibility of men
  • Daming Dynasty 1566, a group of old actors in the drama!

The movie

Since the invention of motion pictures, human life has been at least three times longer than before.

I always believe that watching excellent movies can improve the breadth and quality of life, so I especially like watching high-scoring movies to experience the ups and downs of others.

I watched a lot of movies this year. If there were good movies, I would go to the cinema with my girlfriend, and then I would often watch Douban high-score movies together on weekend nights.

  • Send you a Little Red Flower
  • Hello Li Huanying
  • My Sister
  • I Want Us to Stay Together
  • Father Stuck in Time
  • Out of Control Player
  • Xiamen by Chance
  • Five Boys Diving for water
  • Changjin Lake
  • Anita Mui
  • Make a Name for yourself
  • 3. The Jungle Book

The latter

I finally did it. It was a little bit trivial,

Also for the future to give their own memories of life with 😂

This year will soon be over. Generally speaking, life is progressing steadily.

2022, New Year, new beginning, go!

There is only one success — to spend your life in your own way.

From the moon “Ming Dynasty those things” at the end of the last word of the complete collection.

The merciless machine of time turns really fast.

The wheels keep rolling forward. They don’t stop for anyone or anything

Or when we’re in our 60s or 70s, or even on our deathbeds, we’ll look back and think, “A hundred years of life seemed like a blink.”

The world is too big and we are too small

A hundred years later, we are just a pile of loess

As ordinary people, it is difficult for us to make any career and leave any traces in this life

I only hope that everyone can find the way they really want to live and spend their life in the way they like.

Finally, I wish you all a happy and comfortable life. ❤ ️