How to learn Linux operating system? A lot of people are probably wondering about this. In fact, very simple, direct operation can be, that is, while operating while learning. Why say so, look at the children now play mobile phones, computers know. Have they been taught how to use it? Apparently not.

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Of course, you need to install a Linux environment before using the Linux operating system. There are many versions of Linux. Let’s take Ubuntu as an example. You can download the cd-rom image file from the official website of Ubuntu to install it. The address is:…

There are many versions of Ubuntu itself, such as desktop, server, Cloud and Internet of Things, among which the desktop version is most relevant to us ordinary users. The main versions of Ubuntu are shown below.

Of the above versions, the desktop version of Ubuntu is the most accessible to the average user, and there is virtually no difference between Ubuntu desktop and Windows. Office software and common software are also available, and are free. For most people, the desktop version is basically a no-study experience.

Let’s start by looking at how to install your own Linux operating system environment. In order to give you a better understanding of the nature of the Linux operating system, the Ubuntu Server version installed in this article has only a command line interface, no graphical interface.

Vm-based installation

Installing and using the Ubuntu operating system on a virtual machine is the most convenient way. There are several reasons why using virtual machines is convenient:

1) Easy to install 2) Easy to use, using the snapshot technology, you can take a snapshot before the operation, the case of error through the snapshot can be quickly rolled back

There are also many desktop versions of virtual machine software, such as commercial VMWare VIRTUAL Machine or free VirtualBox. This article uses VirtualBox as an example to introduce this software, because it is free and open source, you can download and install it freely. How to install VirtualBox is not covered in this article. Below is the VirtualBox main interface, which is very concise.

Click the menu “Control -> New” to start the wizard to create the VIRTUAL machine, we can choose all the default values, do not modify the click “Next”, until the virtual machine creation work is completed. The following is the initial interface of the Create VM wizard. Note that there are some things we need to fill out or select.

When we complete the wizard, we create a virtual machine, and the main screen of VirtualBox looks like this. An additional VIRTUAL machine is displayed and the VIRTUAL machine is shut down. Now we can use this virtual machine to install the Ubuntu system.

Of course, we need an Ubuntu installation image, that is, an ISO file, before we can install it. We have given the download address, you can download on the official website.

In the virtual machine you just created, click the Settings button, which is the yellow gear button. At this point, we can add the image file we just downloaded to the VIRTUAL machine. ** This step is equivalent to adding a CD to the virtual machine, and the contents of the CD are the Ubuntu system image. ** The specific setting steps are shown in the figure below.

After setting up the system image, you can start the VIRTUAL machine. On the virtual machine home screen, click the green arrow to start the virtual machine. The following is the system startup interface:

After a while, the system will enter the operating system installation wizard. The first step is to select the language to install. The default is English, which we have installed.

Keep the default options until you select the hard disk to install the system. At this point we can install on the entire disk or on an LVM basis. In fact, you can choose either one, but in this case, you choose to install to the entire disk.

Select and press Enter, a confirmation dialog box will pop up, because the installation system will overwrite the data on the disk, so you need to be careful to remind the user, give a chance to go back. Here we select “Continue”, which means to continue the installation.

We were then asked to fill in basic information such as username, host name and password, which we could do by ourselves. There were no special rules. Generally, use English letters. Special characters are not recommended.

The next step is to ask if you want to install the OpenSSH service. SSH is a protocol used by clients to communicate with Linux servers, and OpenSSH Server is the Server software that implements this protocol. After installing the software, we can log into the Linux system from any computer through the software.

Next, the wizard will prompt us to install some commonly used software, which we can not install for the time being. Note that the software can be installed manually if needed later.

Select Done, press Enter, and the wizard starts installing the operating system. Then we need to wait patiently, about half an hour to an hour of time.

When the operating system is installed, the wizard prompts you to restart it.

When we enter, the system will remind us to remove the installation disc. Because if the CD-ROM is still there, it will follow the process again and cannot enter the operating system. There is usually no need for us to do anything for virtual machines, so the virtual machine software usually uninstalls the CD-ROM image file automatically.

After the successful reboot, you can enter the Linux login interface and enter the user name and password previously set to enter the system.

Physical machine based installation

If you have a CD drive on your computer, installing Ubuntu is easy. But because now everyone’s computer seldom has a cd-rom drive, so the text mainly introduces the method of installation through U disk.

Make a flash drive boot drive

To use usb flash drive installation, you need to install a tool to make usb flash drive boot disk. There are many such tools, we use the Universal USB Installer, below is the main interface. Very brief and very simple to use.

There are three main steps to make a USB boot disk: select the type of distribution (we chose Ubuntu), system image and usb drive. Click the “Create” button and the software will write the data from the image file to the usb drive.

The essence of creating a usb boot drive is to write the data in the image file to the usb boot drive in a certain format. In this way, the BIOS can find the code of the operating system boot program when booting from the usb boot drive, and then load and run the code.

Set the BIOS

Different hardware sets the BIOS slightly differently. This step is to allow the USB port to boot the system. For details, check the Internet based on your hardware.

With everything in place, we can install the operating system. When the system boots up from the usb flash drive, we can see the same installation wizard as in the virtual machine. After that, you can follow the sequence in the VIRTUAL machine.

Based on Windows10 subsystem

Windows10 is starting to support the Linux subsystem. Instead of installing a dual system, this feature runs a Linux subsystem inside the Windows operating system, similar to a virtual machine.

We can go to the Windows Store and search for Ubuntu. Now you can see Ubuntu, just click “Launch” to install it.

After the installation is complete, you can see the successfully installed operating system in the Start menu.

Clicking on this icon opens an Ubuntu middle, as shown below. The installation method is the same as that of using a VM.

Today, I will introduce you to the installation process of the Ubuntu Server operating system. For more information on how to use the operating system and the deeper principles of the operating system, please follow this number and related circles.