Editor’s note: This series of tutorials features 125 practical web optimization tips, each with a case study to make it easy to understand. Part four – 3 Tips for Designing for all Users and scenarios in web design All together!
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Take into account the knowledge and skill levels of different users as much as possible
The user may be novice, expert, or somewhere in between, and needs to design the interface accordingly.
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Use proper orientation (four main orientation strategies)
These four uses can just be represented by a 2 by 2 matrix. Use the ICONS below to select the best way to fit your interface:
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Add tips for novice users without disturbing expert users
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Use card classification to build information architecture
If you want to understand how users define or conceptualize menu categories, use open card categories;
If you want to see how users can categorize existing elements into prefabricated categories, use closed card categories;
Adapt as much as possible to the user’s operation flow
Users will have different requirements and adjust the interface design according to different operation processes.
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Let the user control how the data is presented
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Let the user control how the data is sorted
Other ranking criteria include:
- Alphabetical order
- According to the availability
- According to the classification
- According to the date
- According to the distance
- By popularity
- According to the price
- According to the correlation
- According to the size
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Let the user control the amount of data displayed
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Build user portraits to distinguish specific operations
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△ Let the user open the page through a new TAB
Many users tend to open the page first and then browse it later.
Make your website as accessible as possible
Make your interface accessible to people with disabilities. Not only is this good practice, it also avoids legal consequences (depending on what product you’re making)
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△ Use semantic tags in HTML5
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Use multiple cues to communicate feedback
About 8% of men are color blind (Chan, Goh, & Tan, 2014). Don’t use color alone to convey information, offer multiple cues.
Be as compatible with inputs and extreme cases as possible
Users should be allowed to enter all kinds of information without worrying about it.
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Solve the problems caused by automatic information generation
The template message “name of destination > Have fun” will generate the message “Have fun in Auschwitz”, but Auschwitz is a negative association. “Have fun in Auschwitz” will make the user unhappy. To be on the safe side, change it to “Have a nice trip”)
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Use form elements that support multiple input formats
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— Display results that address searchers’ needs
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▽ Use of search that can handle misspellings, synonyms, or variations
Be as compatible with all media as possible
Interfaces need to work in a variety of environments (different devices, browsers, etc.)
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△ Customized operation instructions according to user’s browser
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▽ Single-window deep mode for small devices
To be continued…
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“Designers who are skilled and don’t put pressure on themselves get paid well!”
Address: Nickkolenda
[Yushi.com original article submission email: 2650232288@qq.com]
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