Execute takes a Runnable parameter but does not return an execution result, which is not very useful where an execution result is required.

Asynchronous tasks have return values

The main Thread will continue to run until the result is needed, but the Thread that provides the asynchronous Runnable will not return the result.

However, Future and Callable are provided in Java to implement a framework to obtain asynchronous execution results. In the previous article, the execute method of the thread pool does not return a value, but the submit method provided by the thread pool supports the return value, and submit uses the Future and Callable implementation.

Future and Callable are explained briefly

The Callable interface declares a method call that provides a generic return result,

The Future interface declares five interfaces:

Cancel method: Cancels the task, returning true on success or false on failure. The mayInterruptIfRunning parameter indicates whether ongoing tasks that have not completed are allowed to be canceled, and true indicates that ongoing tasks can be canceled. Return false if the task has already completed. ; .

IsCancelled method: indicates whether the task has been cancelled.

IsDone: indicates whether the task is complete. If the task is complete, return true.

The get() method is used to get the result of a task. This method blocks the thread and will not return until the task is finished. The get(long timeout, TimeUnit Unit) method returns null if no result is obtained within the specified time.

Look again at submit for the thread pool

Submit: AbstractExecutorService; submit: AbstractExecutorService;

The three methods take different parameters, but each generates an object of the RunnableFuture class as an argument to the newTaskFor method, so the key is the RunnableFuture class.

RunnableFuture is simply an interface and inherits both Runnable and Future, so it can be used as a Runnable in the execute method of the thread pool while still having all the functionality of a Future.

Submit generates a RunnableFuture subclass by newTaskFor, and generates a RunnableFuture implementation class FutureTask by looking at the source code. The final key is FutureTask.

The most critical class FutureTask is explained

FutureTask implements RunnableFuture. RunnableFuture inherits Runnable and Future, so it can be used as Runnable in the thread pool, as an argument to the execute method, and as the real implementer of the Future. Its key attributes are shown below:

FutureTask maintains a state state to indicate that the task state is cancelled, interrupted, completed, etc.

We all get results using the Future’s GET method, and FutureTask’s implementation of the GET method is simple:

First determine the state, if greater than 3 throw an exception;

If the value is 3, thread.yield () will yield the CPU.

If the work is less than 3, the waiters waiters assemble a WaitNode into a waiters thread, which interrupts the current thread.

Execute is ultimately a run method that executes parameters. In this case, FutureTask’s run method executes as follows:

First, execute the call method of callable to get the return result.

In CAS mode, the status is changed from 0 to 1.

If the setting is successful (thread-safe), assign the outcome to the outcome;

Step 4 Set the state from 1 to 2, indicating completion.

Finally, wake up the thread in the waiters chain table.


You can see that the asynchronous implementation that returns the result ultimately relies on FutureTask, which implements both Runnable and Future and has a Callable property. The get method suspends the thread and puts it in the wait list based on the state of the FutureTask.

It can also be used to execute in a thread pool, where it will eventually call its run method, which will call the Callable call method, the actual calculation method, and return the result to modify the state of FutureTask and wake up the thread waiting on the list.

The thread pool submit method also supports the Runnable parameter, but FutureTask executes the Callable call method. How to convert Runnable to Callable?

It holds a Runnable property. RunnableAdapter’s call method calls Runnable’s Run method. Return null or pass a result yourself.

So to implement asynchronous tasks that return results, either implement Callable and call methods, or create a Runnable implementation class.

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