Create by xinyuan 2020/08/22

  • Introduction: the issue of iOS review shelves should be all the current iOS development and operation of pain, often need to fight with Apple to the death. The previous 2.1 gift package, 4.3 vest package, account investigation, and now the delayed audit, the difficulty of the shelves has been rising. Obviously we are going through the normal code normal process (we also have points in mind), but always because of a variety of reasons were rejected. Although our company’s application is not particularly many, but also more or less summed up some experience, but also with some doubts have been trying.

What you’ve been feeling lately

Through iMessage

  • A few months ago, the operators found a lot of applications of constellation sticker type and put them on the shelf. The applications are quite simple, the main application is a sticker list, and then with iMessage function can be approved online. We then launched three similar apps ourselves. Currently, there are two apps that have been iterated successfully, and the other one was banned for 14 days after being other-other. We have also carried out internal analysis and believe that this closure should be affected by the application on the old account.
  • This way although do not know will not last, but we are now also can be a pit position on a pit position 😂.

Reduce code repetition through scripting

  • We all have more or less our own accumulated component code, some of which are common to the company and some of which are excellent third-party components. Changes like company components and third parties are really not very convenient, there are more than one set of maintenance costs are relatively high. So the changes we made in this step were either very large or mostly common categories and some small components (UI classes). Use scripts to recreate files and modify prefixes to achieve certain differences. We can’t guarantee that this will work, but we’ve had over 10 apps this year that haven’t been directly rejected by 4.3 code repetition. Our company also used the method of code confusion before, but later found that such method was not acceptable to Apple in the past two years, so we did not use the method of script confusion and garbage code insertion any more.

Take advantage of new Apple features

  • Do what he wants. After all, we have to live under his nose, and he can only think we want to. Although iMessage is not new for a year or two, it is a convenient way to use that Apple has been advocating. This year’s WWDC shows a growing emphasis on Widgets. Even though there are new things in iOS14 like Widgets and new Widgets and App clips that we’re not going to be able to use in the near future to increase our review rate. But we could start working on it in the near future, and it could be used over time. At present, we can use the new swiftUI of last year. As a language that Apple has been promoting, we should also consider development. At present, some of our company’s leaders are using swiftUI to launch new applications. Although there are not many attempts, they will be gradually rolled out in the future.

Multiple devices transmit packets

  • At present, we have not verified this point well. Although some time ago, we used an independent device to complete the whole process from account creation to application uploading. Before we encountered other-other, the effect of all these was not very prominent. And recently we’re going to start doing that again, and continue to differentiate the devices so that the problems on the devices don’t affect the quality of the packets. Whether it really has an effect can only be verified over a period of time to get the results.

Current problems

What are the trigger mechanisms for delayed audits?

  • The reason for the rejection of the delayed review began in May, replacing the account investigation that drove us crazy last year. At the moment, its trigger mechanism leaves us scratching our heads about what Apple is thinking.
  • All of our apps were collecting data during the review period, and we found that there were basically only two reviews, and then a few minutes after the review, the rejection email was sent directly. At present, apple is suspected to be based on the results of the machine audit directly to this reason. Is the computer audit a code problem or an account problem? This is not yet verifiable.
  • After being rejected, our general operation is to urge the application for review at intervals. However, within 1-2 months, we found that the application to urge the review almost received the result that the account was blocked for 14 days or was directly judged as 4.3 application. There’s nothing you can do to change this sad outcome.

Other - Other

The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via Resolution Center.

If you would like to inquire about the status of this review, you may file a request via the Apple Developer Contact Us page.

Best regards,

App Store Review
Copy the code

Universal 4.3 rejected?

  • Our company recently delayed the review of most of the applications have been rejected for reasons 4.3, the following is the original text
4. 3 Design: Spam Guideline 4.3 - Design We Noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the app Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam. The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved. Next Steps - Review the Design section of the App Store Review Guidelines. - Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program. - Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review. When creating multiple apps where content is the only varying element, you should offer a single app to deliver differing content to customers. If you would like to offer this content for purchase, it would be appropriate to use the in-app purchase API. Alternatively, you may consider creating a web app, which looks and behaves similar to a native app when the customer adds it to their Home screen. Refer to the Configuring  Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide for more information. Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review  the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.Copy the code
  • There are too many similar applications and 4.3, but recently we also launched a similar application without 4.3, the code level is not particularly bad. Therefore, it is not clear at present what the principle of 4.3 is, the code level or the type of application itself.
  • Can reduce 4.3 through the form of string encryption, increase the probability of shelves? Or through the third party reinforcement form, increase the probability of shelves? That remains to be tested.

The last

  • Attached is a map compiled by our operations manager

  • If you have similar questions or better ideas, please feel free to communicate with us

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