What the society is most afraid of now is the armchair strategist. You have a lot of original explanations on problems and things, but when you are really asked to lead a project and write a line of code, your shortcomings will be exposed. Therefore, such a situation must be avoided. The following content is about the use of HTML introduction, I hope to help you improve the basic.


The first is the most commonly used tag and tag

The tag is the box model, in which we can put all the other tags, and we can write text inside the tag, but we can also write text directly inside the tag.

Tags are on a single line, but there are two tags on a line.

One important point to mention here is inline elements and block-level elements. First, HTML is formatted from the top down. Block-level elements take up the entire line, whether or not their content takes up the entire line. Inline elements do not take up a single line, but their own length, and can coexist on a line.

Block-level elements: div, P, form, ul, Li, OL, DL, form, table

Inline elements: SPAN, strong, em, br, img, input, label, Select, Textarea

The label

We need to write SRC in the label, followed by its address. The address can be a local address or a network address. The network address is written as follows:


Local addresses involve one thing: relative paths and absolute paths. Relative path: the path where file B resides, taking file A as the reference. Maybe you don’t understand what it means for the moment, let’s continue to watch slowly,.. / a dot with a slash represents the same level./ a dot with a slash represents the same level


Here I’ve added an image to the images folder, but the file I’m working on right now is demo. WXML, and I’m going to import that, which is to go back to the demo folder, and then go back to the Pages folder, and find tupian1.png in the images folder at the same level, SRC =”.. /.. /. / images/tupian1. PNG “.

SRC =”/images/tupian1.png” SRC =”/images/tupian1.png


The input tag

In the input box, we can see that there is no text in the middle of the input label in the code, but we can input it at will on the left. We usually use the login account, input text is achieved with this ~ free access to learning materials