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The default Controller

For our default generated Beego project, default.go file:

package controllers
import (
type MainController struct {
func (c *MainController) Get(a) {
    c.Data["Website"] = ""
    c.Data["Email"] = ""
    c.TplName = "index.tpl"
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It has MainController in it, and it overrides the Get() method.


We can get the Data in various ways and then assign to this.Data, which is a map that stores the output Data. It can assign to any type of value. This.TplName is the template to render, specifying index. TPL. If the user does not set this parameter, the default template directory will be Controller/< method name >.tpl. For example, the above method goes to mainController /get. TPL (files/folders must be lowercase). After the user sets up the template, the system automatically calls the Render function (which is implemented in Beego. Contoller), so there is no need for the user to call the Render function.

  1. The Controller structure

First let’s look at the Controller structure and the methods defined

type Controller struct {
    // context data
    Ctx  *context.Context
    Data map[interface{}]interface{}
    // route controller info
    controllerName string
    actionName     string
    methodMapping  map[string]func(a) //method:routertree
    gotofunc       string
    AppController  interface{}
    // template data
    TplName        string
    ViewPath       string
    Layout         string
    LayoutSections map[string]string // the key is the section name and the value is the template name
    TplPrefix      string
    TplExt         string
    EnableRender   bool
    // xsrf data
    _xsrfToken string
    XSRFExpire int
    EnableXSRF bool
    // session
    CruSession session.Store
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From the controller structure, we can see that there are five blocks:

1. Context data

2. Route control information

3. Template data

4. XSRF data


  1. ControllerInterface
type ControllerInterface interface {
    Init(ct *context.Context, controllerName, actionName string, app interface{})
    /* Initializes the Context, Controller name, template name, container Data that initializes template parameters, app can be used to implement subclass methods */
    /* This function is mainly used for user extension. This function is executed before the Method methods defined below. Users can override this function to implement things like user authentication. * /
    Get()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is GET, this function is executed
    Post()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is POST, this function is executed
    Delete()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is DELETE, this function is executed
    Put()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is PUT, this function is executed
    Head()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is HEAD, then this function is executed
    Patch()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is PATCH, then this function is executed
    Options()// If the HTTP Method requested by the user is OPTIONS, then this function is executed
    /* This function is executed after the corresponding HTTP Method Method is executed. The default value is null, and the user can override this function in a substruct to perform tasks such as database shutdown, data cleanup, etc. * /
    Render() error  
    // This function is used to implement the template, only if beego.AutoRender is true.
    XSRFToken() string
    CheckXSRFCookie() bool
    HandlerFunc(fn string) bool
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The ControllerInterface has many methods, including Init, Prepare, Post, Get, Delete, Head, etc. We can override these methods, and the code above overrides the Get method.

Beego is a RESTful framework, so our requests default to req.method. For example, if the browser has a GET request, the default is to execute the GET method under HelloControllers. So we on the Get method is executed to the above, here are just call Controller. The Ctx. WriteString () and then assign a value to the Controller. The Data, this is a used to store the output Data of the map, you can assign any type of value, Here we are simply using the output string example.