For a long time, users’ yearning for the future intelligent home life in science fiction movies has become a deep-seated industry demand, constantly stimulating the development of home furnishing industry. With the rise of new consumer groups, as well as the development of the Internet of things and artificial intelligence technology, consumption upgrade has been the general trend, so the smart home has exploded a huge market potential.

According to a forecast by Statista, the domestic smart home market will grow at a cagR of about 45.3% between 2017 and 2022, and the market size is expected to reach 162.7 billion YUAN in 2022, while the market penetration rate will rise significantly from 3.3% in 2017 to 21.2% in 2022. China is expected to become a huge smart home market in Asia and occupy a leading position in the industry.

The development potential of user demand and market environment makes intelligent home become one of the hot tuyere nowadays.

Multi-level complexity of the home scene: the wall interactive panel is the most suitable entrance

Actually, as early as ten years ago, the concept of intelligent household has been put forward, but because of expensive cost, its market acceptance is not high all the time, the promotion in civil market is also very weak. In recent years, the upgrading of hardware and the concept of the Internet of Things have made “smart home” known again.

The popularity of the concept of smart home, a variety of smart home terminals, intelligent TV, intelligent router, intelligent refrigerator, intelligent washing machine, intelligent door lock and so on flooded the market, to a certain extent to stimulate the spurt of intelligent lock industry. And the whole smart home ecosystem, including the overall solution of smart home, home audio and entertainment system, intelligent lighting control system, home HVAC and fresh air system, home security and building intercom, intelligent shading and electric curtain, intelligent home appliances, intelligent hardware products, etc.

And these much be like the intelligence of starry household member, without not be indulged in at “entrance” rob. In the Internet business, traffic has always been the most core resource, no matter which industry is inevitably carrying out traffic acquisition, distribution, cash, there is never a lack of high-quality model, good products of the enterprise, but can become a giant, is always the hand of traffic.

Just like in the initial Internet period, PC was the entrance of Internet business. The initial commercial Internet era was established in PC network, and in the era of smart phone, it was transformed into various mobile phone apps. Internet business management of the center of gravity as the change of the entrance and transfer, so said to become in the intelligent household “entrance”, is equal to the hand of the flow of the entire intelligent household industry.

Because this is almost all intelligent household product is in envisage the entrance that becomes intelligent household, original intelligent router, intelligent refrigerator after again, intelligent sound box not long ago, it is very bright example. But without exception, they have not made a breakthrough. Recently, the intelligent home enterprise represented by Ourebo launched a new intelligent wall interactive panel, which has become a popular entry product with a high voice at the user end.

And intelligent wall interactive panel can be different from other smart home products to become the best choice of entrance, in the author’s opinion, there are two reasons:

First, the smart home appliances that want to be the entrance in the past all have specific home attributes. In the case of home appliance vocation, the added value of entrance is carried out again. These smart home appliances are difficult to keep the focus of the whole house smart home system control technology in the first place. Intelligent refrigerator, intelligent door lock, intelligent sound box is waited a moment intelligent household product is doing entrance, resemble the warring States period of numerous male four, who also refuses to obey who, competitive pressure is big. The intelligent wall interactive panel, as a product dedicated to serving the whole house smart home system, is more focused on technology, and does not have the specific functional competition of smart appliances, and has less pressure.

Second, the intelligent wall interaction panel is more in line with the complex family use scene. The use scene of smart home is the family, and the family is a complex scene architecture, not only adult users, but also take into account the elderly and children. The onefold household such as acoustics, refrigerator serves as the word of entrance, the use circumstance that those who plan as a whole sex accords with each family member very hard, and harmonious also very hard on the space, always cannot equip the home appliance of a refrigerator and so on every bedroom.

Therefore, to sum up, the intelligent wall interactive panel can become the most appropriate entrance for smart home at present, which is not only reasonable, but also inevitable.

Good interaction is less interaction

In recent years, the rapid development of smart home field can be achieved, one of the important dependence is the progress of AI technology.

AI empowers the smart home industry, solving several major problems existing in the industry for a long time: the interconnection between smart home appliances, speeding up the process of intelligent home products. In the past, mechanized logical linkage and rigid interactive experience made users fall into a vicious circle of “pseudo-intelligence”. The development of AI technology has greatly improved the interactive experience.

At the same time, AI relies on the powerful ability of the cloud, through the connectivity mode built by the cloud, absorbs the surrounding smart home devices into the “big connection era”, promotes the rapid landing of smart home from technology, market, business model to application, and promotes the reform, transformation and integration of the smart home industry. The interaction between users and the smart home environment is a breakthrough in in-depth excavation and reconstruction of the interaction mode.

The interaction between users and smart home environment pursues the most natural interaction — manual and voice recognition. Moreover, the control should not only have 0 or 1 logic control, but also be supplemented by artificial intelligence judgment and personalized control, constantly approaching everyone’s living habits in the algorithm level. Just as the ultimate form of artificial intelligence is no human, the ultimate form of interaction is less interaction.

For example, Orrebo’s MixPad can actively push the quality of the home environment to the user and automatically turn on the air conditioner, humidifier and air purifier without user intervention, while the smart speaker in the smart home product needs to be woken up before it can be used.

This is thanks to its internal intelligent scene mechanism AISense, which can combine weather, temperature, humidity, user status at home and account data to achieve better home experience through different scene actions. This technology is built on the accumulation of more than 1 million smart home users and hundreds of millions of device logs in the past seven years by the Ourebo team. It adopts big data and artificial intelligence technology to achieve better home experience and business efficiency. It is with these data and technology advantages accumulated over the years that MixPad became the first home AI device with active interaction capability.

The simplicity of the design concept is a myriad of scenarios and collaborative ecology

Just like the “rule of three designations” in the APP revolution in the smartphone era, the best experience for users from using to achieving their goals is within three strokes of their fingers. The pursuit of ourebo products in interaction is also derived from the science and technology aesthetics in product design, that is, the pursuit of the ultimate quality, simplicity and speed. But this streamlined technological aesthetic does not mean a lack of scenes and supply chains.

MixPad is not only suitable for the home, but also can be used in the multi-level structure of the hotel, office, classroom and other scenarios.

Take the hotel as an example. When we entered the DT era and AI era from the IT era, the hotel service was still in the primary automation stage. The service system is old, the connection with customers is still by phone, and the connection with the Internet only provides a WIFI. MixPad has connected hundreds of IOT products such as HVAC comfort, sun shading, sun drying, security and lighting, covering almost all the basic equipment in high-end hotel rooms.

This means that MixPad can connect devices and services. All you need to do is to scan the QR code on the MixPad via your phone, whether it’s cleaning, delivering water, renewing your stay, checking out or paying. It used to be necessary to call the front desk, go to the lobby and swipe the card, but now it can be done in the room.

The ability of multi-scene and multi-structure scene architecture comes from the strong cooperative ecology of Orebo.

Ourebo has been radiating the whole smart home industry through its own products, and has announced the “Smart home Innovation Ecological plan” jointly with ecological enterprises. They believe that smart home is not only a product company to do, but the upgrade of the whole ecology and industry, and for this, they are working together in terms of users and products.

In terms of users: user-centered, we cooperate with ecological enterprises, including innovative product companies, new channels and new markets, to create smart home systems and open platforms with extreme user experience, so as to achieve better living experience and higher business efficiency.

In terms of products: from product companies to channels, service providers and real estate, it is common cooperation and division of labor to achieve a more intelligent life.

So far, it has covered more than 40 countries and regions in China, Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and South America, among which there are 1600 partners and service outlets in China.

We believe that the cooperation of powerful ecosystem as the rainbow provides multiple scenarios using architecture, and the use of multiple scenarios architecture for the rainbow offers the greatest potential for the future competition, it is under the power, the rainbow is able to insist on the AI interaction and other technical deep constantly, constantly deepen the product of the aesthetic feeling of science and technology and practical simplicity, for the real smart home era, Provide the most suitable entry products.

Science and technology we media “Zhai Caihua”, subscription number: Internet in-depth review, personal wechat account Zhaicaihua002, reprinted copyright reserved, rights reserved.