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What is VST?

VST Virtual Studio Technology (VST Virtual Studio Technology in Chinese) is a software interface Technology launched by Steinberg Company. It is mainly used in the field of computer music production, in the form of plug-in for audio processing related software to use.

With the VST plug-in, users can process audio signals or create music using the VSTi VST Instruments. Developers can use Steinberg’s development kit to develop various types of VST plug-ins themselves.

There are three types of VST plug-ins, depending on the object being processed: VSTi, VST effects, and VST MIDI processors. In host software, the term “VST” is used singly, usually to refer to either the VST effect or the VST MIDI processor, and only to the VST instrument when explicitly referred to as “VSTi”.

Most Digital Audio workstations (DAW for short), such as Cubase, FL Studio, REAPER, Ableton Live, including Adobe Audition, You can run VST as a plug-in. Therefore, these software can also be called VST Host software.

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The version of the VST

  • VST 1

First released in 1996. At that time, VST was mainly used for audio signal processing, adding effects for audio.

  • VST 2

In 1999, Steinberg updated the VST interface specification to version 2.0. One of the new capabilities was the plug-in’s ability to receive and process MIDI data. Thus, VSTi technology was born.

In 2006, the VST interface specification was updated to version 2.4, with changes including the ability to process audio with 64-bit precision.

  • VST 3

In 2008, Steinberg introduced the VST 3.0 interface specification. It is in a very different format from the previous version, moving from the previous dynamic link library (DLL) format to the proprietary VST 3 format. The original.dll format plug-ins are sometimes referred to as VST to distinguish them from VST 3.

In February 2011, the VST 3.5 interface specification was released.

In September 2013, Steinberg stopped maintaining the VST 2 SDK.


In terms of bits, VST plug-ins can be divided into 32-bit and 64-bit categories.

VST 1 and VST 2.4 were 32-bit. As a result, plugins downloaded from the web in.dll format are most likely to be 32-bit and cannot be scanned by the 64-bit host software.

For example, versions after Adobe Audition CC cannot use 32-bit plug-ins. If you must use the old 32-bit plug-in, you can also try using software such as jBridger to convert to 64-bit. Please check the method on the Internet. Note that when converting to 64 bits using jBridger, you must retain the original 32 bits file, which cannot be deleted and cannot contain Chinese characters. If Audition is in Chinese, it may still not be scanned after the conversion.

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Au Installing VST plug-in (Win)

Newer VST plug-ins generally come with an installer. The following paths contain the default installation paths for almost all VST plug-ins. \

32-bit VST

C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VSTplugins

64 the VST

C:\Program Files\VstPlugins

C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTplugins

32-bit VST 3

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3

64 the VST 3

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

Since some DAW software also supports 32-bit plug-ins, the default installation path for 32-bit plug-ins is listed above.

If some VST or VSTi plug-ins have only a. DLL file without an installation program, you only need to copy it to the corresponding VST folder.

If the VST plug-in has an installation program, install it first, and then use the host software to scan and add the plug-in. Such as:

Au Menu: Effects/Audio Enhancement Tool Manager

First add the VST Synergist folder path. You can use the default path, or you can use custom folders.

You are advised to select Rescan existing enhancement tools and click Scan Enhancement Tools.

Take a look at the scan for an enhancement tool. It is recommended to cancel duplicate or lower versions of the plugin. Click OK and restart Audition.

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Au Installing the VST Plug-in (Mac)

On Mac, you can use Audio Unit (AU for short) with VST 2 and VST 3 plug-in formats. Which format to use is up to you.

Component for AU files,.vst for VST 2, and.vst3 for VST 3. \

If you want to share project files with Windows users, it is best to use the VST format.

The VST format is cross-platform, and if other users have installed the corresponding VST plug-in, they can generally successfully open the complete project file.

Most plug-ins will be installed automatically in the default system folder, but some may need to be manually moved to the correct location. The default system folder path is as follows.







Some plug-ins may be installed automatically into the <user> folder.


/Users/[username]/Library/Audio/ plugins /Components/


/Users/[username]/Library/Audio/ plugins /VST/


/Users/[username]/Library/Audio/ plugins /VST3/

You can also install to a custom folder (VST 2 and VST 3 only).

The method of Adobe Auditon scanning and adding enhancement tools in Mac version is the same as that in Windows version.