Python’s interactive development environment, since Python is run by interpretation, also saves a lot of compile time. Python syntax is also simple, and there are several advanced data structures, such as lists, tuples, and so on, that are particularly easy to use. Python has the characteristics of an object-oriented language and can be used for object-oriented programming. It can run on a variety of OSS, including Windows, Linux, etc.

Python was ranked third in TIOBE’s ranking of programming languages last month, behind Java and C, which is a measure of its popularity. According to the white Paper on Internet Talent Trends 2017, Python skills led employers in Posting job descriptions with a 174% increase in demand. Why is Python so popular? Because his use is really too wide!

PYTHON is also great for databases. It can connect to and process data from a variety of databases, from commercial databases to open source databases. For example: Oracle,MY SQL Server, Redis and so on. A variety of interfaces are also available. There are many companies using Python+MySql. So, once you’ve mastered Python’s ability to take full advantage of object orientation, you’ll be able to handle database processing like a duck to water. PYTHON is also widely used in scientific computing. There are many modules that can help you be efficient in computing large arrays, vector analysis, neural networks, and more. Especially in the field of education and scientific research, it also gives play to its unique advantages.

PYTHON has long been an aid to game programming. Played an important role in Star Wars. IndustrialLight, which did the special effects and animation for blockbuster films like Abyss, StarTrek and Indiana Jones, used Python for commercial animation. It is now entirely possible to write great game programs in Python.

Author: Python Kam Ha