
  • A label
  • Global properties
  • Link type

A label:

  • The A tag is used to add hyperlinks to web pages
  • The A label has to contain the content or it won’t show up.
  • Properties:

    Herf (specifies the path of the page)

  1. The address of the page to jump to
  2. It can jump to other files.
  3. For files such as zip, downloads are performed. For TXT, PDF, preview is performed.

  4. Can jump to absolute page address. < /a> < /a>
  5. It could be an Email address. Example: < a herf=”email> Please send me an email < /a> to:”[email protected]
  6. < a herf=”tel:18337921839″> contact us < /a>

Target :(specifies where to open the connection)

  1. _blank (Open the page in a new window)
  2. _self this is the default (opens the page in the current window)
  3. _parent(opens hyperlinks in parent frame)
  4. _top(opens the page in the entire window)

Title Indicates the text that is prompted when the mouse hovers over an element

The default font is blue when the A TAB is not activated, purple when activated, and red when pressed.

Global attributes (attributes that any tag can use) :

Title Indicates the text displayed when the mouse is hovering.

Style defines CSS styles.

Class defines a class in which attribute values can be repeated within a page.

Id defines that the value of the ID attribute on the page is unique.

The difference between class and ID: Both class and ID have a name function, except that class can be regarded as our first name and ID can be regarded as our id number.

Link type of link:

  1. Text link, for example: Baidu
  2. Image link, for example: Click to enter Baidu
  3. Empty link (no jump), for example:
  4. Put an ID in the target tag, and #+ the ID of the target tag in the A tag.