“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

As an aside, since their Spring Festival couplets posted on the door, I feel very clever. Spring Festival couplets compiled last year:

  • Allied: cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle wang
  • Second couplet: beautiful baby dog baby cat baby baby Ann
  • Horizontal batch: code auspicious draft handsome

As a result, this year’s code is peaceful, and life is a little more fulfilling. So I decided to make another one this year.

  • Spring takes advantage of its power to catch the oxtail
  • Next link: old climb south wind to greet tiger meow
  • Hengpi: when twin xi

We don’t know what the new 2022 will bring.

Key word of the year: bottoming out.


There are some changes this year. There are two new members in the family. Kind of a turning point in the life cycle. After all, the eldest is not young. Because of this, I did not travel this year. In the name, but also racked their brains, and even for its grip a few short sentences.

The husband has done, all leave ○ and ○. ○ The voice is also; ○ The shape is also. Sound and shape, is drawing ○ ○.

The death moon occurred in the early morning hours of May 4, 2021

After this change, it seems that a lot of things before are not important, gradually their own open. Instead, things turned out for the better.


There was only one footprint this year. By convention, it should be a

  • list, but only one item is pretentious.
    • Wuhan ·Node subway Salon #11 producer

    This shouldn’t even be in the “life” column, because there wasn’t any entertainment, just two days of busy work. Also because he didn’t go anywhere else, the little energy-saving posted only one photo.

    Yeah, that’s me in the bottom left with my back to you. ‘

    In fact, there are some routine photos near the end of the year, but they are more private, so I will not put them on the public platform.


    Concentration of ideal car owners increased by one this year.

    I found a delicious pub near the shopping mall (especially the golden garlic dried chicken). When I wanted to invite my colleagues to go there during my resignation, I found that he was closed every Monday, which was a small pity.

    Since the travel convergence, began to turn inward life change. Game clearance, cloud clearance and pit opening:

    • Passage of the Gods
    • Ghost of Tsushima
    • Cyberpunk 2077
    • The Two Of us
    • “Sakima Ex of Amuho”
    • Xuanyuan Sword seven

    And a PS5 — but not for a long time. On the other hand, there are the new plastic people.

    There is also a New Year’s boa sister not in the shot. Next time, a couple cabinets of family photos. As well as attending the exhibition with small and large daughters:

    There is too long did not sing, that day whim went to the recording studio to record a “Chi Ling”. I really want to go karaoke.

    Click ↑ listen, noisy your ears. Thanks to a tuner, it would have been impossible to hear.

    This year, qin practiced the first “Garden Facilities”, but did not shoot a video. There were a lot of vinyl, which gave me a sense of “culture is what you want to have”.


    This year almost overturned, and inexplicable many posts.

    • “Scattered, scattered, scattered.” The original title might have said I quit.

    I never had the time or the opportunity to talk about it. This time, I will take the opportunity to talk about this year’s work.

    Since last year from ant post to Taobao, in fact, has been very happy — after all, do things more fit their soul. Both enough cutting-edge degree, and enough technical depth, and also recognized by the organization. For me, achieving all three is a precious experience.

    Since I went to ant to experience the technology department in 2017, due to the direction of myself and the team, what I did was not very valuable, at least at that time and now. But the experience technology department is a very good team with very Nice people. So I just kind of swallowed it. But all things can be one or two. Later, when I was working on CloudIDE in the r&d performance department, I completely lost myself. There’s nothing bad about the CloudIDE product itself. The product is good, otherwise I would not take the initiative to work in this direction. It was just too heavy on the front end and too heavy on the back end. As a typical backend Node.js engineer, I had been writing the front end for months. On the one hand it’s painful to write, on the other hand it’s not productive. Finally in Amoy department to find the front end of the time, I chose to amicably break up, in the team and I are the right choice.

    As rates after the head of water, has been running from three into the running of the four – around are all good guys environment, is the ego five or six years old P7 P8, three or four years old, and I still is old age 6, undoubtedly caused great anxiety to me, after all hidden rules is the Internet, and even the whole of the workplace, not one of the two companies. Fortunately, at the end of last year and this year, I grabbed the key projects of this year like grasping at straws. Since we can’t catch up with them, we can shorten the distance with geniuses.

    If what I did after my transfer last year was PoC, this year I will do it.

    First of all, node.js PGO speed startup scheme was launched, which improved the startup speed of transformation projects by about 100%. Based on V8, Serverless Worker (Shinki. Js) has been successfully tested in the internal Double Eleven. Check CloudFlare Worker, Deno Deploy, etc. It is worth mentioning that our Worker has achieved sub-millisecond startup (<= 1ms), and the architecture is high-density deployment (theoretically, a Pod can deploy dozens or hundreds of cloud functions). For some dry goods or introductions here, you can enjoy teacher Ling Heng’s sharing of “Alinode in the Cloud Native Age” at the Node subway Salon #12 Beijing venue.

    After working with amazing colleagues for a year, I feel that there are still so many people around me who stick to the road of technical depth, which is very gratifying — after all, I once had an illusion that “deep drilling in a big company will not lead to life”. Tao department of a series of changes also let pure technical people rekindled a little hope. The whole year of 2021, without any subsequent job-hopping, is still my happiest year in Alibaba Group, just like a duck in water.

    I would like to thank the Front-end Node.js architecture team for giving me the opportunity to be promoted this year. Although the result came out, I still expected myself to be P6 externally all the time, so as to warn myself.

    In fact, I was approached by a headhunter in the first half of this year, who told me that Bytedance was looking for a student who could handle Node.js. There have been headhunters looking for me before, BUT I didn’t respond, or talk to see the market.

    This year, I was impressed by the headhunter’s professionalism. Most headhunters cast a wide net, drop a job listing and start making contact. It’s not even clear how the front end differs from Node.js. After all, the students are not technical background, we can not ask them too much, we are also very hard to fight for their own career. However, the headhunter who found me this year knew a lot about the circle and told me that I needed someone who could bring Node.js. There were only a few people in Hangzhou, which impressed me a lot and gave me the idea to try it out. At that time, I just decided to try, after all, my own value has lagged far behind the market price, also can not get a good result.

    Anyone who wants to meet this headhunter can talk to me in private.

    And actually, the first interview didn’t go so well that I turned it down. At the same time, the host also invited me to have dinner several times. What touched me most was that Yubei came from Shanghai to have dinner with me and returned that day. Although I don’t know what the person actually thought, I just think that he came to Hangzhou to eat and chat together.

    WebInfra also needs a person in charge of Node.js Infra direction. Moved by everyone’s sincerity, I started the second interview. As you all know, I left Alibaba to join Bytedance.

    This is not to say that the front-end Node team of Yuantao is not good, but from the standpoint of career planning, I think the Scope here is more suitable for me. I can still do cutting-edge and in-depth work, and I have enough Scope to build this infrastructure together with my friends. Another point is, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, at least hedge them.

    So, the biggest job change this year was that I eventually went from being a low-level IC at Ali to being the head of a small direction at ByteDance. Advertising by the way:

    Bytedance Web infra-node. js infrastructure recruiting: basic platform (full stack engineer), basic ecology (node.js engineer) and underlying technology (C++ / node.js engineer).

    One thing we are still working on is partnering with Ant and Nio to think about how to bring some fresh water to the domestic Node.js ecosystem and warm it up again. Currently we are working on a new Framework specification called China Open Node.js Framework (CONF). Next year, we may want to hold a conference similar to China Node.js Conf, please look forward to it.

    Technology & Community

    This year has gradually moved from the front to the back.

    • Published JavaScript Savvy, kind of with butterfly book author intersection bar;
    • Continue to participate in translation reviewOpenJS Node.js Certification ExamsAnd received the Exam Developer Badge from the Linux Foundation;
      • Exam Developer: OpenJS Node.js Application Developer
      • Exam Developer: OpenJS Node.js Services Developer
    • Produced Node subway Wuhan special performance;
    • Open source node-SFML, exploring the way to write board games with Node.js;
    • CONF community, focus on China Open Node.js Framework and Spec.

    Even happier than last year, this year’s code is landing and generating value.

    Translation books

    JavaScript Savvy has finally been published. People like it and hate it. Douglas’s personal style is so distinct that it is often difficult to know who he is when translating. There was also a lot of polish and localization in the translation, but a lot of it was edited out for reasons of harmony.

    For example, Wat? The title of a chapter, which I personally think makes the most sense in translation, is “Good Heavens!” . The English version of This is confused with the code version of This. It sounds like programming in pairs with two American comedians from the 1930s and 1940s (whose names I forget). I translated it as:

    It is a demonstrative pronoun. Using it in a programming language (this) makes it difficult to express in human language. Always say so, you will feel that they are with Guo Degang and Yu Qian pair programming.

    And for a variety of reasons, the paragraph just disappears. It was supposed to be the last paragraph of chapter 16 — after this is a Really bad guy.

    Another bonus is that the publisher designed two covers. The one that didn’t make the cut was an original drawing my sister had spent hours drawing on her iPad. And the Chinese translation of the book I first thought of was “JavaScript Strange Stories”.

    Behind the scenes: Wuhan Node.js subway & Exam Developer Badge & CONF community

    In May this year, as the producer of the production of Wuhan’s Node.js subway. We found engineers from Tencent, Taobao, Wiredcraft, Youzan and Ant to share. Kind of warm up for my node.js eco-reboot next year. After all, Node.js has been silent in China for so long that people gradually forget that it can write server applications.

    If you are interested, please download Slide.

    Another advantage of being behind the scenes is that if I am asked if I have the OpenJS Node.js developer certification, I can boast that I proofread all the questions. Just like this byte interview was asked about eight time loops, I directly told the interviewer how node.js event loops are implemented, and how V8 Serverless Worker event loops are implemented that I wrote myself. So that even if I forget some of the details of the need to flip through the endorsement of the answer, I can also use this to intimidate people.

    The CONF community is still in its infancy, so you won’t see much value in it.


    I won’t go into too much detail here, but in November I posted an article on Zhihu that included an OpenGL based desktop NES emulator written in Node.js.

    Want to Write a board game in Node.js?

    As for why I decided to do this project on a whim — after all, the original intention of learning programming when I was young was to create my own game world and let others run around in it.

    This mentality is a bit like That of Akihiko Maoka in SAO.

    After work, I somehow went off the rails in Node.js.

    The Checklist of 2000

    Last year, I didn’t set a Checklist for myself, so I was kind of free. Instead, after the Checklist, things are moving in a better direction — at least for the time being, I think.

    Look ahead to 222

    After these tumultuous years in the workplace, some things are looking up. Sometimes we do things with an altruistic attitude.

    • Quickly familiarize yourself with new roles this year — both personal and professional;
    • As many team members as possible to cultivate in-depth experts in the field;
    • Translated and published Software Development Pearls;
    • Have a good time.

    The rest, just go with it.

    Arrow strokes by chance.

    Ask me anything: github.com/xadillax/am…