
According to effective statistics, more and more people choose to transition to the Internet industry, among which the growth rate of the number of development posts is the most obvious. In fact, becoming a programmer is indeed the best way to change the “fate” and pursue high salaries. Learning programming from scratch is indeed more difficult, but in fact as long as willing to spend effort, master a programming language, basically there is no problem.

There are many development languages, but the choice of Java is certainly the most, as for how to learn Java, for xiaobai may be confused, but for the old driver, with xiaobai entry can be said to be so easy.

Recently, Tencent has a Java entry treasure book in the Internet hot, the Java entry treasure book content is very rich, including video teaching and text, two pronged, the effect of great!

The Java Primer covers two parts:

  • Part I: Basic knowledge (Understanding Java+ familiar with Eclipse development tools +Java language basics + Flow control + String + Array + class and object + wrapper class + number processing)
  • Part ii: Core Technologies (Interfaces, Inheritance and Polymorphism + advanced features of classes + Exception handling +Swing Programming + Collection classes +I/O I/O + reflection + Enumeration types and Generics + Multithreading + Network communication + database operations)

There isn’t enough space in this article to show it all, but a complete PDF of the bible is available for free, and if you’re interested in JAVA and want to learn it from scratch, you can pick it up for free

01 Basic Knowledge

1. Introduction to Java (Teaching video: 35 minutes)

  • Java profile
  • Java features
  • Setting up the Java Environment
  • The first Java program

2. Familiar with Eclipse development tools (teaching video: 36 minutes)

  • Familiar with Eclipse
  • Using the Eclipse
  • Program debugging

3.Java Language Basics (Teaching video: 38 minutes)

  • Java main class structure
  • Basic data types
  • Variables and Constants
  • The operator
  • Data type conversion
  • Code comments and coding specifications

4. Process control (teaching video: 26 minutes)

  • Compound statement
  • Conditional statements
  • Looping statements

5. String (Teaching Video: 33 minutes)

  • The String class
  • Connection string
  • Get string information
  • String manipulation
  • Formatted string
  • Using regular expressions
  • String generator

6. Arrays (Instructional video: 30 mins)

  • Summary of array
  • Two dimensional array creation and use
  • Basic operations on arrays

7. Classes and Objects (Teaching video: 47 minutes)

  • Object-oriented Overview
  • class
  • Class constructor
  • Static variables, constants and methods
  • Class main method
  • object

8. Packaging (Teaching video: 21 min)

9. Data Processing (Teaching video: 20 minutes)

  • Digital format
  • Mathematical operations
  • The random number
  • Large Numbers

02 Core Technologies

1. Interfaces, Inheritance, and Polymorphism (Instructional video: 36 min)

  • Class inheritance
  • Object class
  • Object type conversion
  • Instance of Determines the object type
  • Method overloading
  • polymorphism
  • Abstract classes and interfaces

2. Advanced features of class (Teaching video: 29 minutes)

  • package
  • The final variable
  • The final method
  • Final class
  • The inner class

3. Exception handling (teaching video: 25 minutes)

  • Summary of abnormal
  • Handler exception error
  • Common Java Exceptions
  • Custom exception
  • Throw an exception in a method
  • Runtime exception
  • Rules for using exceptions

4.Swing programming (teaching video: 1 hour 1 minute)

  • Summary of the Swing
  • Commonly used form
  • Common layout manager
  • Commonly used panel
  • Button component
  • A list of components
  • Text component
  • Common event listeners

5. Collection (Video: 26 minutes)

  • Overview of collection Classes
  • The Collection interface
  • The List collection
  • The Set collection
  • Map collections

6.I/O INPUT and output (teaching video: 35 minutes)

  • Summary of flow
  • Input-output stream
  • The File type
  • File input/output streams
  • I/O stream with cache
  • Data input and output streams
  • ZIP Compresses input and output streams

7. Reflection (Teaching video: 47 mins)

  • Class classes and Java reflection
  • Using the Annotation feature

8. Enumerated types and Generics (Tutorial video: 22 mins)

  • Enumerated type
  • The generic

9. Multi-threading (Video: 24 mins)

  • The thread profile
  • There are two ways to implement threads
  • The life cycle of a thread
  • Methods for manipulating threads
  • Priority of the thread
  • Thread synchronization
  • Communication between threads

10. Network Communication (Teaching video: 25 minutes)

  • Fundamentals of network programming
  • Fundamentals of TCP programming
  • UDP programming foundation

11. Database operation (Teaching video: 33 minutes)

  • Database Basics
  • Summary of JDBC
  • Common classes and interfaces in JDBC
  • Database operations


Java is still one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and there is a growing demand for Java programmers. The barrier to becoming a programmer is not as high as we might think, and if you have an idea or a determination, it’s best to get started as soon as possible!

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