
Most people like to hear a story about a 30-person company jumping to a 3,000 person company, but I did the opposite. In a blink of an eye, it was the middle of the year. In memory, it has been six months since I jumped from a 3,000 person company to a 30-person company. My weight has soared from 130kg at the beginning of the year to 150kg (the weight has been put on my stomach and face). Look at my Lillard figure:

Let me begin by telling you the story of the last six months.

The school hires big companies

1. Entered a 3,000-person company

I will graduate from university in June 2020, maybe it is lucky. I admit that I am a front end rookie, but maybe I was lucky at that time, and I happened to take the exam I reviewed, so I was admitted to this company (3000 people is a big company, and it also includes food and accommodation).

Packing up, I saw three books that my friends had given me, because they thought I was not a computer major, so they gave me these books to take away.

I gave my guitar to my friend. Ah… I can’t. I can’t send a guitar

2. Joy and anticipation

Full of expectations, finally in July, I packed my bags, called a carpool, and came to Guangzhou, a city I was unfamiliar with. I came to the dormitory area of the company, where I met my lovely roommates. To tell you the truth, I felt a little self-abasely (I have three academic degrees), and my roommates are all 985 bosses. To tell you the truth, I was afraid that my roommates would suddenly ask me which university I went to, but they never asked me until I left the company.

A den with my roommates

Go out with roommates to eat, drink and be merry

3. Start working for a big company

I am really happy to work in such a big company for the first time. A big company is good. I have taken all the procedures into consideration and dealt with them for you. Including: computer, canteen, dormitory, midnight snack, entry, household registration, contract explanation and so on, dormitory configuration is also very good. The company uses vue technology stack, which IS easy for me to get started. My mentor and my boss often help me and correct me when I have bugs. Thank them very much. The specific working time is: get up at 8 o ‘clock in the morning, wash and wash, take the bus to the company at 8:30, sit for a while, then start to work at 9 o ‘clock, get off work at 12 o ‘clock, eat and sleep, start to work at 1:30 in the afternoon, eat at 6 o ‘clock, start to work at 7 o ‘clock, the fastest is 9 o ‘clock in the evening, but generally… Hey don’t say the

The epidemic is serious, the canteen is temporarily closed, can only eat the company canteen sent over the lunch box (quite delicious 👿)



Gather the seven colors of breakfast milk, you can summon the dragon

Combat boots

Work with colleagues in the department

4. Happy to see a star for the first time

When I was working in this company, I happened to meet a popular original singer, a popular member of a boy group and a popular member of a girl group who came to our company to record a program. That was the first time I saw the stars, and I was a little excited. I remember that day, there were a large group of fans at the door.

So many fans!!

5. What did you learn from big companies

I learned in big companies, the specification of the development process, the specification of the release version, the specification of writing code, the skill of writing code. During my few months at a big company, my code has gotten better (but still lousy)

6. Leave

In November 2020, a month after I became a regular, I chose to leave. There are many reasons. In fact, the company has been very good to me. I really appreciate the cultivation of the company, but I may not be able to adapt to the company’s working hours and working mode.

When I saw this car on the way out, I felt so handsome. After I checked it, I said, oh, never mind, it should not be my 1800 monthly salary

Small business with 30 people

1. Confusion, fear

Leaving the big company, I felt instantly lost and abandoned by the whole world. I thought to myself: I will not find a job in the future, very afraid

2. Looking for a job

Looking for a few days, finally came to a small company of 30 people, the boss and colleagues are very good, the interview is not very difficult, so came in, here I began to eat snacks and afternoon tea, plus the family boss cast to feed, I from 130 jins biao to 150 jins

3. Start work

At the beginning of my work, I was proud to say that I used to work in a company of 3,000 people. As soon as I entered the company, I joked with my colleagues about the non-standard development process. I thought I was too young. I apologized to my colleague, who said, “It’s ok. It’s normal to be young.” In this company, VUE development and small programs were also used, so I got to know it quickly, and my colleagues also changed the development documents and development process in order to standardize the development. Thank your colleagues for their tolerance.

4. Change

In a twinkling of an eye, I have been working in this small company for 7 months, I have already from the original “arrogant boy” into “convergence boy”, I understand that in a big company to stay is not a great thing, technology cattle is king. Although our company is small, the learning atmosphere is very good. My colleagues often guide me to develop habits, and I will learn humbly (still very boring). From here on out, I will also study privately on a regular basis to find out what is missing.

My first article that read more than 2K “can not be invaded” understood these 15 Vue unpopular knowledge, no longer afraid of the interviewer difficult

Atmosphere of 5.

I would say that the atmosphere of the company is really important, it can determine whether you can be happy at work. Our boss said, “Don’t hire anyone who can’t brag.” Yes, our boss is one who doesn’t like boring employees. So I often privately with the boss open black, work also often with colleagues to get along with, blow boast force, mutual damage.

McDonald’s has an event: Bring a golden container to get a free sundae. I almost died laughing when my lovely colleague took this golden tripod and filled us with sundaes

The first time, without telling my boss, to iron a steel clip hot (result, was beaten miserably)

6. Learn

Facing 10 6 late to work every day time, I have a lot of time to do their own things, in this company, I promoted a vue technical level, the master many skills, after all, a small company, pressure is not big company, technology demands is not so much, so I can try to different, also learned a lot.


1. Change: once the “proud youth” into “convergence youth”, modest to seek advice, do not be too careless

2. React: Learned the basic use of React Hook, and used React to privately practice refactoring the background system of previous VUE version

3. Webpack: Learned simple configuration

4. Leetcode: 100 questions have been flushed, so far no hard difficulty has been flushed

5. Think of the question: think of any difficult points to write down, privately have time to find the answer one by one

5. Write articles and record knowledge

Vue source code series (more to come)

  • “Vue source learning (a)” you don’t know – data responsive principle
  • “Vue source learning (2)” you do not know – template compilation principles
  • “Vue source learning (3)” you don’t know – first rendering principles
  • “Vue source learning (iv)” is determined to write a computed, Watch principle that everyone understands
  • “Vue source learning (five)” interviewers like to ask – Vue common methods source analysis
  • A weekly Vue tidbit: do you want to know how Vuex works?
  • A Vue tip of the week: Do you really know how slots are “inserted”

Leetcode series (possibly to be updated later)

  • LeetCode – even the girlfriend looked like five questions: 001, 007009, 014, 020 | soul artist
  • Two questions per week: Leetcode — 021,026
  • Two questions per week: Leetcode — 027,028
  • Leetcode: Classic title – The container that holds the most water

Basic articles (more to come)

  • “A little knowledge a week” combined with “Kangxi talent Show”, tell us about “virtual list”.
  • (a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3) (a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3)
  • Play to say “browser render” – girlfriend saw all say good
  • How to sort a Map object

In the future

1. In the computer

My old Shenzhou can retire, after all, it has been used for five years, in the face of it, I have no desire to learn (too card, ah).

2. Buy onemacbook pro

I hope to buy a macbook Pro this month and continue to pursue my front-end dream with it

3. Practice cooking

I want to learn more dishes, not just a few

Attached is my masterpiece

4. Improve yourself

  • Keep learning to enrich yourself, even if you don’t need it
  • Continue to be kind to others, even if they may bite you back
  • Continue to write my front end article, even though few people read it.
  • Make yourself more and more diligent
  • Keep scrolling through my Leetcode
  • Get rid of my careless habits

5. Take more exercise

Ah, now I can only touch the rebound, the box can not touch


Finally, I would like to give you ten suggestions, of course, better than me can ignore, haha 😄

  • 1. You can touch fish, but don’t eat and wait for death. Do your job well
  • 2. There are a lot of learning materials at the station
  • 3. Interns or fresh graduates who can’t find a job don’t be discouraged. Find a small company to do it first
  • 4. Study regularly and make it hard on yourself
  • 5. If you have poor self-control, you should change your career this morning. Don’t waste your time
  • 6. Learn to control your temper, be kind to others, point out problems, but don’t quarrel, don’t be weird
  • 7. When learning, we should type more code, rather than just looking at it, which is very inefficient. As the saying goes: “a good memory is not as good as a bad writing”
  • 8. You can read as many questions as you want, but don’t just recite them. Really learn and understand them
  • 9. Pay attention to your appearance so girls will like you, and don’t be sloppy (me)
  • Be modest and don’t be too crazy. There are many great people in this society, and every mountain is higher than every other mountain


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