As 2016 draws to a close, a few recent articles will summarize some of the open source projects of 2016. The most popular Open source projects on GitHub in 2016.

What were GitHub’s most popular and star-filled projects in 2016? Come on, read the article and learn from these great projects.


  • Language: the JavaScript

  • Stars: 213276

FreeCodeCamp is an open source community based on MEAN architecture that helps people learn to code and build their non-profit projects with front-end content.

What are the advantages of such a fantastic open source project?

  1. Learn programming skills such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, databases, Git, Node.js, Angular.js, and agile development
  2. Work on free and open source projects
  3. Get real-time help


  • Language: the JavaScript

  • Stars: 105089

Bootstrap comes from Twitter and is currently the most popular front-end framework. Bootstrap is simple and flexible based on HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT, making Web development faster.


  • Stars: 72666

As the name of the project, the project sorted out as many free books on programming as possible on the network, almost covering all languages. If you need programming e-books and other teaching resources in the future, please don’t look for them everywhere in Baidu. Yes, if your English isn’t good, there’s even a Chinese version: VHF/Free-programming – Books

Functional concept, distributed systems, online education, big data, operating system, database, regular expressions, version control, intelligent system, the programmer gossip, management and monitoring, programming, art, computer graphics, compiling principle, editor, design patterns, software development method, C, C #, C + +, iOS, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, LISP, Lua, Markdown, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, R... , etc.Copy the code


  • Language: the JavaScript

  • Stars: 58382

D3 is one of the most popular visualization libraries and is used by many other table plug-ins. It allows you to bind arbitrary data to the DOM and then apply the data-driven transformation to the Document. You can use it to create basic HTML tables with an array, or use its fluid transitions and interactions to create amazing SVG bar charts with similar data.


  • Language: the JavaScript

  • Stars: 56600

React is Facebook’s open source JavaScript library for building UIs. React allows you to pass various types of parameters, such as declaration code that helps you render UI, static HTMLDOM elements, dynamic variables, and even interactive application components.

Declarative design: React uses the declarative paradigm so you can easily describe your application

Efficient: Reeact minimizes interaction with the DOM by simulating its representation of the DOM.

Flexible: React works well with libraries or frameworks you know.


  • Language: the JavaScript

  • Stars: 54045

Angular JS (angular.js) is a set of frameworks, templates, and data-binding and rich UI components for developing Web pages. It supports the entire development process and provides the architecture of Web applications without the need for manual DOM manipulation. AngularJS is small, only 60K, compatible with major browsers and works well with jQuery.

Data binding is probably the coolest and most useful feature of AngularJS. It can save you development time by avoiding writing a lot of initial code. A typical Web application may contain 80% of the code used to process, query, and listen to the DOM. Data binding allows you to focus on your application with less code.


  • Stars: 48631

On Github, a lot of people were thinking, what’s a good project here? So AWESOME, a high-energy project! There are a lot of resources you want.


  • Stars: 47641

This project is a series of books that introduce JavaScript from a shallow to a deep level. You can read it for free, or you can buy it and support it.

Zhao Wangye’s comments are quoted

Overall, the series is really excellent, to what extent? No matter how long you’ve been doing javascript-related development, you’ll probably find something in this series that you missed.


  • Language: the HTML
  • Stars: 47331

Font Awesome provides you with scalable vector ICONS that you can change using all the features provided by CSS, including size, color, shadow, or any other supported effect.


  • Language: the Shell
  • Stars: 47047

Oh-my-zsh is an extension based on ZSH features, easy plugin management, theme customization, and beautiful auto-complete effects.

So that’s it for today, there’s a lot more, but we’ll see a lot of JavaScript projects, and of course that’s where JavaScript is going, and earlier in GitHub’s annual report Js was the most popular language.

The other is learning programming resource integration projects, this is not difficult to understand, everyone likes to integrate resources, so for us lazy people, learning is relatively easy. The following articles will be organized according to the parts:

  • Python’s most popular project
  • Java’s most popular projects and so on

Of course, if you want to be the first to know about these projects, you can follow the official account (a programmer’s daily)