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Top 10 Striking ⚡ Programming Languages 2021🤩


Programming has become a hot skill these days. In recent days, I’ve heard a lot of people asking which programming language to learn in 2021. So the Themeselection is here to share with you the top 10 programming languages for 2021.

Here’s a look at what each language on the list does for you and why it’s popular. All of the hottest programming languages mentioned will have an important place in the next generation. We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most popular programming languages in 2021 based on a recent survey

It is important for all programming developers to keep an eye on programming language developments and trends around the world. While some languages have similarities in key features, others require an additional level of understanding.

In addition, choosing a programming language and having an in-depth understanding of it can help you find a better job in a particular field. From the list of programming languages and salary comparisons, we can see which programming languages earned the most money last year.

Source: Stackoverflow

Here are the top 10 hottest programming languages for 2021:












  • Stackoverflow
  • Stackshare
  • Hired
  • Github
  • Google trends

Note: We have researched and observed the performance, requirements and usage of the following languages in 2021. The numbers are subject to change. Some of these languages may seem strange to you, but we’ve included them because they can be useful in certain areas. In the end, because everyone has certain interest and preference in language, we did not have an absolute priority. Each language has a specific usage domain and scenario, so this list mainly represents the frequency of language usage in each domain.


Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language with high performance and high security, especially secure concurrency. Although Rust is syntactically similar to C ++, it keeps memory safe by using a borrowing checker to validate references.

Rust has been Stack Overflow’s most popular language for the fourth year in a row, according to the survey. Is this beyond your imagination? The likeable popularity of Rust suggests that anyone who has the opportunity to use it will love it.

Data source: Stackoverflow

In addition, Rust allows data to be stored in a heap or stack, allowing you to determine when to clean up memory at compile time. This allows efficient use of memory and very fast access.

Companies already using Rust:

  • Dropbox
  • Coursera
  • Figma
  • Discord


  • Better memory security. This is thanks to the Rust compiler.
  • The data ownership model simplifies writing concurrent code by preventing data contention
  • Zero-cost abstraction


Typescript has become a household name. It has been growing rapidly since its release in 2014 and has cemented its place in the top 10 programming languages of 2021.

Because of the growing dissatisfaction with JavaScript, Microsoft developed TypeScript. TypeScript surprised the Google team so much that instead of developing new languages, they developed TypeScript together.

Source: Stackoverflow

Basically, TypeScript has become the primary programming language for the Angular2 + SPA architecture. The vue.js team even announced a new version of its framework using Typescript in 2018. (Published Vue3 is written in TypeScript.)

TypeScript is popular because the code is easy to write and maintain. In addition, it provides a complete description for each piece of code. TypeScript can be used to develop large projects with strict syntax and fewer compilation errors.

Many companies are embracing TypeScript and adopting it. Here are some companies that use TypeScript:

  • Slack
  • Vox
  • Media
  • medium
  • Accenture
  • ViaVarejo


  • Support for classes and modules.
  • Static type checking.
  • Supports ES6 functions.
  • Clear API library definitions
  • Built-in support for JavaScript packaging.
  • Syntactic similarities to back-end languages (Java, Scala,.NET)

In addition, it is reasonably structured and easy to learn. Its extended toolbox makes application development fast. With these advantages, TypeScript is expected to replace JS in 2020-2021 as one of the most popular programming languages in the future. Many JS frameworks now provide support for TypeScript.

You can refer to two products developed in TypeScript: Modern Admin — Angular 10+ Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template and Apex Angular Admi Template


Image credit: Teahub

Today, Python is growing faster than ever. Especially as AI becomes more popular, it becomes Javascript’s biggest competitor.

Python is commonly used in big data science, machine learning, Web development, computer science education, machine vision, image processing, and game development.

In addition, it is considered one of the easiest software languages to learn and master. And Python is easily the best language for beginners to get started. Often referred to as one of the world’s most popular programming languages, Python underpins the back end of many startups and plays an important role in the development of big data and AI.

Credit: Octoverse. Github

According to multiple reports and ratings, Python is rapidly gaining popularity and has a chance to replace JavaScript as the most used language (on GitHub).

Many large companies are using Python, for example:

  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Amazon
  • Facebook


  • Very easy to learn and use
  • Emphasize code readability
  • Extensive library support
  • Open source programming languages
  • Good community support
  • You can scale complex applications
  • Build a prototype

Data source: Google Trends

As you can see, Python has surpassed javascript in the past five years. In addition, it can develop a wide range of applications, such as Web and desktop development, Web servers, machine learning, GUI-based desktop applications, enterprise and business-oriented, and data science.


Kotlin was developed by the Jet Brains team in search of “something better than Java.” Many experts claim this goal has already been achieved. Like Go, Kotlin isn’t the most popular programming language, but statistics suggest demand is growing.

The ease of call between Java and Kotlin makes Android development faster and more fun. Since Kotlin solved major problems in Java, developers have rewritten several Java applications using Kotlin.

Kotlin is one of the five most popular programming languages in the world, according to Hired’s score. It ranks higher than Java and Python. Just below Go and Scala in their field.

Source: Hired

Companies that use KOTLIN

  • Coursera
  • Uber
  • Pinterest
  • Post mates


  • Have a good compiler
  • Is an efficient programming language
  • Better performance at runtime
  • Reduced definition of primitive types

In addition, the number of Kotlin users in the Github community is growing at an alarming rate. According to a report from Octoverse, Kotlin ranks fourth among fast-growing programming languages.


Data source: [Google Trends]

According to the latest report, the trend of Go has been decreasing. Still, Go is worth paying attention to because it keeps its place on the list. It may have faults, but it has grown to a scale that cannot be ignored!

Source: Hired

Go is ideal for small Web applications, apis, and Web servers. In addition, it has C language semantics, memory management, high performance and support for modern data structures. You can use it for system and network programming, big data, machine learning, audio and video editing, and more.

Big companies that already use Go:

  • Google
  • Apple
  • Facebook
  • Docker
  • The New York Times
  • BBC


  • fast
  • Easy to learn
  • Expand the convenient
  • Comprehensive programming tools

As Go has maintained its popularity over the years, it is advisable to keep an eye on it despite its current fall in the rankings. Go could rise again.


Now it’s time to focus on Solidity. Well, it’s not on Stackoverflow or Octoverse’s charts, it’s not in the top 10 of Pypl or TIOBE, and it’s not a Hired favorite.

So why mention Solidity in this list? As we said at the beginning, an important factor is application prospects. We talked to the developers on Stackoverflow about blockchain, and most of our respondents mentioned this.

As we all know, the demand for blockchain experts has grown rapidly over the past year. It’s almost 517 percent. The technology is brand new and hasn’t caught on yet. But the benefits of blockchain and related statistics suggest that things will change radically in the coming years.

In recent years, blockchain technology has emerged as one of the most promising services. It has great potential to change the way the financial sector works. In today’s highly digitized world, many large and medium-sized enterprises are laying out blockchain technology services to gain a foothold in this highly competitive market.

As a result, the demand for qualified Solidity developers will increase. Because Solidity is the best option for blockchain right now. As a result, experts will be in high demand by 2021.

There is support for Solidity on the fast-growing EOS platform, ethereum’s main competitor

So if you’re going to catch up on blockchain, then you’ll have to learn Solidity and C ++.


Dart is a programming language optimized for clients building rapid applications across the platform. It is a language developed by Google for building mobile, desktop, and Web applications. Dart features an object-oriented, class-based, garbage collection mechanism. It has a C-like syntax. Dart can be compiled to ARM & X64 binaries on mobile, desktop, and back ends, or Javascript for Web platforms.

Dart was forgotten until Google released Flutter. However, with the release of Flutter on Google/IO, Dart has gained a lot of attention among mobile developers. Because it makes a good alternative to React Native. Dart is also a good choice for developers who don’t like Javascript. Dart became popular when big companies like Google and Alibaba adopted Flutter.



  • Open source
  • Cross platform and enjoy a flexible type system when writing code
  • Easy to learn
  • Powerful and configurable static analysis tool for performance analysis, logging, and debugging using the code editor of choice
  • The efficiency is very high
  • Dart can be compiled to AOT and JIT.

Companies using Dart:

  • Google
  • Useinsider
  • Pickio
  • Agora

In addition, Dart is well supported by almost all major ides. Heavy and complete ides like Webstorm, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, or small and beautiful ides like VS Code, Sublime Text, Vim, Emacs, Atom, etc. Take your pick


Yeah, they’re three different programming languages. However, as we mentioned earlier, the choice of language is mainly based on application scenarios. If you are not familiar with their application scenarios, C/C++/C# is often used for game development.

We know that game development is a very unique and demanding industry, with great games and new technology trends coming with them every year. In addition, the demand for quality is increasing, creating a huge demand for top developers. According to the report, about 50 percent of the world’s population spends time playing games every day.

In addition to the game industry, embedded technologies such as robotics, 3D printing, operating systems, drivers, graphics and word processing desktop apps are all used in C/C++/C#.

The three brothers also occupy a fairly high position in the overall ranking. We can see from Hired that they rank from 13th to 15th.

Source: Hired

Companies that mainly use C# :

  • Delivery
  • Hero
  • Microsoft
  • Accenture
  • ViaVarejo
  • Stack Overflow

C++ companies:

  • Evernote
  • LinkedIn
  • Microsoft
  • Opera
  • NASA
  • Facebook

Companies that mainly use C:

  • Twitch
  • GitHub
  • Telegram
  • Messenger
  • MasterCard
  • Lime


Swift is a versatile, multi-paradigm compiled language developed by Apple. Its open source community was first released in 2014.

As its name suggests, it is a powerful, intuitive and fast programming language. It is mainly used to develop a series of Apple systems (macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS) and their upper apps. In addition, writing Swift code is fun and interactive, with simple syntax but clear meaning. In addition, Swift has a lot of “cool” features that developers like, such as automatic JSON encode and decode for custom types (this feels like Javascript JSON operation is as easy as Java). Swift code is designed to be secure, for example variables are always initialized before use, arrays and integers are always checked for out of bounds, memory is automatically managed, and so on, without affecting superfast performance at all.


In summary, Swift top eleven is not too much, right?

Its amazing advantages are:

  • Fast development process
  • Readable and extensible
  • More complex functions can be accomplished with very little code
  • Both performance and safety
  • Strong compatibility with Objective-C

Companies that mainly use Swift:

  • Lyft
  • Uber
  • Slack
  • Artsy

Source: Armadsen

It has to be said that Swift is maintained and upgraded by Apple itself, and its popularity and community support are growing. In fact, 42% of the 110 apps surveyed already use Swift. If you consider only 79 non-game apps, that’s 57% of them using Swift.

Of course, it’s important to note that while the Swift community is growing rapidly, it’s still not as big as many other open source communities. According to StackOverflow developers, only 6.6% of respondents use Swift.


And finally JS, Javascript is the most famous programming language. Although its flaws have spawned a crop of “sprints” such as CoffeeScript, Flow, and TypeScript, JS is still C bit dominant in many areas.

It is widely used to add a variety of interactive elements to Web applications and browsers. Most front-end development likes to use JS, but Node.js is an increasingly important part of front-end development with more functionality.

Source: octoverse

According to Stackoverflow, JavaScript is the most popular language. The same report shows that 66% of respondents prefer JS and 17.8% want to master it.


As you can see, Javascript still rules the software development industry! Almost all large and small factories use it. Here are just a few examples

  • Microsoft
  • PayPal
  • Groupon
  • Google

Why not? !!!!! Its advantages are as follows:

  • It can be run directly in the browser
  • No precompilation required
  • Has a very interactive API with the browser
  • Can be widely used in a variety of scenarios
  • Implementation and getting started are simple

Javascript can also be used to create animations and control interfaces at the Web level. Another advantage is that it is well supported by almost all modern browsers. Javascript can also be developed backend with the help of Node.js.

You can check out [Vuexy Vuejs Admin Template] (… Both Frest Bootstrap Admin Template products are written in Javascript.


That’s the list of the most popular programming languages in 2021. It’s not much, but I hope it opens your eyes a little bit to learn a new language. Of course, there are some languages not mentioned here, which does not mean that they are not important, for example

  • Scala

  • Ruby

  • Java

  • Objective-C

  • PHP

You can start by choosing a language that is more useful or relevant to you and get started on your journey!

About the author team:

We are the ThemeSelection team, dedicated to high-quality, stylish, professional and easy-to-use bootstrap management templates and UI suites. Welcome to ThemeSelection

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I’m bigO front. See you next time.