This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021

Hello ~ I’m Milo! I am building an open source interface testing platform from 0 to 1, and I am also writing a complete tutorial corresponding to it. I hope you can support it. Welcome to pay attention to my public number test development pit goods, get the latest article tutorial!


In the previous section we supported SQL type constructors.

Next we’ll look at how to enrich our assertion types.

Basic assertion

Our previous assertion was incomplete, like the talisman sword score. Today we are going to try to refine the assertions.

Let’s look at the previous assertion types:

  • Is equal to the
  • Is not equal to
  • Belong to

But these are often not enough, and we need to add more. Remember how we wrote earlier about comparing two JSON objects? We’re going to put it into practice today.

Write utils/json_compare. Py

Since we’ve talked about json comparisons before, here is the source code, and the JsonCompare class singleton wrapped.

import json

from app.utils.decorator import SingletonDecorator

class JsonCompare(object) :

    def compare(self, exp, act) :
        ans = []
        self._compare(exp, act, ans, ' ')
        return ans

    def _compare(self, a, b, ans, path) :
        a = self._to_json(a)
        b = self._to_json(b)
        if type(a) ! =type(b):
            ans.append(f"{path}The types are inconsistent, respectively{type(a)} {type(b)}")
        if isinstance(a, dict):
            keys = []
            for key in a.keys():
                pt = path + "/" + key
                if key in b.keys():
                    self._compare(a[key], b[key], ans, pt)
                    ans.append(f"{pt}Does not exist in the actual results.")
            for key in b.keys():
                if key not in keys:
                    pt = path + "/" + key
                    ans.append(f"{pt}In the actual results.")
        elif isinstance(a, list):
            i = j = 0
            while i < len(a):
                pt = path + "/" + str(i)
                if j >= len(b):
                    ans.append(f"{pt}Does not exist in the actual results.")
                    i += 1
                    j += 1
                self._compare(a[i], b[j], ans, pt)
                i += 1
                j += 1
            while j < len(b):
                pt = path + "/" + str(j)
                ans.append(f"{pt}Is not present in the expected outcome.")
                j += 1
            ifa ! = b: ans.append(f"{path}Inconsistent data:{a} "
                    f"! ={b}" ifpath ! ="" else
                    F "Inconsistent data:{a}! ={b}")

    def _color(self, text, _type=0) :
        if _type= =0:
            # Description is green
            return """<span style="color: #13CE66">{}</span>""".format(text)
        return """<span style="color: #FF4949">{}</span>""".format(text)

    def _weight(self, text) :
        return """<span style="font-weight: 700">{}</span>""".format(text)

    def _to_json(self, string) :
            return string
                if isinstance(string, str) :return json.loads(string)
                return string
                return string

Copy the code

Override assertion mode

Take a look at the previous assertion:

Since we can’t add much, we’ll just add the usual ones.

Let’s add some checksums including/not included/included in/not included in/Length equal to/length greater than/length less than /JSON equal to. And using emoji to distinguish success from failure.

Take a look at the effect

This enriches our assertion tools a little bit, but we still have some JSON inclusion and other ways of comparing text to similarity assertions that we haven’t used yet, which we’ll show you at a later opportunity.

Today’s content to share here, interested friends can begin to write together! ~

(This installment is light, but the next installment brings a series of heavy Python timed tasks.)

Test. Pity. Fun

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