Template syntax

WXML (WeiXin Markup Language) is a set of tag Language designed by the framework. Combining with basic components and event system, the structure of the page can be constructed.

1. Data binding

1.1. Common writing

<view> {{ message }} </view>
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  data: {
    message: 'Hello MINA! '}})Copy the code

1.2. Component properties

<view id="item-{{id}}"> </view>
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  data: {
    id: 0}})Copy the code

1.3. Bool type

Don’t just check =”false”; it evaluates to a string

<checkbox checked="{{false}}"> </checkbox>
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2. Operation

2.1. Ternary operation

<view hidden="{{flag ? true : false}}"> Hidden </view>
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2.2. Arithmetic operations

<view> {{a + b}} + {{c}} + d </view>
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  data: {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: 3}})Copy the code

2.3. Logical judgment

<view wx:if="{{length > 5}}"> </view>
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2.4. String operations

<view>{{"hello" + name}}</view>
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    name: 'MINA'}})Copy the code

2.5. Pay attention to

Spaces between curly braces and quotes will eventually be parsed as strings

3. List rendering

3.1 wx: the for

The variable name of the item is item by default. Wx :for–item specifies the variable name of the current element of the array with subscript. The variable name is index by default The options are as follows

  1. A string that represents a unique attribute in a loop item such as
list:[{id:0,name:"Fried rice"},{id:1,name:"Fried noodles"}]
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  1. Reserved wordsthisIt means item itself,thisMust represent a unique string and array.
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<view wx:for="{{array}}" wx:key="id">
 {{index}}: {{item.message}}
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  data: {
    array: [{
      message: 'foo',
   }, {
      message: 'bar'}]}})Copy the code

3.2. The block

Rendering a block containing multiple nodes does not end up as a real DOM element

<block wx:for="{{[1, 2, 3]}}" wx:key="*this" >
  <view> {{index}}: </view>
  <view> {{item}} </view>
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4. Conditional rendering

4.1 wx: the if

In the framework, use wx:if=”{{condition}}” to determine if the code block needs to be rendered:

 <view wx:if="{{false}}">1</view>
  <view wx:elif="{{true}}">2</view>
  <view wx:else>3</view>
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4.2. hidden

<view hidden="{{condition}}"> True </view>
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Similar to wx:if frequently toggled with hidden not often used with wx:if

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More related articles and my contact information I put here: gitee.com/haiyongcsdn…

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