Plans often can not catch up with changes, it seems that there are filar silk wind xiao xi, cold and sad and helpless.


At the beginning of the year, silently and myself said, the same thing, the same day.

A flash half a year passed, it seems that besides all sorts of busy, leisure in a daze, stupor, it seems that also such.

Dream, but always stagnate.

The increase in age, the so-called increase in work experience, and the technology, the same as before, never moves forward.

Bale, and into a variety of hesitation, as looking at the chicken boss back, slowly forward.

Today, chronicling the poignant events that hit Google just a few months ago.

In fact, Google is very easy to put on the shelf, according to the official instructions, less small actions, this points, behave, easy very.

But how can everything in the world be done as one wishes?

Listen to me

Shelf preparation

This is very important, hope small partners do not step on the same pit as me.

Here the default partner and I had the same, belongs to the first time on the shelves, the account is not that kind.

Please get the following content ready before you hit the shelves:

  • The Google account name of the company. (At the beginning, Party A gave me the wrong account name, and I did not carefully check and directly copied and submitted it, which led to a series of subsequent troubles.)
  • Company related information. This no matter domestic or Google, what calculate is required to fill in.
  • A credit card for paying admission tickets to Google Dad. 25 knife. (Wasted $25 because of the account number)

A lesson to the heart!

In addition to note here, if you submit the application after the shelf, the current user has not downloaded, you can cancel the shelf and the current account can be removed from the project, the premise is that no user downloaded!

I also clicked the download and install button. As a result, I communicated with Google for many times. There was only one email, which contained an address link and remarks that the app that had been downloaded by the user was not supported to be removed from the current account.

Finally, you need to confirm with the company’s superiors whether to adopt Google Signature or join the Google Signature Program.

The key certificate you saved may be lost, do not be afraid, give it to us, we will help you to take care of it.

Most of you may think Google is awesome, but when you click “yes” to join the Google Sign Up program, feel the despair, young man:

  • Third party configuration is not available, such as WeChat related;

I’m just going to give you an example of WeChat, so why isn’t it available?

A simple example:

For example, if you use the number 1 to pack your signature, when you agree to join the Google signature program, when you gently upload to Google, our dear Google will kill your 1, and then use Google Dad’s 2 to pack your signature. Think about all the information you wrote on WeChat.

Also, joining Google’s signature program can’t be quit, you say you regret it?

That sorry, steamed stuffed bun you are in the hand, once sold, caveat emptor exchange!

Do you think it would be better if you changed your account and migrated your application?

Well, migrating past apps is still part of Google’s signature program.

Are you happy?

The JsonCooler prompt can also upload your signature file. I tried it and it worked, as shown below:

About upgrading

Whether you agree to join the Google Signature Program or not, Google supports downloading the current APK once it’s on the shelf.

About channel statistics

Generally speaking, we will add multi-channel distribution, so as to collect corresponding data with the operation partners and products, etc., and add perfect data proof for the next version or follow-up work.

So here’s how I deal with it for different situations:

  • For those who have already joined the Google Signature Program, you can use your original certificate to generate the corresponding channel package and upload it to Google Play.
  • If you don’t join the Google Signature Program, just type the APK of Google Play channel and put it on the shelves directly.

The difference between the two is that if we are not enrolled in the Google Signature Program, the package certificates available in the Google Play Marketplace are still the same as the ones we packaged, but after joining the Google Signature Program, Google replaces the APK certificates we uploaded with Google Security Certifications. (I understand, if the understanding is wrong, welcome to correct ~)

Here is a new test application and a screenshot, as follows:

About third-party open platform registration

Again, there are two situations:

  • If you do not join Google Signature Plan, you can get the package certificate information and add the corresponding open platform in the original way;
  • If you have joined the Google Signature Program, you can just copy the corresponding certificate value in the application signature column. Here is the cut picture:

The reason why I’m here to say so much is that because of my insufficient preparation and blind arrogant behavior in the early stage, the late launch of Google has been delayed for an estimated half a month.

And my May Day holiday, also has been in a variety of negotiations with Google, But, cry chirp.


Okay, let’s get started with our Google Play launch!

On Google Play

In order to help those of you like me who are on Google Play for the first time, there will be a lot of stolen pictures below. If you are already on Google Play, please go to the next door to tease your little sister

Sign up for a Google account

First, you need to have an account. The address is as follows:


According to Google Dad, you have filled in all the necessary information, and then click Next.

Verify mobile phone number:

Enter the verification code to verify the current phone number:

Other information to fill in, here is my personal advice, can fill in, just in case:

Don’t do that. When Google asks you to do it, you’re good.

Next comes the cliche privacy agreement, the same old one, where consent is agreed (PS: I always feel that this is bad, I don’t agree, can you make me happy to play?). :

As a final step, look yourself in the mirror:

To this, Google account registration is completed ~

2. Ticket to Google ($25)

The address is as follows:


Since we have completed the Google account registration in the first step, the default login here is the previous account.

Scroll down to the page and check “Agree to the Developer Agreement” and click “Continue Payment” :

Fill in the credit card information successively, and finally click “Buy” :

Receipt of successful payment, then click Continue to register:

Fill in the company information prepared before:

Go to the Google Play console when you’re done:

3. Create the application – fill in the basic information

This fill in, thief much, ten million to provide perfect content, otherwise a little bit to squeeze toothpaste very painful.

Google Play console address:


3.1 Create application and improve basic information

On the right click Create App and enter the name of the app:

Improve the basic information of the application:

Upload 512*512 size application Logo:

Add screen capture and top image:

3.2 Set the application type, category, and label

Note that you can only select tags from the range provided by Google. You can add up to 5 tags.

Here is a separate supplement to today’s exchange with xiami xiaqi, and here is a direct smelly quote from my brother’s reply:

I just checked some information, and I have a general understanding of the keyword setting method on Google Play. Google Play is really different from the App Store. The App Store has a special option bar for keyword setting, while Google Play does not. However, Google Play’s app weights cover the entire page, such as the URL, developer name, title, long/short description, and so on. These are all places where you can set keywords. Of course, category labels are also worth considering.

Another personal understanding:

As those of you in the domestic market know, we can set up a variety of custom keywords for our app, in order to increase the weight of search. Google Play, on the other hand, allows you to select keywords from a list that are appropriate for your app. According to the communication results, Google Play has a relatively large proportion of the weight, combined with various factors. Simply put, maybe Google Play thinks that great apps don’t need custom tags to increase their search results’ weight. Of course, this is also personal thinking, understanding.

Finally, I specially logged into Xiaomi’s open platform to capture a picture:

3.3 Content Classification

An APK package needs to be uploaded before the application classification is carried out, so click the application version on the left here directly. Here I select the test version and start uploading the APK.

It must be noted here that since we have not joined the Google Signature Project, there will be a recommendation about the Google Signature Project. Just click “deactivate”.

Once again, firmly tell Google, thank you I don’t need it.

Then drag the Apk to this point to upload the Apk:

After completion, the APK information will be automatically parsed. Finally, click “Save” at the bottom.

Then click the content classification on the left, and after reading the prompts carefully click Continue:

Start content classification:

Fill in the questionnaire in turn:

Until application sizing is complete:

Finally, improve the information:

You think that’s the end of it?

No way.

3.4 Improve the application content

Here is mainly related to the following content:

  • Privacy Policy (Privacy Agreement Website)

  • Does it include advertising?

  • Application access

  • Target audience group and content (age, whether it appeals to children, etc.)

3.5 Pricing and Distribution Scope

Sets whether the current app is charged or free:

Selected application issued country:

Agreement ticked:

To here, the basic information is filled out.

Four, shelf application

Before submitting the official package, check the build configuration to see which CPU architecture is currently supported and whether 64-bit is included.

If it is included, the prompt is as follows:

Here is a brief overview:

  • For the ARM architecture, the 32-bit library is located in armeabi-v7a. The corresponding 64-bit library is in ARM64-v8a.
  • For x86 architectures, 32-bit libraries are in x86 and 64-bit libraries are in x86_64.

So in the build file, the configuration of the NDK, including at least the 64-bit architecture, is as follows:

// NDK. Abifilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','arm64-v8a'

Then create a new official version, upload the official package, ready for release:

Click OK to start the arraignment operation:

Due to this special situation, I personally review the thief slowly, it is said that once two hours to pass the audit.

If you are well prepared, getting Google Play on the market is smooth.

Five, off the shelf application

If you need to remove your app, click Price and Distribute in the Left Store Publish, then cancel the release and submit an update by changing the availability of your app.

On a few words

On the whole, it is the same as the previous sentence. If the preliminary work is well prepared and there is no mistake like mine, and the APK arraignment is orderly, there is no problem in passing the audit.

Of course, special circumstances special treatment ~

The notes that had been delayed for more than two months were finally sorted out.

Hope to help some friends ~


  • Play management center help
  • Supports 64-bit architecture