This is the third day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging


Markdown is a markup language that can be written using a plain text editor, allowing plain text content to be formatted through a simple markup syntax.

Markdown has a series of derivative versions that extend Markdown’s capabilities (such as tables, footnotes, embedded HTML, and so on) that the original Markdown did not yet have, allowing Markdown to convert to more formats, such as LaTeX and Docbook.

Typora is a lightweight and simple Markdown editor that supports instant rendering, which is the most striking difference between Markdown and other Markdown editors. Instant rendering allows you to write Markdown as easily as you would a Word document. Unlike other editors, which have an edit bar and a display bar, it can also be exported to Html, PDF, Word and other documents for free

Download Typora official website

1. How to use the title?

The effect implementation

Primary title

# Level 1 title

The secondary title

## Secondary title

Level 3 title

### Level 3 title

Level 4 titles

#### Level 4 Title
Five titles
##### Five-level title
Six levels of headings

Of course, sometimes when you finish writing an article, you forget to add a # to the text instead of becoming a heading, or you want to change the heading level (size). You can use the shortcut Ctrl +=, Ctrl – (note that the + – sign is next to 0, not the + – on the numeric keyboard) to adjust the heading level (size), or

Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, Ctrl + 3,…… To switch the level (size) of the title

What if you want to get rid of the title effect?

1. Use Ctrl + 0 in the heading text to turn the heading into a paragraph (recommended)

2. Press the backspace key in front of the title text (recommended)

3. Right-click on the title text to be modified to pop up the menu option, and then operate as shown in the figure (recommended)

4. Use the shortcut Ctrl – to gradually remove the title, but this is too slow, recommended for H6 (level 6 title) situations

5. Use Ctrl/shortcut key to open the source mode, and then delete the #

Note: Using the Ctrl += shortcut in text with no title defaults to H6 (level 6 title), while Ctrl – does not respond

2. Text format

The effect implementation shortcuts
The bold * * * * in bold Ctrl + B
italics * italics * Ctrl + i
The underline <u> Underline </u> Ctrl + U
Delete the line ~~ Delete line ~~ alt shift + 5

Links to 3.

3.1 the inline type

The effect implementation shortcuts
The Denver nuggets [Denver] ( Ctrl + K
Hyperlinks with hints [Hyperlinks with hints](”Here’s a hyperlink with a hint “) There is no

3.2 the reference type

I often read blogs on the Diggings website to learn knowledge, use search engines such as Baidu and Google to look up information, and use programming languages such as Python, Java, C, Html and JavaScript to write the world

3.3 Automatic Link

[email protected]

The syntax comparison is shown below

Form 4.

The name Student id The class department
Zhang SAN 17120708 Software class 7 Department of Software Engineering
Li si 17120709 Software class 8 Department of Software Engineering

Grammar to achieve – | | name student id | of the | | – > | | XXX class represents a cell

| | name student id class of the | | | | -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | | | zhang SAN17120708 | 17software7Class software engineering | | | |, dick, and harry17120709 | 17software8Class | | of software engineeringCopy the code

Different Markdown editors have different text alignment effects for tables. The default alignment for Diggin is center and the default alignment for Typora is left

| | name student id class of the | | | | : - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : | | | zhang SAN17120708 | 17software7Class software engineering | | | |, dick, and harry17120709 | 17software8Class | | of software engineeringCopy the code

Note: The differences in this syntax are:(colon)

The name Student id The class department
Zhang SAN 17120708 Software class 7 Department of Software Engineering
Li si 17120709 Software class 8 Department of Software Engineering
Shortcut key Ctrl + T pops up to select the number of rows and columns as shown below

A list of 5.

5.1 Unordered List

  • Unordered List 1
  • Unordered List 2
  • Unordered List 3

Ctrl + Shift +

5.2 Ordered List

1. Ordered List 1

2. Ordered List 2

3. Ordered List 3

Ctrl + Shift + [

  • The input*, -, and +A random number and then pressThe blank spaceYou can implement an unordered list
  • The number plus. (dot) to achieve an ordered list

5.3 Task List

  • Python
  • Java
  • C
  • C++
  • C#

6. Insert picture

Grammar! \ [] ()

! [Description of the picture] (C:\Users\MrLiu\Desktop\Typor \ article \image\ rocket.gif)
Copy the code

Note: There should be a space between the image path and the image title

Use the HTML <img></img> tag

<img SRC =’ title=’ align=’ align ‘></img>

If you don’t understand Html, you can go to the W3CSchool website to learn

7. Insert Gantt chart, UML diagram, and avi flow chart

Mermaidjs.github. IO /#/gantt

Such as:

Gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD Title Adding Gantt Diagram Functionality to mermaid Section2014- 01-06,2014-01-08 In progress: Active, DES2,2014-01-09, 3d
        计划中               :         des3, after des2, 5d
Copy the code
Gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD Title Adding Gantt Diagram Functionality to mermaid Section 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Ongoing: Active, DES2, 2014-01-09, 3D planning: DES3, after des2, 5d

Mermaidjs.github. IO /#…

Such as:

Li Si: Hello! How's it going, Li Si? Li Si -->> WV: How are you doing, Wv? Li Si -- X Zhang SAN: I'm fine, thanks! Li Si-X WV: I'm fine, thanks! Note right of li Si thought for a long time, the text is too long to fit on one line. Li Si -->> Zhang SAN: Looking at Wang Wu... Zhang SAN ->> WANG Wu: Good... How about you, Wang Wu?Copy the code
Li Si: Hello! How's it going, Li Si? Li Si -->> WV: How are you doing, Wv? Li Si -- X Zhang SAN: I'm fine, thanks! Li Si-X WV: I'm fine, thanks! Note right of li Si thought for a long time, the text is too long to fit on one line. Li Si -->> Zhang SAN: Looking at Wang Wu... Zhang SAN ->> WANG Wu: Good... How about you, Wang Wu?

Mermaidjs.github. IO /#/ Flowchart…

Graph LR [rectangle] - link - - > B ((round)) -- -- > C (rounded rectangle) B > D {A} diamond C -- - > DCopy the code
Graph LR [rectangle] - link - - > B ((round)) -- -- > C (rounded rectangle) B > D {A} diamond C -- - > D

8. A code block

Java Code Effects

public Demo{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Hello World --- Java"); }}Copy the code

The syntax to achieve

` ` `java
	public Demo(a){
            public static void main(a){
                system.out.println("Hello World"); }} ` ` `Copy the code

Python Code Effects

def main() :
    print("Hello World --- Python")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy the code

The syntax to achieve

	def main() :
            print("Hello World --- Python")  

​	if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy the code

Ctrl + Shift + K

9.LaTeX mathematical formulas

Khan.github. IO /KaTeX/

For example, Pythagorean theorem$$a^2+b^2=c^2$$

a 2 + b 2 = c 2 a^2+b^2=c^2

10. Shortcut keys and syntax summary

Function & Effect To realize the grammar shortcuts
Adjust title level (size) There is no Ctrl +, Ctrl – (+, – keys next to zero)
The title # XXX, ## XXX,… Ctrl + 1、Ctrl + 2、…
The paragraph Just write the words Ctrl + 0
hyperlinks [link]() Ctrl + K
The bold * * * * in bold Ctrl + B
italics * italics * Ctrl + i
The underline <u> Underline </u> Ctrl + u
Delete the line ~~ Delete line ~~ alt Shift + 5
code `code` Ctrl + Shift + ‘(the key below ESC)
The code block Write code in the middle Ctrl Shift + K
Insert the reference > (greater than sign) Ctrl Shift + Q
Insert table |xxx|xxx|xxx| Ctrl + T
Insert rows at the bottom of the table There is no Ctrl + Enter
To move a row up or down in a table There is no Alt + Up and down arrow keys
1. Ordered lists The number +. (Dot) Ctrl Shift + [
Unordered list *, -, and + with Spaces Ctrl Shift + ]
Insert the picture ! [] () Ctrl Shift + i
Remove the style There is no Ctrl + \
Source code schema There is no Ctrl + /
All line There is no Ctrl + L
Skip to the beginning and end There is no Ctr + home, end

Note: All shortcuts in this article are for the Typora editor

11. The anchor

In web pages, anchor points are actually hyperlinks within the page, that is, links to certain elements within the document to achieve a jump in the current page.


## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## foreword ## forewordCopy the code

Not all Markdown editors support this, but we can do it using HTML id attributes + hyperlinks

Such as:

<font id='top'Word-wrap: break-word! Important; "> </font>... [Back to home](#top)Copy the code

Back to the home page

12. Share tips

Remember not to rote as a last resort, remember some commonly used can (focus on understanding), to use other knowledge when their first to explore, learn, really do not know to ask others or to read others’ articles, to have a process of self-learning. Knowledge and people should be flexible and flexible.

When we encounter a program, software, website, want to achieve or know what function to use the mouse left and right click, drag, there is more to click some menu options, or see whether there is a help document. What if I can’t read it in English? How can we run English from the root