Responsiveness is an important part of the MVVM pattern, where a response to an operation on data gives the opportunity to do the next operation based on the response

Object properties are processed in a responsive manner

// Object properties are processed responsively
function reactiveObject(obj, key, val) {
  // If the value of an object is also an object, we will recurse
  Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
    get() {
      console.log("Get attribute:", key, "Values.", val);
      return val;
    set(newVal) {
      if(newVal ! == val) {// Direct assignment needs to be reresponseized
        console.log("Set property:", key, "Values.", newVal); newVal = val; }}}); }Copy the code

Array reactive processing

// Array response processing
function reactiveArray() {
  // Get the original array prototype
  const orgArrayProto = Array.prototype;
  // Back up the array prototype and override method
  const reactiveArrayProto = Object.create(orgArrayProto);
    (method) = > {
      reactiveArrayProto[method] = function() {
        // Execute the array primitive method
        // Trigger change notification
        console.log("Array operation: method:", method, " arguments: ".arguments); }; });return reactiveArrayProto;
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Perform unified responsive processing

// Perform unified response processing
function observe(obj) {
  if (typeofobj ! = ="object" || obj == null) {
  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
    // Perform array responseization
    // Override the array prototype
    obj.__proto__ = reactiveArray();
    for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { observe(obj[i]); }}else {
    // Perform object responseization (loop traversal to responseize each attribute)
    Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) = >reactiveObject(obj, key, obj[key])); }}Copy the code


const person = {
  name: "Xiao Ming".age: [""].address: { city: "bj"}}; observe(person);//1. Directly manipulate object attributes
//2. Operate on nested objects
//3. Assign an object to a property and read it directly
//4. Operation in array 7
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