
When you are old and look back on your life, you will find that when you study abroad, when you decide to take your first job, when you decide to fall in love with someone, and when you get married are all huge changes in your destiny. However, standing at a fork in the road, the day you made your choice appears in your diary as dull and ordinary. At that time, I thought it was an ordinary day in my life.

A project to transform the interview — the Interview Atlas.

The autumn recruitment season of gold nine silver ten is just around the corner, presumably everyone is itching to challenge better job opportunities. Well, the interview must be the biggest challenge.

For an interview, usual accumulation is certainly necessary, but preparation before the interview is also crucial.

A few months ago, I set up a small team and spent nearly half a year looking for interview questions of big companies, screened out nearly 100 knowledge points and translated them into English. Today, finally open source the first version, the total number of words has been as high as more than 100 thousand words. Every member of the team is a front-line engineer, including one from Google.

It can be said that we are confident to make this project the NO. 1 in interview related field. Because all the content did not copy any books, every knowledge point has detailed access to data before written. Later will add more content, as far as possible to cover most knowledge points.

We don’t think it’s going to do much good to just write the back questions. Only familiar with each knowledge point and mastery, in order to interview. At present, this atlas contains nearly 100 high frequency knowledge points, whether it is the preparation before the interview or in daily learning, we believe that it will definitely help you. At present, the content includes JS, network, browser related, performance optimization, security, framework, Git, data structure, algorithm and so on. Whether it is basic or advanced, or source code interpretation, you can get satisfactory answers in this atlas. I hope this interview atlas can help you better prepare for the interview.

The content of the warehouse will continue to be updated, and there will be more content in the future, such as system design, blockchain, operation and maintenance, back-end, etc. Of course, these are not my strengths, I will invite friends with good experience in this field to write content.

The outline

After reading this dense outline, you can’t wait.


  • Complete CSS content
  • Complete the Webapck content
  • Complete the content related to the small program
  • Improve the framework

The above content is expected to be updated in September. You are welcome to participate in the construction of this atlas.

Interview atlas project address, if you think the project is good, you can point a little star to support us, your support is the source of our update power.