String class common methods
1 | char charAt(int index)Returns the char value at the specified index. |
2 | int compareTo(Object o)Compare the string to another object. |
3 | int compareTo(String anotherString)Compare two strings in lexicographical order. |
4 | int compareToIgnoreCase(String str)Compares two strings in lexicographical order, regardless of case. |
5 | String concat(String str)Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string. |
6 | boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb)Return true if and only if the string has characters in the same order as the specified StringBuffer. |
7 | static String copyValueOf(char[] data)Returns a String representing the sequence of characters in the specified array. |
8 | static String copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count)Returns a String representing the sequence of characters in the specified array. |
9 | boolean endsWith(String suffix)Tests whether the string ends with the specified suffix. |
10 | boolean equals(Object anObject)Compares this string to the specified object. |
11 | boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)Compare this String with another String, regardless of case. |
12 | byte[] getBytes()Encode this String as a sequence of bytes using the platform’s default character set and store the result in a new byte array. |
13 | byte[] getBytes(String charsetName)Encodes this String as a sequence of bytes using the specified character set, and stores the result in a new byte array. |
14 | void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin)Copies characters from this string to the target character array. |
15 | int hashCode()Returns the hash code for this string. |
16 | int indexOf(int ch)Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified character in this string. |
17 | int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)Returns the index at the first occurrence of the specified character in this string, starting with the specified index. |
18 | int indexOf(String str)Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring in this string. |
19 | int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring in this string, starting at the specified index. |
20 | String intern()Returns the normalized representation of a string object. |
21 | int lastIndexOf(int ch)Returns the index at the last occurrence of the specified character in this string. |
22 | int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified character in this string, starting at the specified index. |
23 | int lastIndexOf(String str)Returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring in this string. |
24 | int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring in this string, searching backwards from the specified index. |
25 | int length()Returns the length of this string. |
26 | boolean matches(String regex)Tells if the string matches the given regular expression. |
27 | boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)Tests whether two string regions are equal. |
28 | boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)Tests whether two string regions are equal. |
29 | String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)Returns a new string obtained by replacing all oldChar occurrences in the string with newChar. |
30 | String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)Replaces all substrings of this string that match the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
31 | String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)Replaces the first substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
32 | String[] split(String regex)Splits the string based on the match of the given regular expression. |
33 | String[] split(String regex, int limit)Splits the string based on matching the given regular expression. |
34 | boolean startsWith(String prefix)Tests whether the string starts with the specified prefix. |
35 | boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset)Tests whether substrings of this string starting at the specified index start with a specified prefix. |
36 | CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex)Returns a new sequence of characters that is a subsequence of this sequence. |
37 | String substring(int beginIndex)Returns a new string that is a substring of the string. |
38 | String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)Returns a new string that is a substring of the string. |
39 | char[] toCharArray()Converts this string to a new character array. |
40 | String toLowerCase()The rules that use the default locale convert all characters in this String to lowercase. |
41 | String toLowerCase(Locale locale)Converts all characters in this String to lowercase using the rules for the given Locale. |
42 | String toString()Returns the object itself (which is already a string!) . |
43 | String toUpperCase()The rules that use the default locale convert all characters in this String to uppercase. |
44 | String toUpperCase(Locale locale)Converts all characters in this String to uppercase using the rules for the given Locale. |
45 | String trim()Returns a copy of the string, ignoring leading and trailing whitespace. |
46 | static String valueOf(primitive data type x)Returns the string representation of the given data type x parameter. |
47 | contains(CharSequence chars)Determines whether the specified character series is included. |
48 | isEmpty()Determines whether the string is empty. |
Here are the main methods supported by the StringBuffer class:
1 | Public StringBuffer append(String s) Appends the specified String to this character sequence. |
2 | Public StringBuffer reverse() replaces this character sequence with its reversed form. |
3 | Public delete(int start, int end) remove characters from substrings of this sequence. |
4 | Public insert(int offset, int Iint The string representation of the argument is inserted into this sequence. |
5 | Insert (int offset, String STRstr Parameter is inserted into this sequence. |
6 | Replace (int start, int end, String STRString Replaces characters in substrings of this sequence with characters in |
The following list lists other common methods of the StringBuffer class:
The serial number | Methods described |
1 | Int capacity() Returns the current capacity. |
2 | Char charAt(int index) Returns the value at the specified index in this sequencechar Value. |
3 | Void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) ensures that the capacity is at least equal to the specified minimum. |
4 | Void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] DST, int dstBegin) copies characters from this sequence to target character arraydst . |
5 | Int indexOf(String STR) returns the indexOf the specified substring in the String for the first occurrence. |
6 | Int indexOf(String STR, int fromIndex) returns the indexOf the first occurrence of the specified substring in the String, starting at the specified index. |
7 | Int lastIndexOf(String STR) Returns the index of the specified substring that appears in the rightmost part of the String. |
8 | Int lastIndexOf(String STR, int fromIndex) Mandatory String Last position of the neutron in the object. |
9 | Int length() returns the length(in characters). |
10 | Void setCharAt(int index, char ch) sets the character at the given index toch . |
11 | Void setLength(int newLength) sets the length of the character sequence. |
12 | CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) returns a new character sequence that is a subSequence of this sequence. |
13 | String substring(int start) Returns a new oneString Which contains the character subsequence that this character sequence currently contains. |
14 | String substring(int start, int end) returns a new oneString Which contains the character subsequence that this sequence currently contains. |
15 | String toString() returns a String representation of the data in this sequence. |
Similarities and differences
String: an immutable sequence of characters; The underlying storage is char[]
StringBuffer: variable sequence of strings, thread safe, inefficient; The underlying storage is char[]
StringBuilder: variable string sequence, thread unsafe, high efficiency; The underlying storage is char[]