Policy failure official documentation in using Sharding JDBC to generate distributed ids

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Local YAML configuration

    name: note
    enabled: true
            column: id
            # UUID SNOWFLAKE
            type: SNOWFLAKE
            # Optional configuration
              worker-id: 132
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According to the official configuration, it should be correct to configure a generate column and generate algorithm but it still fails to be inserted into the table because this key is a primary key and cannot be empty. Using this distributed ID generation algorithm, the ID fails to be empty

Configuration is ok so let’s take a look at the Mapper insert layer because using Mybatsi take a look at mapper

/** * Add all fields of the object **@paramOrder inserts field object (must contain ID) *@return int
    @Insert("insert into t_order(id,user_id,order_sn,gmt_create,gmt_update) values(null,#{userId},#{orderSn},#{gmtCreate},#{gmtUpdate})")
    int insert(Order order);
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This is not a problem because we used mysql to increment the ID and now we have a problem with the distributed ID

/** * Add all fields of the object **@paramOrder inserts field object (must contain ID) *@return int
    @Insert("insert into t_order(user_id,order_sn,gmt_create,gmt_update) values(#{userId},#{orderSn},#{gmtCreate},#{gmtUpdate})")
    int insert(Order order);
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Direct SQL layer does not operate ID let Sharding JDBC help us to generate distributed ID after modification, the distributed ID will be generated successfullySharding JDBC Failed to generate distributed IDS

  • Mapper layer error shown above
  • Distributed ids that generate keys or increment cannot increment
  • If the type of ID is not correct, the ID will not be stored. For example, if the snowflake algorithm generates an ID of 18 bits long, you will not be able to store it if you use an int
  • Custom build algorithm error or SPI mechanism cannot find

End hopes to help you