This article is a collection of popular GitHub open source programming books covering computer basics, backend, Python, artificial intelligence, and more.

This article recommends the open source ebook excerpts from my weibo: visit GitHub

01. Free programming books

This open source project is certainly the most popular open source project on GitHub in the programming books resource category with a 230K star. It’s not just popular, it’s the most comprehensive collection of ebooks, it’s not just ebooks some of the highest quality popular blogs are included.…

02. Python tutorial

This guide helps developers get up to speed on Python and provides a manual of best practices for installing, configuring, and using Python for both novice and advanced developers. This open source project introduces the installation and basic usage of Python, as well as many commonly used libraries and frameworks.…

03. Free Index of Programming Chinese books

This open source project is an index of Chinese programming books, now with 90K Star. In addition to Chinese books for each language, books on basic computer knowledge are also available.…

04. Java programming books

This repository contains classic Java data, and if you are a Java developer, you must check out the books in this open source project.…

05. Front-end programming books

A collection of ebooks for front-end personnel, including front-end engineer tool tutorials, design patterns, protocols, and compatibility related books, in addition to front-end basics.…

06. Pytorch tutorial

The corresponding code for the book Deep Learning Framework PyTorch: Getting Started and Doing, but can also be used as a stand-alone PyTorch getting started guide and tutorial.…

07. Build large systems

It is an open source document on “How to build a reliable distributed large-scale software system”. It is a skill map to help developers organize the various knowledge points in the branches of modern software architecture.…

08. Front-end experience summary

Developers open source this project is to the past two years of engineering practice experience and learning experience to make a summary. Hope to make a comprehensive and systematic summary of front-end engineering knowledge.

Most of the short book is explained in the form of theoretical knowledge + code examples + pictures, in an effort to make it easier for readers to understand. In addition, there are a small number of chapters in the theoretical knowledge, there are corresponding practical tutorials.…

09. Pumpkin

Machine Learning (Watermelon Book) is one of the classic introductory textbooks in the field of machine learning. This open source project deduces the formulas in the book, parsing the more difficult formulas in an easy-to-understand way, and adding specific derivation details to some of the formulas.…

10. Historical inventory

Check out GitHub for a fun and interesting open source project every day. GitHub project:…