This is a library of dynamic permission processing plugins for Flutter that allows developers of the Flutter application layer to handle native dynamic permissions in a very simple API. It encapsulates checks on permissions, requests, and when permissions are permanently denied, the appropriate system Settings page is pulled up to prompt the user to manually open permissions. It’s hard to think of a reason not to use it.

Warehouse address: flutter_easy_permission

  • Android
  • iOS


  1. Configure permissions
  2. Check permissions. When calling some apis that require permissions, check whether you have the permissions first
  3. Request permission. If not authorized, these permissions are requested from the user
  4. To deal with the callback

Configure permissions


In the project root directory to open the android/app/SRC/main/AndroidManifest. The XML file, then configure the permissions:

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <! -- Configure permissions here -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
        <! -... -->
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For a detailed explanation of these constants, go here.

To see how permissions are handled on Android, here’s the full documentation.


Open the ios/Runner/ info.plist file in the root directory of the project and configure the permissions you need:

<! DOCTYPEplist PUBLIC "- / / / / DTD PLIST Apple 1.0 / / EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <! -- Configure permissions here -->
	<string>Explain to the user why you need this permission</string>

    <! -... -->
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Note that replacing the contents of the
tag gives the user a reason for needing permission.

For a detailed explanation of iOS permissions, you can check it out here.

This plugin wraps a library of LBXPermission for iOS. Integrating with unused permissions libraries in iOS may not be approved by the App Store, so don’t integrate with unused permissions libraries, so you’ll need to do some configuration.

Open the ios/Podfile file and add the following code.

target 'Runner' do
  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
  # Add the library of permissions you need here
  pod 'LBXPermission/Camera'
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Libraries you can integrate:

pod 'LBXPermission/Camera'
pod 'LBXPermission/Photo'
pod 'LBXPermission/Contact'
pod 'LBXPermission/Location'
pod 'LBXPermission/Reminder'
pod 'LBXPermission/Calendar'
pod 'LBXPermission/Microphone'
pod 'LBXPermission/Health'
pod 'LBXPermission/Net'
pod 'LBXPermission/Tracking'
pod 'LBXPermission/Notification'
pod 'LBXPermission/Bluetooth'
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Once configured, you’ll need to run the install command in your project’s ios directory:

pod install
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Check the permissions

const permissions = [Permissions.CAMERA];
const permissionGroup = [PermissionGroup.Camera];

bool ret = await FlutterEasyPermission.has(perms: permissions,permsGroup: permissionGroup);
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Android and iOS permissions are so different that it’s hard to handle them all together, so you have to handle them separately. The perms parameter corresponds to the Android permission, and the permsGroup parameter corresponds to the iOS permission. Apps can only run on one platform at a time, so you don’t need to worry about clutter.

Note the relationship between apis and libraries. To check permissions associated with requests, you must integrate the corresponding libraries, as shown in the following table:

PermissionGroup Info.plist Integrated lib
Calendar NSCalendarsUsageDescription LBXPermission/Calendar
Reminders NSRemindersUsageDescription LBXPermission/Reminder
Contacts NSContactsUsageDescription LBXPermission/Contact
Camera NSCameraUsageDescription LBXPermission/Camera
Microphone NSMicrophoneUsageDescription LBXPermission/Microphone
Photos NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription LBXPermission/Photo
Location NSLocationUsageDescription


Notification PermissionGroupNotification LBXPermission/Notification
Bluetooth NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription


Request permission to

                    perms: permissions,permsGroup: permissionGroup,rationale:"Test permission requests here");
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To deal with the callback

void initState() {
    super.initState(); _easyPermission = FlutterEasyPermission() .. addPermissionCallback( onGranted: (requestCode,perms,perm){ debugPrint("Android Authorized:$perms");
          debugPrint("iOS Authorized:$perm");
        onDenied: (requestCode,perms,perm,isPermanent){
            FlutterEasyPermission.showAppSettingsDialog(title: "Camera");
            debugPrint("Android Deny authorization:$perms");
            debugPrint("iOS Deny authorization:$perm"); }}); }void dispose() {
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When isPermanent returns true, the system will not pop up the permissions dialog box during the claim limit, so you may need to pop up a dialog box yourself, which will basically tell the user that if you must use this feature, you can go to the system Settings page and re-open the permissions.

On Android, you may also want to implement the onSettingsReturned callback to better handle permission interactions. It is the callback after showAppSettingsDialog is called.


For a complete example, seehere.

You can also see examples of its use in Flutter -scankit

Plug-in development

If you are interested in the development of the Flutter plugin, you can go to my website to check out the course full Stack Flutter Development – Advanced. This course provides an exclusive in-depth explanation of all aspects of Flutter plugin development and explains several practical cases (including the development process of this plugin).

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