
Compare the similarities and differences between vue-router and React-router, so as to better remember the knowledge of both



The installation

npm install vue-router
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Apply it to man.js

import Vue from "vue"
import VueRouter from "vue-router"
//1. Define routes
let routes = [
    path:'/home'.name:'home'.// Name the route,
    meta: {info:'123'}// Route meta information
//2. Create a route instance
let router = new VueRouter({
//3. Mount routes to the root instance
const app = new Vue({
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The installation

npm install react-router-dom
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import {BrowserRouter,Route} from "react-router-dom"
function App(props){
  returnWrap a BrowserRouter or HashRouter <BrowserRouter> <Route Path = around it'/home' component={Home}></Route>
      <Route path='/login' component={Login}></Route>
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The Link tag


<router-link to='/path'<router-link :to= <router-link :to="{path:'/path'}"> Jump link </router-link> // Named route equivalent /user/123 <router-link :to="{name:'user',params:{ userId:123 }}"></router-link> // with query parameters equivalent to /user? name=cat <router-link :to="{name:'user',query:{name:'cat'}}"></router-link> // Replace attributes use router.replace and not router.push <router-link to="/path" replace></router-link>
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When clicked, the tag is added by default. Router-link-active class name, based on which you can add click styles


import {Link} from "react-router-dom"
function App(props){
  return (
    <Link to='/path'> Jump Link </Link> // equivalent /path? name=cat# the - the hash in the component can be through this. Props. The location. The state for the state of the Link
    <Link to={{pathname:'/path',search:'? name=cat'.hash:'#the-hash',state:{info:'123'}}} > < / Link > / / func = > < Link to return object = {location = > ({... location,pathname:'/path'})} > < / Link > / / func = > returns a string < Link to = {location = > `${location.pathname}? name=cat`}></Link> // replace <Link to='/path'Replace > Link </Link>)}Copy the code

Link does not have an active attribute. To have an active attribute, use

import {NavLink} from "react-router-dom"
function App(props){
  return (
    <NavLink to='path' activeClassName='Active state class name'></NavLink>
    <NavLink to='path' activeStyle={{color:'red'}}></NavLink>
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The view components

View component, solve the problem of where the component is rendered when matching to the route


renders the view component that the path matches

// app. vue <template> <div> I am the App component <router-view></router-view> </div> </template> // user.vue <template> <div> I am the user component <router-view></router-view> </div> </template> // name.vue <template> <div> I am the name component </div> </template> // routes <script> const router = new VueRouter({ routes:[ { path:'/user',
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When the route matches /user, the user component is rendered to the router-view location in app.vue

When the path matches /user/name. The location where the name component renders to the router-view in user.vue and the uer component renders to the router-view in app. vuew

Named views can be used when a route renders multiple components

<router-view class='view one'></router-view>
<router-view class='view two' name='a'></router-view>
<router-view class='view three' name='b'></router-view>
const router = new VueRouter({
        path:'/', components:[// remember adding s default:componentOne, a:componentTwo, b:componentThree]}]}) </script>Copy the code


is responsible for matching routes. It is responsible for the rendering location of the Route view. Where is

, the component is rendered

Three ways to render components

<Route component={Home}></Route>// Children ={Home}></Route> <Route><Home></Home></Route>// same as above, regardless of whether there is a match, will renderCopy the code
/ / value is [history,loacation,match] <Route render={value=><Home {... value}></Home>}></Route>Copy the code

The Children method overrides component and Render

Children render regardless of route match, render and Component only render if route match

Route objects


This.$route gets the route object in the component

  • $route.path Absolute path /user/name of the current route

  • $route.params gets the parameters of the dynamic route

    Path :’/user/:id’; this.$ = ‘123’

  • $route.query Retrieves query parameters

    Access/user? Name =123; this.$ =123


In React, to get a routing object, you must withRouter the component

function App(props){
  return (
  	<Route path='/home' component={Home}></Route>
// Home.jsx
import {withRouter} from "react-router-dom"
class Home extends Component{
  render() {return <div>home</div>
export default withRouter(Home)
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Only the withRouter, props of the Home component can have history,location, and match objects

  • history
    • action, the operation of the routing stack can be known asPOP.PUSH.REPLACE
  • location
    • pathnameAbsolute path of the current route
    • searchQuery parameters, access/user? userId=123= > can be got? userId=123
    • hash:#the-hash
    • state: Routing meta information similar to vUEmetaThe information stored here is not displayed in clear text on the browser
  • match
    • paramswhen<Route to='/user/:id'/ component={user}>To access/user/123inuserComponent.this.props.match.params.idYou can get the ID
    • isExactIs the current route a complete match

Programmatic navigation


$route is the route object, and $router is the mount method

  • this.$router.push('/path')
  • this.$router.push({path:'/path'})
  • this.$router.push({name:'user',params:{id:123}})equivalent/user/123
  • this.$router.push({name:'user,query:{name:'123'}'})equivalent/user? name=123
  • this.$router.replace()As above, no new route is added to the routing stack, only the current route is replaced
  • this.$router.go(1)Go one step further, equalhistory.forward()
  • this.$router.go(-1)Take a step back


  • this.props.history.push('/user',{info:123}), the first parameter path, and the second parameter state(similar to vUE routing meta-information)
  • this.props.history.replace(path,state)
  • this.props.history.go(n)equivalentvuerouter
  • this.props.history.goBack()The browser takes a step back
  • this.props.history.forForward()Browser Ahead

Global navigation guard

Used to protect pages that require permissions to access


import Vue from "vue"
import VueRouter from "vue-router"
let router=new VueRouter({
// Route whitelist, pages that can be accessed without permission
let whiteList = ['/login'.'/home']
// Global front-navigation guard, which is called before every jump
router.beforeEach((to,from,next) = >{
  // To is the routing object to be accessed
  // From is the route object to leave
  // The access path is whitelisted and allowed to jump
     next()// Remember to next()
    if(isLogin)// If you have logged in, let it jump
      next('/login')// The login page is displayed if there is no login}}})Copy the code


In routing component, enclosing props. History. Listen (fn) can monitor the change of route, we can in the routing with components, listening routing change, make corresponding jump

// App.jsx
function App(){
// RouterGuard.jsx
import {withRouter,Route} from "react-router"
class RouterGuard extends Component{
  componentDidMount() {this. Unlisten = this. Props. Histroy. Listen ((the location, action) = > {/ / location is routing object, the action is how operation routing of the stacklet{ pathname } = location; // The access path is not whitelisted and there is no loginif(! this.whiteList.includes(pathname)&&! isLogin){ this.props.history.replace('/login')}}); } // When the component is uninstalled, unlistencomponentWillUnmount() {
  render() {return<> // Write the Route <Route path='/home'component={home}></Route> ... // Also use the method getRoue() </>)}} which will be used belowexport default withRouter(RouterGuard)
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React Emulates the way vUE configures routes

// routerConfig.js
import Login from './view/Login';
import Home from './view/Home';
import Root from './view/Root';
let routes = [
	    path: '/'.component: Root,
            children: [{path: '/login'.component: Login,
            		path: '/home'.component: Home,
// Convert route path to absolute path
routes.forEach(item= > {
	if (item.children) { > {
			if(! child.path.startsWith('/')) { child.path = item.path + child.path; }}); }});export default routes
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Write a component that traverses routes and returns the


functionGetRoute (routes){//1. Check whether routes is arrayif(! Array.isArray(routes)){returnnull; } // Iterate over routesletRoutesDom =,index)=>{routesDom =,index)=>let{children,component:Component,render,.. rest} = item;return<Route key={index} {... Rest} render={value=>{// value is [history,location,match, etc. <Component {... Children {getRoute(children)} </Component>}}/>})return<Switch>// The Switch component guarantees that only one route (from top to bottom) {routesDom} </Switch>}export default withRouter(getRoute)
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function App(){
  return (
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Routing meta information

Use the routing meta information to set the title of the page


import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from "vue-router"
let router = new VueRouter({
      meta: {title:'home'}// Route meta information is not displayed in plain text on the browser
router.beforeEach((to,from,next) = >{
  let title = to.meta.title
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Set location.state in the component

This. Props. Location. State = {title: 'front page'}

// Listen for route changes in the root component
  this.unlisten = this.props.history.listen((location,action) = >{
    const {title}=location.state
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Route jump block

When a user enters content in an input on a page and is about to jump to the page before saving it, the route should be blocked


Navigation guard, component exclusive interceptor

beforeRouteLeave(to, from, nexxt) {
  const allowTransition = window.confirm('Sure to jump? ')
  if (allowTransition) {
    next()// Continue to jump
  } else {
    next(false)// Cancel the jump}},Copy the code


componentDidMount(){this.unblock = this.props.history. Block ((localtion,action)=>{// location is the route object to jump toreturn 'leave? '})} // Unlisten when the component is destroyedcomponentWillUnmount() {
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If you want to customize the prompt,

  getUserConfirmation={(message, callback) => {
    // this is the default behavior
    //const allowTransition = window.confirm(message);
    //callback(allowTransition);Message is the message passed by history.block and when you get the message, you can customize modal to pop up to get the user's action callback(Boolean)// True indicates a jump, false indicates no jump}} / >Copy the code


Author: Hu Zhiwu

Time: 2020/05/21

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