The second session (Jun. 5th — Jun. 6th) weekend learning has ended. There are 48 digifiers participating in this session and 83 articles co-written by the author

Without further ado, announce the official list of awards ~

Strength award

As of June 8, Jelge’s IT journey created using Nginx+Keepalived implementation of high availability technology, has been read 2178, liked 46, favorites 60, generated 8 interactive, article comprehensive data score TOP1, won the Learning & Creation award SONY earphone W1-C310.

Lucky draw

In addition to Jie ge’s IT trip, there are 47 people participating in the lucky draw. This lucky draw uses the lucky draw tool randomly, and the final results are as follows

First Post Award

  • TommyKi: Nuggets enamel cup *1

Weekend continuous update 2 day draw

  • A lap ape: Nuggets super large mouse pad *1
  • Nezha: Gold-digging oversized mouse pad *1

Post ≧1 article lucky draw

  • Do not pick the small wild flower by the roadside: nap blanket *1
  • Can’t remember the hui: nap blanket *1

New raffle for all

  • Front brother: Gold enamel cup *1
  • Luo Jiajun: Digger brochure 50% discount code *1
  • Sceneries sceneries sceneries: digging gold pamphlet 50% discount code *1
  • Fox Sauce 56809 (HapPlyfox) : 50% off gold Digger booklet with promo code *1
  • Roll ah: Gold nuggets brochure 50% off code *
  • A Cat A dog: 50 percent off gold digger booklet code *1

Reward collection method

Fill in the questionnaire in the activity group

A little notice

This weekend is Dragon Boat Festival, weekend study activities suspended, wish everyone happy holiday in advance