Android advanced trilogy first “Android advanced light” introduction: click here book source address:…

Why did you write this book

The Android Advanced Trilogy includes the Android Advanced Light and the book, so the reason for writing this book is somewhat related to the Android Advanced Light, mainly including the following points:

  1. Advanced Light of Android is for beginning and intermediate engineers, so I needed to write an advanced book for intermediate and advanced engineers.
  2. At present, most of the system source code analysis books on the market are not written specifically for application development, so I want to write a system source code analysis book specifically for Android application development, not only that, I will also combine the system source code and application development and be well integrated.
  3. At present, most of the source code analysis books on the market are based on the previous version of Android 6.0, which requires a book to analyze the source code of the updated version of the system.

Content abstract

This book mainly introduces Android 8.0 system source code and related knowledge of application development. Android Advanced Decryption is divided into 17 chapters, organized in three areas. On the one hand, the introduction of Android application development needs to master the system source code knowledge, the second side of the INTRODUCTION of JNI, ClassLoader, Java virtual machine, DVM&ART virtual machine and Hook and other technologies, the third side of the introduction of hot repair principle, plug-in principle, drawing optimization and memory optimization and other knowledge points related to application development. The three aspects are linked together and form a body of knowledge that Android developers can use to get the most out of this book.

Android Advanced decryption is suitable for Android application development engineers, Android system development engineers and readers interested in Android system source code.


The cover

The cover was designed by a designer I knew in the game, and it’s a bit of a mystery.


At present, each major mall has been sold in full. Jd tmall Amazon


Due to the limited space of this book, I still have a lot of technical knowledge that I want to talk about that cannot be written in this book. These technical knowledge will continue to be shared on my blog and wechat official account. If you are interested, you can continue to learn on my blog and wechat official account.

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