This is the second day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging
Scope (Scope)
Scope arises from the area in the program source code where variables are declared and is determined during the program compilation phase. Helps query and specify visibility and accessibility of variables during program execution.
There are two working models of scope: static scope and dynamic scope. Javascript uses static scope. The scope of a function is determined at declaration time. Bash scripts use dynamic scope, and function scope is determined at call time.
let a = 1
function foo() {
function bar() {
let a = 2
Copy the code
Static scope: the scope of the function is determined when declared. There is no variable a inside the function foo. Look up the variable a in the global scope according to the scope chain, and output the result 1. Dynamic scope: the scope of the function is determined when called. There is no variable a inside the function foo, because foo is called in bar to look for a variable in the scope of bar, and the output result is 2.
There are three types of scope in Javascript: global scope, function scope, and block-level scope.
Global scope
Any place in the program has access to declared variables in the global scope. Note: When multiple people work together, variables defined globally can cause naming conflicts and pollute the global environment. There are two ways to avoid pollution.
- Create a private namespace to reduce the risk of contamination.
let object = {
name: 'jin line'.getName: function() {}}Copy the code
- Create instant call function expressions (IIFE) as Jquery does…
, using function scope to privatize variables to isolate variables.
(function(obj) {
var name = 'jin line'
var getName = function() {}
console.log(name) // The output is empty
console.log(getName) // The output is empty
Copy the code
Function scope
Variables defined inside a function that are not accessible to the outer scope. Of course, there’s a trick to it: closures. Example:
function closure() {
let name = 'jin line'.return hello() {
console.log('hello,' + name)
let func = closure()
func() // Hello, Jinxing
Copy the code
Block-level scope
ES6 adds the let and const commands to make declared variables accessible only within the current function or code block. Block-level scopes have the following characteristics:
- with
Compared, there is no variable improvement. - Don’t allow
Repeat definition
. - Global definitions
Not bound to Windows
Let’s take a look at the classic interview questions solved using block-level scoping
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(() = > {
console.log(i) / / 5 5})}// Bind I to the block scope of the for loop
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(() = > {
console.log(i) / / 0,1,2,3,4})}Copy the code
The scope chain
The scope mentioned above is defined at definition time. The reason for this is that the function has an internal property [[scopes]] that will save all parent objects when the function is created; When a function is called, the complete scope chain is determined by associating the active object of the current function (initializer Arguments) with all parent variable objects at the time of definition. [[scopes]] as shown in the figure.
The scope chain begins with variable objects for the current environment and ends with variable objects for the global Window environment.
let msg = 'hello,'
function say() {
let name = 'jin line'
return function hello() {
console.log(msg + name)
let hello = say()
hello() / / hello, jin
Copy the code
Name is in the Closure variable object and MSG is in the top-level Script variable object (which is not bound to the window variable object because of the let declaration).
Scope and execution context
The concept of scope and execution context are often confused. As mentioned above, the scope is determined during the program compilation phase, but the execution context is determined during the code execution phase, which is an abstract concept of the environment in which the code is executed. The execution context is mainly managed by the engine to create the execution context stack.
Execution context lifecycle: creation phase, execution phase, reclamation phase.
- Creates the execution context, which contains three properties: variable object, scope chain, and this point.
- Perform variable assignments, function references, and the rest of the code.
- Garbage collection.
Execution context types: global execution context, function execution context, Eval function execution context. Global context: When the program starts to execute, the global context is created and pushed onto the stack, ending the program, and popping off the stack. Function execution context: When each function is called, a corresponding execution context is created. When the call ends, the Eval function is popped off the stack.
function func() {
function hello() {... } func()Copy the code
The scope chain of Javascript depth is the execution context of Javascript depth