Just now! Ant “school recruitment season” hit! In addition to introducing the technical masters of ant, we also invited some people who came to Ant through the school recruitment to share their experience and experience in customs clearance. There may be technical masters of the industry and your direct senior students at any time
“School recruitment season” column will continue to output the “ant school recruitment” rich content, stay tuned!

Hello, everyone. I’m Liu Xinyuan from the Basic security-data security team of Ant Financial. We are honored to be a member of this leading security team, which aims to be the first in Asia and the world. We welcome you to join us and protect the data and privacy security of 1.2 billion Alipay users together with a group of the best partners in the industry.

Youth has no limits, be brave to challenge

My first advice to you is that being young means infinite possibilities and you should be brave enough to try more challenges. Although I am a security man at present, however, who would have thought that my first job is an investment manager.

As a quasi “post-90s”, before the rise of the Internet industry at that time, I “naturally” found a job in investment mergers and acquisitions after graduating from the US graduate school, but the seemingly glamorous job still failed to make me feel sincere love. At that time, Big Data was in the ascendant. Maybe I was young and capricious, or maybe I was interested in it. A year later, I quit the investment job and switched to technology. Before I don’t even know what is SQL, took books unexpectedly fell to appetite, accidentally get an interview, after two days of self-study, lucky to get the top three television and network service provider’s data engineer position, start from the number of warehouse, ETL, the front visualization, in a few months time set up the data application link of the whole department, I was even seconded by another team to do Web development for a while. As an economics major, I learned while working with interest and kept learning more technology stacks. Later, I became interested in the security field and joined the world’s largest cross-border remittance company as a network security engineer.

Up to now, I still feel happy to remember the days when I wrote code and learned new skills while drinking fat house happy water every day.

If you’re offered a seat on a rocket, you don’t ask what seat.

If you’re offered a seat on a rocket, you don’t ask what seat.

This sentence is one of the important reasons why I decided to quit my job in the United States and join ants. By Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google.

Those who can pass Ali and Ant schools must be very excellent students. In the past, there was a famous saying “gold will shine where it is”. However, with the advent of the Internet era, we should upgrade this saying, “platform and own efforts are equally important, or even more important.”

Ant is still a fast growing and iterative startup. During the outbreak, the Alipay Health Code team launched the product for all in just a few days, which impressed everyone with its terrible efficiency and epitomized ant culture as a whole. This outbreak has also created new challenges for our security team. There has never been such a large-scale, multi-regional telecommuting situation, how to ensure the high availability of tens of thousands of formal employees, as well as tens of thousands of outsourced students telecommuting, while ensuring the network and data security level does not drop, it is really a sudden big test. With fast control slow, with diligent remediation, is our ant safety motto. Normal just over half of the Spring Festival holiday, team friends quickly “and gathers”, with the fastest speed according to different business scenarios has established three levels of security solutions, some students stay up for a whole night to set up the proxy server, support user, answering questions during the day and night even in the morning in optimizing code, daily monitoring stability is our Spring Festival, For the first few days of telecommuting, we were almost always on 24/7 call. This is the responsibility of ant safety man.

The only constant here is change, the challenge is greater, the harvest is greater. Together, we hold the bottom line of safety and challenge the limits of growth.

All this interview stuff

After all, this is an interview post, and ultimately, it’s about talking about your interview experience. Since I have been working in the US before JOINING Ant, my experience may be slightly different from yours, but I believe the main points are the same:

1. Be prepared and confident

Most of the students recruited by the school have no actual work experience, so the recruitment process may be more focused on their own technical strength and logical ability test, but it is still recommended that you carefully dig out some research projects or topics during the school, as brief as possible to explain your role and achievements in the middle. Don’t take on too many projects, but to refine, choose their most satisfying experience, also can reflect their advantages.

In addition, during the interview process, be confident. Of course, confidence is definitely not ego. Believe in your ability, but remain humble and curious about technology. In addition, to do things really master, know the chest, is the foundation of confidence.

2. Have your own thinking about the projects, research topics and technologies you have studied

During the interview process, you should avoid giving a description of your experience that is too descriptive. To reflect their in-depth thinking, technical selection considerations, the real problems to be solved behind the topic, as well as their precipitation and summary, are more able to leave a good impression on the interviewer.

Be curious and keep learning

The security field is characterized by a process of confrontation. External attacks are ever-changing, new 0-day appears every day, and the internal system is also rapidly iterating. This requires a strong sense of curiosity and drive to cope with changing challenges.

Finally, I hope you can relax and calmly deal with the interview. Of course, ali’s interviewers are very nice people, so don’t be nervous. I wish you all a smooth interview and satisfactory offer. I believe that as long as you have the ability and progress, you will find yourself in the ant platform of the opportunity to shine.

Join us


Students who graduated between November 2020 and October 2021

Job Type:

1. System security engineer: Blockchain security, mobile security, IoT security and other directions

2. Data security Engineer: MPC, privacy technology, applied cryptography, etc

3. AI security engineer: Face recognition security, federal machine learning security and other directions

4. Applied Algorithm Engineer: Data mining, machine learning, CV, NLP, etc

Working Place:

Hangzhou, Beijing and so on

Contact us:

Resume email: [email protected]

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