• The.sync modifier in Vue is an important syntactic sugar for quick communication between components

  • When all we need to do is have the child component change the state of the parent, the code is easier to tell that it will be extended to a V-ON listener that automatically updates the parent component’s properties

  • $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit = $emit

<Child :money="total" v-on:update:money="total = $event"/>
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  • If.sync is used
<Child :money.sync="total"/>
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  • Please click the link for specific cases

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