The React – native official demo

  • Install Java JDk1.8. x, Python 2.7.x, Android-Studio, android-SDK

  • Configure JDK, Android environment variables.

  • Install the react – native – cli (1.2.0)

  • Install react-native (0.55.4) // Install react-native (0.55.4) // Install react-native (0.55.4)

  • The emulator in Android Studio does not run when the device is connected (using real machine debugging).

  • Configure adb environment variables (easy to query device connections in any CMD window)

    • Note: I downloaded adb tool by myself before, but found that it did not match the ADB version in SDK, and reported an error.
    • Use the adB. exe tool provided in the SDK platform-tools directory.
  • Test the device connection

    • The adb devices for
      List of devices attached
      6EB0217705000686        device
      Copy the code

      The device is connected.

    • If the display
      List of devices attached
      Copy the code

      It indicates that no device is connected

    • If the connection is offline, run the following command:
      adb kill-server
      adb start-server
      Copy the code

      Restart the service.

  • Initialize the project using the React-native CLI scaffolding

    react-native init youProjectName
    Copy the code
  • Modify the react-native dependency package version

    NPM install react-native@0.55.4Copy the code
  • Compile and run the project

    react-native run-android
    Copy the code

    Wait for compilation and installation (the initial compilation and installation takes a long time, perhaps more than ten minutes)

  • Welcome to React Native! With the words.