The React – native official demo
Install Java JDk1.8. x, Python 2.7.x, Android-Studio, android-SDK
Configure JDK, Android environment variables.
Install the react – native – cli (1.2.0)
Install react-native (0.55.4) // Install react-native (0.55.4) // Install react-native (0.55.4)
The emulator in Android Studio does not run when the device is connected (using real machine debugging).
Configure adb environment variables (easy to query device connections in any CMD window)
- Note: I downloaded adb tool by myself before, but found that it did not match the ADB version in SDK, and reported an error.
- Use the adB. exe tool provided in the SDK platform-tools directory.
Test the device connection
- The adb devices for
List of devices attached 6EB0217705000686 device Copy the code
The device is connected.
- If the display
List of devices attached D:\\react-native\my_first_app> Copy the code
It indicates that no device is connected
- If the connection is offline, run the following command:
adb kill-server adb start-server Copy the code
Restart the service.
- The adb devices for
Initialize the project using the React-native CLI scaffolding
react-native init youProjectName Copy the code
Modify the react-native dependency package version
NPM install react-native@0.55.4Copy the code
Compile and run the project
react-native run-android Copy the code
Wait for compilation and installation (the initial compilation and installation takes a long time, perhaps more than ten minutes)
Welcome to React Native! With the words.