• In jailbreak environment, how to list all the current processes of the system, mobile phone default is not supported.

  • Adv-cmds needs to be installed via Cydia, it should be installed by default, if not, you need to install it manually

  • Once installed, the operations are as follows:

    • List all processes

      $ ps -A
      Copy the code
      IPhone :~ root# ps-a PID TTY TIME CMD ···· 5372? 0:17. 11 / Applications/Cydia. App/Cydia · · · · · ·Copy the code
    • Search keywords

      $ps - A | grep keywords (support fuzzy search,Copy the code
      The iPhone: ~ root# ps - A | grep Cydia PID TTY TIME CMD · · · · · · 5372?? 0:17. 39 / Applications/Cydia. App/Cydia 5751 ttys000 0:00. 01 grep Cydia · · · · · ·Copy the code
    • Note: It is normal that the card master will not move when you run the command to obtain the list, but it will not in general. After jailbreak, the card master will not move when you run the command for the first time, so you need to wait for a while.

    • Note: Do not copy command lines with Chinese characters directly to the terminal of the mobile phone. Deleting Chinese characters will also cause problems. In fact, the terminal of the mobile phone deletes dirty Chinese characters.

    • Process ID: is the PID column. (e.g. 5372)

    • The process path is the CMD column,

    • Process name: The file name at the end of each process path is the process name. (for example: / Applications/Cydia app/Cydia process name is Cydia)

    • Note: 5751 ttys000 0:00.01 grep Cydia this Cydia is not inside the process name, usually find a full path (/ Applications/Cydia app/Cydia) of the line, that is behind the process name