The first time I came across the word proxy, I was setting up the browser proxy. Today, I noticed that this word also appeared in the new ES6 syntax, so I decided to study how this magic thing is used. After learning, in the xiaobian simple understanding, it is similar to the security guard at the gate of the community, and only when the conditions are met can the release be allowed. In data, there is a rule for getting a value or setting a value. You can also follow my wechat public number, Snail Quanzhan.

Es5 handles proxy syntax

let obj = {}
Object.defineProperty(obj,'name', {// The parameters are the object itself, the object value, the get and set methods
        return "GET IT"
        console.log("SET")}})console.log( 666 GET IT
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Es6 basic syntax

let obj = {}
let p = new Proxy(obj,{}) // The parameters are the object to be proxied and the proxied rule 'lilei'
console.log( // lilei
for(let key in obj){
    console.log(key) // name
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1. Proxy GET

let arr = [7.8.9]
arr = new Proxy(arr,{
    get(target,prop){ // Target indicates the current array prop is the current index
        return prop in target ? target[prop] : 'error'}})console.log(arr[1]) / / 8
console.log(arr[10]) // error
let dict = {
    "hello":"Hello"."world":"The world"

dict = new Proxy(dict,{
        return prop in target ? target[prop]:prop

console.log(dict["hello"]) / / how are you
console.log(dict["school"]) // school
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2, proxy set: must have a return value, the return value is Boolean

let arr = []
arr = new Proxy(arr,{
        if(typeof val === 'number'){
            target[prop] = val
            return true
            return false
console.log(arr[0],arr[1],arr.length) // 5 6 2 does not break the original method
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3, agent has

 let range = {

range = new Proxy(range,{
       return  prop >= target.start && prop <= target.end

console.log(2 in range) // true
console.log(9 in range) // false
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4. Proxy ownKeys

// Hide attributes within the object that begin with an underscore
let userinfo = {
    username:"lilei".age:34._password:"* * *" // Simulate the private property

userinfo = new Proxy(userinfo,{
        return Object.keys(target).filter(key= >! key.startsWith("_"))}})for(let key in userinfo){
    console.log(key) // name age

Object.keys(userinfo) // name age
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5, agent deleteProperty: the effect of delete

let user = {
    name:"lilei".age:34._password:"* * *"
user = new Proxy(user,{
    deleteProperty(target,prop){ // Intercept delete operation, need to return a Boolean value
        if(prop.startsWith("_")) {throw new Error("Undeletable")}else{
            delete target[prop]
            return true}}})try{
    delete user._password
    console.log(e.message) // Cannot be deleted
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6. Comprehensive examples

let user = {
    name:"lilei".age:34._password:"* * *"

user = new Proxy(user,{
        if(prop.startsWith("_")) {throw new Error("Inaccessible")}else{
            return target[prop]
    set(target,prop,val){ // set must return a value
        if(prop.startsWith("_")) {throw new Error("Inaccessible")}else{
            target[prop] = val
            return true}},deleteProperty(target,prop){ // Intercept delete operation, need to return a Boolean value
        if(prop.startsWith("_")) {throw new Error("Delete")}else{
            delete target[prop]
            return true}},ownKeys(target){
        return Object.keys(target).filter(key= >! key.startsWith("_"))}})console.log( // lilei
console.log(user._password) // Error: inaccessible
user.age = 18
console.log(user.age) / / 18
// user._password = "&&&" // Error
    user._password = && "&"
    console.log(e.message) // Not accessible

    delete user._password
    console.log(e.message) // Cannot be deleted
for(let key in user){
    console.log(key) // ["name","age"]
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7, agent apply

let sum = (. args) = > {
    let num = 0
    args.forEach(item= > {
        num += item
    return num
sum = new Proxy(sum,{
    apply(target,ctx,args){ // Target, context, parameters of the proxy
        returntarget(... args) *2}})console.log(sum(1.2)) / / 6
console.log( // 12 Call function arguments
console.log(sum.apply(null[1.2.3])) // 12 Calls an array of the current function arguments
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Agent Construct: Acts on new

let User = class{
    constructor(name){ = name
User = new Proxy(User,{
    construct(target,args,newTarget){ // The object must be returned
        return newtarget(... args) } })console.log(new User("lilei")) // starting... User{name:"lilei"}
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