
In a twinkling of an eye, into the code farming industry has been ten years. Li Xiaolai teacher said: seven years for a lifetime. I’ll just extend it to ten years.

Looking back on my ten-year career, I can roughly divide it into four stages:

  1. Ignorant: From a semi-liberal arts student, graduated from normal school and entered IT(not called Internet at that time) this industry.
  2. Muddle: Set limits and work happily in circles you have drawn for yourself.
  3. Go big: Get out of your comfort zone and start a career with a bunch of friends… Although the end is dismal, but never regret.
  4. Flatness: Recognize your limitations, pursue inner peace, and focus on your growth.

The next seven years

It can be said that in the past ten years, most of my energy was devoted to the growth of my own technology, ignoring a lot of things and missing a lot of scenery. Come to Ali, see some people, some things, I also learned to stop to think. Especially when I first listened to a lecture on “cognitive upgrading” given by Little Brother Ma, it had a great impact on my previous cognition. The “cognitive pyramid” model has also become a basic model for me to recognize things. I also learned a lot from some excellent students and saw a lot of things. Their world outlook, outlook on life and values are gradually being repaired.

In terms of my next seven years, I think about what I want to do based on what I want to do with my life, and I think it’s altruism. I need to pay more attention to the external environment and people and things. Focus on your intimate relationships. Focus on what you can bring to others.

Talk about the career growth of programmers

Ten years of career, I have experienced a lot, feeling a lot. Stand at the starting point of the next seven years, set a Flag for yourself, write a programmer career growth series based on their own perception. First, I want to summarize my feelings and write them down to improve my output ability. In addition, I also hope to help some students with the same experience.

Therefore, the following preliminary preparation will talk about my cognition from the following aspects:

  1. About thinking
  2. About learning
  3. About the logic
  4. To solve the problem
  5. The efficiency of performance
  6. Workplace relations
  7. Bonus soft skills

I hope that more students can also publish their own views and feelings on the programmer career, common communication, learning, progress.