This happened in 2007 at my first company. Write it out today, I hope it has a warning effect on programmers. Always remember that the programmer’s world is not only about code, but also about routines.

The anguish of a senior engineer

On my first day in the company, Haozi took me through the entry procedures. As a key engineer in the company, Hao Zi is very familiar with the business of the company and has very deep attainments in software development. The staff turnover of the company is relatively large, and Haozi is the kind of person who can keep his temper, and gradually becomes famous in the industry.

The words that Hao Zi once instructed me are still very helpful to me now. “In a company, don’t focus on what’s in front of you. Think about what you want to be paid next year, and what you need to do now to get that pay,” Says Haozi.

Hao Zi’s position in the company is also very awkward. There’s a manager on top and he can’t go up. With his ability and seniority, he would have entered the management level in another company long ago. The so-called senior engineer, just a name, hands without resources can not do much.

The rival firm will double the salary

Because it is haozi to take me, so I have a good relationship. One day after work, Haozi asked me to drink. Haozi said, this time is to say goodbye. Because I found a new company, the salary will be double. I know that at that time Haozi’s salary was about 6K, or 12K if you double it. Considering that the housing price in Shenzhen was around 8K at that time, this salary was enough.

Hao Son to talk to the company, the company to retain. But when Haozi proposed to double his salary, the company refused without hesitation. It’s understandable. How many companies have the audacity to double their employees’ wages? I asked haozi which company to go to, Haozi shut up. I have a sneaking feeling there’s something here that I can’t tell you.

Haozi left, the front of the market soon came the news. Hao Zi indeed job-hopping to the rival company, in technology to create a great competition for the company.

Rivers and lakes have how much, how deep the routine

About half a month later, Hiroko came to me out of the blue and told me he had lost his job. A question, the original haozi went to the rival company, the company boss instil customers to dig haozi. Salary according to haozi’s requirements to 16K. Hao Zi did not know is a plan, readily agreed. So hao son resigns from rival company, plan to join original company customer. When Haozi took the resignation certificate to the customer’s company to work there, to find a reason for the customer, refused. Haozi said that he was dumbfounded at that time. In this way, Haozi lost his job.

How can programmers avoid exit routines

First, employees and companies are basically a business. Businessmen can’t afford to be early without profit. If you really take the company as your own, it is really too simple. When you decide to leave, there are a few rules you should follow:

1. A good horse never goes back. Since he resigned, he should leave resolutely. No matter how much money the boss offers, don’t stay.

2. Don’t believe in free pie from the sky. Figure out what value you can add to the company, and the company will only pay you if you add value to the company.

3. When appropriate, dare to use the weapon of law to protect yourself.


The above happened, although more than a decade has passed, but still vivid. Ten years is so short that it has gone by in a twinkling. It has been 4 months and 27 days since I resigned from my last company and started my own business. I often share my experience on my wechat public account “Great Programmer”. I have failed to start my own business twice. I have a lot of experience to share with you. I will summarize and share it with you in the future. If you think it’s good, give it a thumbs up. Thank you.